Islands of the Indian OceanSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:Used for:- Indian Ocean Islands
- Islands -- Indian Ocean
Filed under: Islands of the Indian Ocean Indian Ocean: Five Island Countries (third edition, 1995), ed. by Helen Chapin Metz Africa: Being an Accurate Description of the Regions of Aegypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid, the Land of Negroes, Guinee, Aethiopia and the Abyssines, With All the Adjacent Islands, Either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern or Oriental Sea, Belonging Thereunto (London: Printed by T. Johnson for the author, 1670), by John Ogilby (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Madagascar -- Description and travelFiled under: Mauritius -- Description and travelFiled under: Kerguelen IslandsFiled under: Madagascar The Malagasy Republic: Hour of Independence (1960), by Ambassade de France Service de Presse et d'Information (multiple formats at History of Madagascar: Compriing Also the Progress of the Christian Mission Established in 1818, and an Authentic Account of the Recent Martyrdom of Rafaravavy, and of the Persecution of Native Christians (2 volumes; London: Fisher, Son, and Co., ca. 1838), by William Ellis The Island of Madagascar: A Sketch, Descriptive and Historical (New York: J. B. Alden, 1883), by J. W. Phelps
Filed under: Madagascar -- Church history -- Juvenile literature The Martyrs' Isle, or Madagascar: The Country, the People, and the Missions (London: London Missionary Society, 1909), by Annie Sharman Filed under: Madagascar -- Economic conditionsFiled under: Madagascar -- FictionFiled under: Madagascar -- History
Filed under: Madagascar -- History -- 1885-1960Filed under: Madagascar -- History -- Hova rule, 1810-1885 History of Madagascar: Compriing Also the Progress of the Christian Mission Established in 1818, and an Authentic Account of the Recent Martyrdom of Rafaravavy, and of the Persecution of Native Christians (2 volumes; London: Fisher, Son, and Co., ca. 1838), by William Ellis
Filed under: Madagascar -- History -- Hova rule, 1810-1885 -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Madagascar -- History -- To 1810 History of Madagascar: Compriing Also the Progress of the Christian Mission Established in 1818, and an Authentic Account of the Recent Martyrdom of Rafaravavy, and of the Persecution of Native Christians (2 volumes; London: Fisher, Son, and Co., ca. 1838), by William Ellis Memoirs and Travels of Mauritius Augustus, Count de Benyowsky (Dublin: Printed by W. Porter for P. Wogan et al., 1790), by Maurice Auguste Benyowsky, trans. by William Nicholson (page images with commentary at
Filed under: Epic literature, Malagasy -- Madagascar -- Imerina -- History and criticism
Filed under: Folk literature, Malagasy -- Madagascar -- Imerina -- History and criticismFiled under: Madagascar -- Social life and customs
Filed under: Ambanja (Madagascar) -- Religious life and customsFiled under: Ancestor worship -- Madagascar -- AmbanjaFiled under: Spirit possession -- Madagascar -- Ambanja
Filed under: Christian martyrs -- Madagascar -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Economic assistance, French -- Madagascar
Filed under: Bara (Malagasy people) -- Social life and customs
Filed under: Merina (Malagasy people) -- Folklore
Filed under: Sakalava (Malagasy people) -- ReligionFiled under: Sakalava (Malagasy people) -- Rites and ceremoniesFiled under: Sakalava (Malagasy people) -- Social conditionsFiled under: Kinship -- MadagascarFiled under: Lemurs -- Madagascar On Recently Discovered Subfossil Primates from Madagascar (extract from Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 1908), by Herbert F. Standing, contrib. by Grafton Elliot Smith Filed under: Missions -- Madagascar Zanahary in South Madagascar (second edition; Minneapolis: Board of Foreign Missions, 1935), by Andrew S. Burgess (page images at HathiTrust) History of Madagascar: Embracing the Progress of the Christian Mission and an Account of the Persecution of the Native Christians (abridged from a work by Ellis, with additional material; Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, c1839), contrib. by William Ellis (page images at HathiTrust) The Widowed Missionary's Journal: Containing Some Account of Madagascar, and Also, A Narrative of the Missionary Career of the Rev. J. Jeffreys, Who Died on a Passage from Madagascar to the Isle of France, July 4, 1825, Aged 31 Years (Southampton: Printed for the author, 1827), by Keturah Jeffreys (multiple formats at History of Madagascar: Compriing Also the Progress of the Christian Mission Established in 1818, and an Authentic Account of the Recent Martyrdom of Rafaravavy, and of the Persecution of Native Christians (2 volumes; London: Fisher, Son, and Co., ca. 1838), by William Ellis
Filed under: Missions -- Madagascar -- Juvenile literature The Martyrs' Isle, or Madagascar: The Country, the People, and the Missions (London: London Missionary Society, 1909), by Annie Sharman Filed under: Missions -- Madagascar -- Periodicals
Filed under: Oral tradition -- Madagascar -- ImerinaFiled under: Paleontology -- Madagascar On Recently Discovered Subfossil Primates from Madagascar (extract from Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 1908), by Herbert F. Standing, contrib. by Grafton Elliot Smith
Filed under: Persecution -- Madagascar -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Primates, Fossil -- Madagascar On Recently Discovered Subfossil Primates from Madagascar (extract from Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 1908), by Herbert F. Standing, contrib. by Grafton Elliot Smith Filed under: Sex role -- Madagascar
Filed under: Mozambique Channel -- Fiction
Filed under: Mauritius -- HistoryFiled under: Mauritius -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Legislative bodies -- MauritiusFiled under: Parliamentary practice -- MauritiusFiled under: Slavery -- Mauritius
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