James, Henry, 1843-1916 -- Criticism and interpretationSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: James, Henry, 1843-1916 -- Criticism and interpretation Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2011), ed. by Dennis Tredy, Annick Duperray, and Adrian Harding A Superficial Reading of Henry James: Preoccupations with the Material World (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2006), by Thomas J. Otten (PDF at Ohio State) Henry James: A Critical Study (New York: A. and C. Boni, 1915), by Ford Madox Ford The Troubled Union: Expansionist Imperatives in Post-Reconstruction American Novels (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2010), by John Morán González (PDF at Ohio State) Visions of Global America and the Future of Critical Reading (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2009), by Daniel T. O'Hara (PDF at Ohio State) After the Vows Were Spoken: Marriage in American Literary Realism (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1984), by Allen F. Stein (PDF at Ohio State) The Challenge of Bewilderment: Understanding and Representation in James, Conrad, and Ford, by Paul B. Armstrong
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: James, Henry, 1843-1916 Henry James (London: Nisbet and Co., c1916), by Rebecca West (multiple formats at archive.org) American Prose Masters: Cooper, Hawthorne, Emerson, Poe, Lowell, Henry James (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1909), by W. C. Brownell (page images at HathiTrust) Short Studies of American Authors (enlarged edition; Boston: Lee and Shepard; New York: C. T. Dillingham, 1888), by Thomas Wentworth Higginson Roman Spring: Memoirs (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1934), by Margaret Chanler (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: James, Henry, 1843-1916 -- Correspondence
Filed under: James, Henry, 1843-1916 -- Travel -- Italy
Filed under: Motion picture plays Six Screenplays (Berkeley: University of California Press, c1997), by Robert Riskin, ed. by Patrick McGilligan (HTML at UC Press) How to Write Photoplays (Philadelphia: Royal Pub. Co., c1916), by Carl Charlton The Art of Sound Pictures (New York and London: D. Appleton and Co., c1930), by Walter B. Pitkin and William Moulton Marston, contrib. by Jesse L. Lasky (page images at HathiTrust) Der Film: Seine Mittel, Seine Ziele (in German; Berlin: Schuster und Loeffler, 1921), by Urban Gad (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) How to Write a Photoplay (Chicago: Photoplaywrights' Ass'n of America, c1914), by Arthur Winfield Thomas, contrib. by B. P. Schulberg
Filed under: Śaivism -- Hymns -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: 'Abd al-Latif, Shah, approximately 1689-approximately 1752 -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Achebe, Chinua -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Aeschines -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Aguilar, Grace, 1816-1847 -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Aimeric, de Peguilhan, approximately 1170-approximately 1230 -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882 -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Akhmatova, Anna Andreevna, 1889-1966 -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Alameddine, Rabih -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Albers, Josef -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Allison, Dorothy -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Allward, Walter Seymour, 1876-1955 -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941 -- Criticism and interpretation Sixteen Modern American Authors: A Survey of Research and Criticism Since 1972 (followup volume to a 1974 survey; Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1990), ed. by Jackson R. Bryer, contrib. by Walter B. Rideout, James Leslie Woodress, Brom Weber, James L. W. West, Stuart Y. McDougal, Philip G. Cohen, David Krause, Karl F. Zender, Reginald Lansing Cook, John P. McWilliams, Bruce Stark, John Henry Raleigh, John J. Espey, Ellsworth Barnard, Warren G. French, Joseph N. Riddel, Linda Wagner-Martin, and Richard S. Kennedy (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Andrade, Mário de, 1893-1945 -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 1970- -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Aristophanes -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Arlt, Roberto, 1900-1942 -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888 -- Criticism and interpretation Arnold's Poetic Landscapes (originally published 1969; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Alan Roper (PDF files with commentary at Project MUSE) Matthew Arnold, John Ruskin, and the Modern Temper (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1973), by Edward Alexander Matthew Arnold the Ethnologist (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, c1951), by Frederic E. Faverty (PDF with commentary at Northwestern) The Age of Eclecticism: Literature and Culture in Britain, 1815-1885 (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2009), by Christine Bolus-Reichert (PDF at Ohio State) Hebrew and Hellene in Victorian England: Newman, Arnold, and Pater (1969), by David J. DeLaura (HTML at Victorian Web) The Alien Vision of Victorian Poetry: Sources of the Poetic Imagination in Tennyson, Browning, and Arnold (1952), by E. D. H. Johnson (HTML at Victorian Web)
Filed under: Art, French -- 19th century -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Artists -- France -- 19th century -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Ashoona, Shuvinai, 1961- -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Atwood, Margaret, 1939- -- Criticism and interpretation
Filed under: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817 -- Criticism and interpretation Jane Austen: Reflections of a Reader (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2021), by Nora Bartlett, ed. by Jane Stabler (multiple formats with commentary at Open Book Publishers) Disciplining Love: Austen and the Modern Man (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2008), by Michael Kramp (PDF at Ohio State) Re-Reading Box Hill: Reading the Practice of Reading Everyday Life (2000), ed. by William H. Galperin (PDF at Romantic Circles) In the Pride of the Moment: Encounters in Jane Austen's World (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1990), by John A. Dussinger (PDF at Ohio State) Jane Austen's Novels: The Fabric of Dialogue (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1962), by Howard S. Babb An Interview With Anne Mellor (2014), by Anne K. Mellor, ed. by Roxanne Eberle (HTML at Romantic Circles) Imagining Minds: The Neuro-Aesthetics of Austen, Eliot, and Hardy (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2010), by Kay Young (PDF at Ohio State)
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