Jews -- France -- BiographySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Jews -- France -- Biography
Filed under: Jews -- France -- Compiègne -- Biography
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Jews -- France Transactions of the Parisian Sanhedrim: Or, Acts of the Assembly of Israelitish Deputies of France and Italy, Convoked at Paris by an Imperial and Royal Decree (London: C. Taylor, 1807), by Assemblée des Israélites de France et du Royaume d'Italie, ed. by Diogène Tama, contrib. by F. D. Kirwan Le Juif: Le Judaïsme et la Judaisation des Peuples Chrétiens (in Frencgh; Paris: H. Plon, 1869), by R. Gougenot Des Mousseaux (page images at HathiTrust) De la Reforme Politique des Juifs (in French, with additions by the translator; Dessau: Librairie des Auteurs et des Artistes, 1782), by Christian Wilhelm von Dohm, trans. by Jean Bernoulli (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- France -- Compiègne -- Personal narratives
Filed under: Jewish children in the Holocaust -- France -- Compiègne -- BiographyFiled under: Malmed, Léon, 1937-Filed under: Jews -- France -- History
Filed under: Judaism -- France -- History -- 19th centuryFiled under: Jews -- France, Northern -- HistoryFiled under: Jews -- France -- Miscellanea The Original Mr. Jacobs: A Startling Exposé (New York: Minerva Pub. Co., c1888), by T. T. Timayenis Filed under: Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- France
Filed under: Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- France -- Personal narratives
Filed under: Jews -- Emancipation -- FranceFiled under: Jews -- Persecutions -- France
Filed under: Jews -- Biography A Citizen of Yiddishland: Dovid Sfard and the Jewish Communist Milieu in Poland (Berlin et al.: P. Lang, c2020), by Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov, trans. by Paul Glasser Students, Scholars and Saints (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1928), by Louis Ginzberg
Filed under: Hasidim -- Biography
Filed under: Hasidim -- Anecdotes To Know and To Care, by Eliyahu Touger and Malka Touger Filed under: Hasidim -- Soviet Union -- BiographyFiled under: Hasidim -- Ukraine -- Biography
Filed under: Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Chronology
Filed under: Righteous Gentiles in the Holocaust -- Psychology -- CongressesFiled under: Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Poland -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- PsychologyFiled under: Jews -- 20th century -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- Belarus -- Polatsk -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- Canada -- Biography
Filed under: Jews -- Czech Republic -- Prague -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- Czech Republic -- Uherský Brod -- Biography Geschichte der Juden in Ungarisch-Brod (in German; Vienna: M. Waizner und Sohn, 1905), by Adolf Frankl-Grün Filed under: Jews -- Germany -- Biography
Filed under: Jews -- Germany -- Altona -- Biography Chachme AHW: Biographien und Grabsteiningschriften der Dajanim, Autoren und der Sonstigen Hervorragenden Männer der Drei Gemeinden Altona, Hamburg, Wandsbek (in Hebrew with German translation; Hamburg: Goldschmidt, 1908), by Eduard Duckesz, trans. by Salomon Goldschmidt Filed under: Jews -- Germany -- Hamburg -- Biography Chachme AHW: Biographien und Grabsteiningschriften der Dajanim, Autoren und der Sonstigen Hervorragenden Männer der Drei Gemeinden Altona, Hamburg, Wandsbek (in Hebrew with German translation; Hamburg: Goldschmidt, 1908), by Eduard Duckesz, trans. by Salomon Goldschmidt Filed under: Jews -- Germany -- Wandsbek -- Biography Chachme AHW: Biographien und Grabsteiningschriften der Dajanim, Autoren und der Sonstigen Hervorragenden Männer der Drei Gemeinden Altona, Hamburg, Wandsbek (in Hebrew with German translation; Hamburg: Goldschmidt, 1908), by Eduard Duckesz, trans. by Salomon Goldschmidt Filed under: Jews -- Great Britain -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- Hungary -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- Islamic countries -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- Louisiana -- New Orleans -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- Mediterranean Region -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- New York (State) -- Kings County -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- Rhode Island -- Newport -- BiographyFiled under: Jews -- United States -- Biography Jacob H. Schiff: A Study in American Jewish Leadership (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, c1999), by Naomi W. Cohen (page images and PDF at Brandeis) Distinguished Jews of America (2 volumes, with slightly different subtitles and publisher locations; 1917-1918), ed. by Jacob Pfeffer, contrib. by Albert M. Friedenberg (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) From Plotzk to Boston (Boston: W. B. Clarke and Co., 1899), by Mary Antin, contrib. by Israel Zangwill (Gutenberg text) The Promised Land (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1912), by Mary Antin Reminiscences (Cincinnati: Leo Wise and Co., 1901), by Isaac Mayer Wise, ed. by David Philipson (PDF at
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