Justification -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Justification -- Early works to 1800- A treatise of iustification· By George Dovvname, Doctor of Divinity and Bishop of Dery (London : Printed by Felix Kyngston for Nicolas Bourne, and are to be sold at his shop, at the south entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1633), by George Downame (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A treatise tending to cleare the doctrine of iustification. Written by Io. Forbes, pastour of the English Church at Middelburgh, for the instruction of his flocke: and now published by some of them for the good of others (At Middelburgh : Printed by Richard Schilders, 1616), by John Forbes (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The banner of justification displayed: or; a discourse, concerning the deep, and important mystery of the justification of a sinner wherein the severall causes thereof, being both numerous and various, are from the first to the last diligently enquired after, and their severall contributions towards so great and happy a work, clearly distinguished, and assigned to their proper causes (respectively.) and more particularly is shewed, how God, how the grace of God, how the decree of God, how the soveraign authority of God; how Christ, how the active obedience [of] Christ, how the passive obedience of Christ, how the resurrection of Christ, how the knowledge of Christ; how the spirit of God, how faith, how repentance, how works, how remission of s[in,] how the word, how the minister of the word, how the P[ope?] himself which is justified, may all truly, though upon severall accounts, and after different manners, be sayed to justifie. (London : printed by E.C. and are to be sold by H Ever[sden ..., 1659]), by John Goodwin (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A godlie and fruitfull treatise of faith and workes. Wherein is confuted a certaine opinion of merit by workes, which an aduersary to the gospell of Christ Iesu, held in the conference, had in the Tower of London (London : Printed [by H. Bynneman] for Gregory Seton, and are to be sold at his shop vnder Aldersgate, 1583), by fl. 1583 H. D. and Henry Dod (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Patrick's Places. English ([[London] : Imprented in fletestrete by me Robert Redman, [1534?]]), by Patrick Hamilton and John Frith (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Patrick's Places. English (At London : Printed by William White dwelling in Cow-lane neare Holborne Condite, and are there to be solde, 1598), by Patrick Hamilton, John Frith, and I. D. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A Scriptural and rational account of the Christian religion particularly concerning justification only by the propitiation and redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ. (London : Printed for Jonas Lundey ..., 1695), by Edward Harley (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A learned discourse of iustification, workes, and how the foundation of faith is overthrowne. By Richard Hooker, sometimes fellow of Corpus Christi College in Oxford (At Oxford : Printed by Joseph Barnes, and are to be sold by John Barnes, dwelling neere Holborne Conduit [, London], 1612), by Richard Hooker, Henry Jackson, and John Spenser (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The true light shining in darkness and dispelling the mists of errour arising from the darkness of man's heart, &c. promoted by the prince of darkness against the truth of God; in the matter of our justification: shewing, that by the deeds of the law, or mans own righteousness, no flesh can or shall be justified in the sight of God. The first part. By Tho. Taylor, the meanest and unworthiest of the servants and ministers of Jesus Christ; and now pastor to a small congregational church in Cambridge. (London : printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey near Cheapside, 1693), by Thomas Taylor (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Vom höchsten artikel. English ([Wesel? : H. Singleton?, 1555?]), by O. Werdmüller and Miles Coverdale (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The confession of faith contending how the troubled man should seeke refuge at his God, thereto led by faith: with the declaratio[n] of the article of iustification at length. ... Compiled by M. Henry Balnaues of Halhill, & one of the Lords of session, and Counsell of Scotland, being as prisoner within the old pallaice of Roane: in the yeare of our Lord. 1548. Direct to his faithfull brethren, being in like trouble or more ... (Imprinted at Edinburgh : By Thomas Vautrollier, 1584), by Henry Balnaves and John Knox (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Aphorismes of justification, with their explication annexed wherein also is opened the nature of the covenants, satisfaction, righteousnesse, faith, works, &c. : published especially for the use of the church of Kederminster in Worcestershire / by their unworthy teacher Ri. Baxter. (Hague : Printed by Abraham Brown, 1655), by Richard Baxter (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Of justification four disputations clearing and amicably defending the truth against the unnecessary oppositions of divers learned and reverend brethren / by Richard Baxter ... (London : Printed by R.W. for Nevil Simmons ... and are to be sold by him ... and by Nathaniel Elkins ..., 1658), by Richard Baxter (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The Scripture Gospel defended, and Christ, grace, and free justification vindicated against the libertines ... in two books : the first, a breviate of fifty controversies about justification ... : the second upon the sudden reviving of antinomianism ... and the re-printing of Dr. Crisp's sermons with additions ... / by Richard Baxter ... (London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst ..., 1690), by Richard Baxter (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A defence of the doctrine of justification, by faith in Jesus Christ: shewing, true Gospel-holiness flows from thence. Or, Mr. Fowler's pretended design of Christianity, proved to be nothing more then to trample under foot the blood of the Son of God and the idolizing of man's own righteousness. As also, how while he pretends to be a minister of the Church of England, he overthroweth the wholesom doctrine contained in the 10th. 11th. and 13th. of the Thirty Nine Articles of the same, and that he falleth in with the Quaker, and Romanist, against them. By John Bunyan. ([London] : Printed for Francis Smith, at the Elephant and Castle, without Temple-Bar, 1673), by John Bunyan (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Truth's triumph over Trent (Printed at London : [By R. Young] for Henry Taunton, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard, 1632), by Henry Burton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Truth's triumph ouer Trent: or, the great gulfe betweene Sion and Babylon That is, the vnreconcileable opposition betweene the Apostolicke Church of Christ, and the apostate synagogue of Antichrist, in the maine and fundamentall doctrine of iustification, for which the Church of England Christs spouse, hath iustly, through Gods mercie, for these manie yeares, according to Christs voyce, separated her selfe from Babylon, with whom from henceforth she must hold no communion. By H.B. rector of S. Mathews Friday-Street. (London : Printed [by Robert Young] for Mich. Sparke, 1629), by Henry Burton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The doctrine of justification by faith through the imputation of the righteousness of Christ, explained, confirmed, & vindicated by John Owen ... (London : Printed for R. Boulter ..., 1677), by John Owen (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Vindiciae fidei, or A treatise of iustification by faith wherein that point is fully cleared, and vindicated from the cauils of it's aduersaries. Deliuered in certaine lectures at Magdalen Hall in Oxford, by William Pemble, Master of Arts of the same house: and now published since his death for the publique benefit. (Oxford : Printed by Iohn Lichfield and William Turner, for Edward Forrest, 1625), by William Pemble and Richard Capel (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Vindiciæ gratiæ. = A plea for grace More especially the grace of faith. Or, certain lectures as touching the nature and properties of grace and faith: wherein, amongst other matters of great use, the maine sinews of Arminius doctrine are cut asunder. Delivered by that late learned and godly man William Pemble, in Magdalen Hall in Oxford. (London : Printed by R. Young for I. Bartlet, at the golden Cup in Cheape-side, 1627), by William Pemble and Richard Capel (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Christos dikaiosynåe, or, Jesus Christ given of God the Father for our justification explained, confirmed, and applyed (very briefly) in one sermon to the satisfaction of some judicious hearers, for whose sake chiefly and at whose earnest request, it is made publick. (London : Printed for Thomas Passenger ..., 1667), by Thomas Pichard and Thomas Pritchard (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Of justification. (Imprinted at London : By Thomas Creede, for Ralphe Iackson, dwelling in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Swanne, 1599), by Johannes Piscator (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Institutio puerilis. (Oxford : Printed by Iohn Lichfield for Edward Forrest, 1635), by John Downe, Nathaniel Baxter, fl. 1635 Bayly, and Marc-Antoine Muret (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Pacification touching the doctrinal dissent among our united brethren in London being an answer to Mr. Williams and Mr. Lobb both, who have appealed in one point (collected for an error) to this author, for his determination about it : together with some other more necessary points falling in, as also that case of non-resistance, which hath always been a case of that grand concern to the state, and now more especially, in regard to our loyalty to King William, and association to him, resolved, on that occasion / by Mr. John Humfrey. (London : Printed for T. Parkhurst ..., 1696), by John Humfrey (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The righteousness of God revealed in Gospel, or, An impartial enquiry into the genuine doctrine of St. Paul in the great, but much controverted article of justification / by Mr. John Humfrey. (London : Printed for T. Parkhurst ..., 1697), by John Humfrey (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Ultimas manus being letters between Mr. John Humphrey, and Mr. Samuel Clark, in reference to the point of justification : written upon the occasion of Mr. Clark's printing his book upon that subject, after Mr. Humfrey's book entituled The righteousness of God, and published for vindication of that doctrine wherein they agree, as found, by shewing the difference of it from that of the Papist, and the mistakes of our common Protestant : in order to an impartial and more full understanding of that great article, by the improvement of that whereto they have attained, or correction of any thing wherein they err, by better judgments : together with animadversions on some late papers between Presbyterian and Independent, in order to reconcile the difference, and fix the Doctrine of Christ's satisfaction. (London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst ..., 1698), by John Humfrey (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Viewe of mans estate. (Imprinted at London : By H. Bynneman, for Lucas Harison and George Bishop, Anno. 1574), by Andrew Kingsmill and Francis Mills (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- St. Paul's travailing pangs, with his legal-Galatians, or, A treatise of justification wherein these two dissertions are chiefly evinced viz. 1. That justification is not by the law, but by faith, 2. That yet men are generally prone to seek justification by the law : together with several characters assigned of a legal and evangical spirit : to which is added (by way of appendix) the manner of transferring justification from the law to faith / by Zach. Mayne ... (London : Printed by M.I. for Ioseph Leigh ..., 1662), by Zachary Mayne (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Overthrow of the justification of workes and of the vain doctrin of the merits of men. ([London] : Newlye set foorthe and alowed accordynge to the order appoynted in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions [by Ihon Tysdale], Anno 1561), by John Véron (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Of the creatures liberation from the bondage of corruption. Wherein is discussed I. What is most probably meant by (the creature.) II. The vanitie or corruption from which it shall be delivered, and its unwillingnesse to that vanitie. III. The manner or way of its deliverance. IV. What creatures are conceived as most capable of this, and of their use after restauration. V. And lastly is discussed that glorious libertie of the sonnes of God into which the creature is to be reduced. Discursu philosophico--theologico, by John Waite, B.D. (Printed at York : by Tho: Broad, and are to be sold at his shop near Common-Hall-Gates, 1650), by John Waite (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A plain and familiar discourse on justification being the substance of four sermons, preach'd at the morning-lecture, at Pinners-Hall, in Broad street, the third, tenth, seventeenth, and twenty fourth days of September, 1693 / by Elias Keach. (London : Printed for John Harris ..., 1694), by Elias Keach (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- An ansvveare vnto certaine crabbed questions pretending a reall presence of Christ in the Sacramente: latelie propounded by some secret papist, to the great troubling of the consciences of the simple, together with a discouerie of the Jesuiticall opinion of justification, guilefully vttered by Sherwyne at the time of his execution. Gathered and set foorth by Peter Whyte, very necessary & profitable for this dangerous time. (London : Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe and Henry Kirkham, & are to be sold at his shop at the little north doore of S. Paule, [1582]), by Peter White (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The method of grace in the justification of sinners. Being a reply to a book written by Mr. William Eyre of Salisbury: entituled, Vindiciæ justificationis gratuitæ, or the free justification of a sinner justified. Wherein the doctrine contained in the said book, is proved to be subversive both of law and Gospel, contrary to the consent of Protestants. And inconsistent with it self. And the ancient apostolick Protestant doctrine of justification by faith asserted. By Benjamin Woodbridge minister of Newbery. (London, : Printed by T,R. and E.M. for Edmund Paxton in Pauls-Chain, right over against the Castle Tavern, near Doctors Commons, 1656), by Benjamin Woodbridge (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The honey-combe of free justification by Christ alone collected out of the meere authorities of Scripture and common and unanimous consent of the faithfull interpreters and dispensers of Gods mysteries upon the same, especially as they expresse the excellency of free justification / preached and delivered by Iohn Eaton ... (London : Printed by R.B. at the charge of Robert Lancaster ..., 1642), by John Eaton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Impvtatio fidei. Or a treatise of justification wherein ye imputation of faith for righteousness (mentioned Rom: 43.5.) is explained & also yt great question largly handled. Whether, ye actiue obedience of Christ performed to ye morall law, be imputed in justification or noe, or how it is imputed. Wherein likewise many other difficulties and questions touching ye great busines of iustification viz ye matter, & forme thereof etc are opened & cleared. Together wth ye explication of diuerse scriptures, wch partly speake, partly seeme to speake to the matter herein discussed by John Goodwin, pastor in Coleman-street. (London : Printed by R.O. And G.D. And are to be sold by Andrew Crooke at the Greene Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1642), by John Goodwin and George Glover (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A treatie of iustification. Founde emong the writinges of Cardinal Pole of blessed memorie, remaining in the custodie of M. Henrie Pyning, chamberlaine and general receiuer to the said cardinal, late deceased in Louaine. Item, certaine translations touching the said matter of iustification, the titles whereof, see in the page folowing (Lovanni : Apud Ioannem Foulerum, Anno. 1569), by Reginald Pole and Thomas Copley (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Animadversions on that part of Mr. Robert Ferguson's book entituled The interest of reason in religion which treats of justification in a letter to a friend. (London : Printed by T.R. for Walter Kettilby ..., 1676), by William Allen (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The Christians justification stated shewing how the righteousness of Christ, the Gospel-Covenant, faith, and God himself, do operate to our justification / by W.A. (London : Printed by A.C. for Walter Kettilby ..., 1678), by William Allen (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A glass of justification, or The vvork of faith with povver. Wherein the apostles doctrine touching justification without the deeds of the law, is opened; and the sence in which gospel-obedience, as well as faith, is necessary to justification, is stated. Wherein also the nature of that dead faith is detected, by which multitudes that hope for salvation are (as is to be feared) deceived; and the true nature and distinguishing properties of the faith of Gods elect, is handled. Finally, the doctrine of the imputation of faith for righteousness is herein also briefly discussed; and the great wisdom and folly of men about the proof of their faith, touched ... By William Allen, a poor servant to the Lord Jesus. (London : printed by G. Dawson, for Francis Smith, and are to be sold at his shop, in Flying Horse Court in Fleetstreet, near Chancery-Lane end, 1658), by William Allen (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A treatise of iustification Tending to proue that a sinner is iustified before God, onely by Christs righteousnes imputed. By William Bradshaw. (London : Printed by Thomas Creede, for William Bladon, and are to be sold at his shop, neere the great North-dore of S. Pauls Church, at the signe of the Bible, 1615), by William Bradshaw (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Gospel-marrow, the great God giving himself for the sons of men: or, The sacred mystery of redemption by Jesus Christ, with two of the ends thereof, justification & sanctification. Doctrinally opened and practically applied. Wherein (among many other useful and profitable truths) the unhappy controversie of the times about the extent of Christs death is modestly and plainly discussed and determined for the satisfaction of those who are willing to receive it. To which is added three links of a golden chain. As it was lately held forth to the Church of God at Great Yarmouth. / By John Brinsley, minister of the Gospel there. (London, : Printed by S. Griffin for Richard Tomlins, and are to be sold at the sign of the Sun and Bible near Pye-Corner., 1659), by John Brinsley (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- An exposition of the 28. verse of the third chapter of the epistle to the Romans Wherein is manifestly proued the doctrine of iustification by faith, and by faith onely. By Francis Bunny, one of the prebendaries of the Cathedrall Church of Durham. (London : Printed by William Stansby, for Henry Fetherstone, 1616), by Francis Bunny (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Yahweh Tsidkenu or The plain doctrin of the justification of a sinner in the sight of God; justified by the God of truth in his holy word, and the cloud of witnesses in all ages. Wherein are handled the causes of the sinners justification. Explained and applied in six and twenty sermons, in a plain, doctrinal and familiar way, for the capacity, and understanding of the weak and ignorant. By Charles Chauncy president of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge in New-England. (London : printed by R.I. for Adoniram Byfield, at the sign of the Three Bibles in Corn-hill, 1659), by Charles Chauncy (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- [An apology for the treatise, called A triall of faith. Concerning the precedency of repentance for sinne, before faith in Christ for pardon] ([London : N. Okes for S. Man, 1624]), by William Chibald (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A short dialogue, wherein is proved, that no man can be saved without good vvorkes (At Oxford : Printed by Ioseph Barnes, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Crowne, by Simon Waterson [in London], 1604), by Jeremy Corderoy (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Mr. Baxters Aphorisms exorcized and anthorized. Or An examination of and answer to a book written by Mr. Ri: Baxter teacher of the church at Kederminster in Worcester-shire, entituled, Aphorisms of justification. Together with a vindication of justification by meer grace, from all the Popish and Arminian sophisms, by which that author labours to ground it upon mans works and righteousness. By John Crandon an unworthy minister of the gospel of Christ at Fawley in Hant-shire. Imprimatur, Joseph Caryl. Jan: 3. 1654. (London; : Printed by M.S. and are to be sold by T: Brewster at the three Bibles in Pauls Church-yard: and L. Chapman at the Crowne in Popes-head Alley., 1654), by John Crandon (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The apostles Paul and James reconciled in the point of justification, and the controversies about it among Christians amicably composed ([London? : s.n., 1670]), by Charles Gataker (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A most glorious representation of the incomparable free grace of Christ, faithfully, fully, and freely offering himself, at all times, by all manner of means, to all sorts of sinners, under the sound of the gospel. Answering all objections, of all sorts of men, which formerly kept them from coming to Him. Stating the question about universall redemption, in an unusuall way, whereby to escape the rocks on both sides, on which many have split: confuting them that do denie justification by faith; and others assertion of eternall actuall justification, before men do beleeve. Setling many cases of conscience that arise in a perplexed soul about his inward spirituall condition. And lastly prescribing severall divine soliloquies, and soul-wrastlings with Christ, whereby to fall in, and fully close with him by faith. Lisenced by authoritie. (London : Printed by M: Symmons, 1650) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A friendly conference between a Paulist and a Galatian in defence of the Apostolical doctrine of justification by faith without works : against many specious exceptions of the modern Galatians : wherein the question, whether the gospel be a new law is modestly discussed and determined in the negative / by Thomas Danson ... (London : Printed for Samuel Crouch ..., 1694), by Thomas Danson (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The orthodox doctrine concerning iustification by faith asserted and vindicated: wherein the book of Mr. William Eyre, one of the ministers of New Sarum, is examined: and also the doctrine of Mr. Baxter concerning justification is discussed. / Written by John Eedes, minister of the Gospel. (London, : Printed for Henry Cripps and Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at their shop in Popes-Head Alley., 1654), by John Eedes (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rusticus ad academicos. Appendix (London : Printed for Robert Wilson, 1660), by Samuel Fisher (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A treatise of justifying righteousness in two books ... : all published instead of a fuller answer to the assaults in Dr. Tullies Justificatio Paulina ... / by Richard Baxter. (London : Printed for Nevil Simons and Jonath. Robinson ..., 1676), by Richard Baxter and Christopher Cartwright (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rich: Baxter's confesssion [sic] of his faith, especially concerning the interest of repentance and sincere obedience to Christ, in our justification & salvation. VVritten for the satisfaction of the misinformed, the conviction of calumniators, and the explication and vindication of some weighty truths. (London, : Printed by R.W. for Tho. Underhil, and Fra. Tyton, and are to be sold at the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, and at the three Daggers in Fleetstreet., 1655), by Richard Baxter (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Rich. Baxter's admonition to Mr. William Eyre of Salisbury; concerning his miscarriages in a book lately written for the justification of infidels, against M. Benj. Woodbridge, M. James Cranford and the author. (London, : Printed by A.M. for Thomas Underhill, at the Anchor and Bible ... and Francis Tyton, at the three Daggers ..., 1654), by Richard Baxter (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- True doctrine of justification. Part 2 (London, : Printed for Thomas Vnderhill, at the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, 1654), by Anthony Burgess (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- An exposition of the nineth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans: wherein by the tenor and carriage of the contents of the said chapter, from first to last, is plainly shewed and proved, that the Apostles scope therein, is to assert and maintain his great doctrine of justification by faith, and that here he discourseth nothing at all concerning any personal election or reprobation of men, from eternity. By John Goodvvin, minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (London, : Printed by John Macock, for Henry Cripps, and Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at their shop in Popes-head Alley., 1653), by John Goodwin (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A sermon preached in the countie of Suffolke before the clergie and laytie, for the discouerie and confutation of certaine strange, pernicious, and hereticall positions, publikely deliuered, held, and maintayned, touching iustification, by a certaine factious preacher of Wickam Market, in the said countie, by which, diuers, especially of the vulgar, farre and neare, were greatly seduced. With a plaine and manifest resolution of the said point, as also an answere vnto the obiections vsed and produced, to maintayne the said dangerous position. And lastly, a three-fold reflection of the text, according to the present occasion. By P. Gunter, preacher of the Word of God, in the countie of Suffolke. Seene and allowed. (London : Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, 1615), by Peter Gunter (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Discourse concerning the imputation of Christ's righteousness to us, and our sins to Him. Part 2. Postscript. (London : printed by S.R. for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in the St. Paul's Church-yard, 1678), by Thomas Hotchkis (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Jacobs ladder. (London : Printed by William Hall, for Nathaniel Butter, 1611) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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