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Filed under: Knights and knighthood
Filed under: Knights and knighthood -- Drama The Two Noble Kinsmen, by John Fletcher and William Shakespeare, ed. by C. F. Tucker Brooke (Gutenberg text) The Two Noble Kinsmen (London: Printed by T. Cotes for J. Waterson, 1634), by John Fletcher and William Shakespeare (HTML and page images with commentary at The Two Noble Kinsmen (New York: Harper and Bros., 1884), by John Fletcher and William Shakespeare, ed. by W. J. Rolfe Ivanhoe (libretto, some music, and commentary), by Julian Sturgis and Arthur Sullivan (multimedia at Gilbert and Sullivan Archive) Filed under: Knights and knighthood -- Fiction The White Knight: Tirant Lo Blanc, by Joanot Martorell and Martí Joan de Galba, trans. by Robert S. Rudder (Gutenberg text) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, by Mark Twain (multiple editions) The Once and Future King (c1958), by T. H. White (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) The Black Arrow, by Robert Louis Stevenson The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1923), by Robert Louis Stevenson, illust. by N. C. Wyeth (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Knight of St. John: A Romance (3 volumes; London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Browne, 1817), by Anna Maria Porter The Life of Sir Aglovale de Galis (London: Methuen and Co., c1905), by Clemence Housman Musta Nuoli (The Black Arrow in Finnish; c1913), by Robert Louis Stevenson (Gutenberg text) Sir Cleges; Sir Libeaus Desconus: Two Old English Metrical Romances Rendered Into Prose (London: D. Nutt, 1902), trans. by Jessie L. Weston, illust. by Caroline Watts Ivanhoe, by Walter Scott
Filed under: Knights and knighthood -- Great Britain -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Knights and knighthood -- Juvenile fiction Otto of the Silver Hand (illustrated; New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1914), by Howard Pyle (multiple formats at The Gold of Fairnilee, by Andrew Lang (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images) In the Court of King Arthur (1918), by Samuel E. Lowe, illust. by Neil O'Keeffe (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Stories from the Faerie Queene, by Mary Macleod, contrib. by Edmund Spenser and John W. Hales, illust. by Arthur G. Walker (illustrated HTML at Knight's Castle (author died in 1964; c1956), by Edward Eager (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) A Knight of the White Cross, by G. A. Henty (Gutenberg text) The White Dove: A Tale (Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, n.d.), by Christoph von Schmid (page images at
Filed under: Knights and knighthood -- Spain -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Knights and knighthood -- Juvenile literature King Arthur's Knights: The Tales Retold for Boys and Girls, by Henry Gilbert, illust. by Walter Crane Filed under: Knights and knighthood -- Juvenile poetryFiled under: Knights and knighthood -- Poetry Ami and Amile: A Medieval Tale of Friendship (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, c1996), trans. by Samuel N. Rosenberg and Samuel Danon, contrib. by David Konstan (page images at HathiTrust) The Faerie Queene, by Edmund Spenser (HTML at Renascence Editions) Torrent of Portyngale (EETS extra series #51; London et al.: Pub. for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner, and Co., 1887), ed. by E. Adam (Gutenberg text) Idylls of the King, by Alfred Lord Tennyson (Gutenberg text) Lancelot, or, The Knight of the Cart, by Chrétien de Troyes, trans. by William Wistar Comfort (HTML at Morien, ed. by Jessie L. Weston (PDF at In Parentheses) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, ed. by J. R. R. Tolkien and E. V. Gordon (HTML at Michigan) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (with modern prose translation), ed. by Karen Arthur and Ian Lancashire (HTML at Toronto) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, trans. by William Allan Neilson (PDF at In Parentheses) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, trans. by Jessie L. Weston (PDF at In Parentheses) Amis and Amiloun, Robert of Cisyle, and Sir Amadace, ed. by Edward E. Foster (HTML at Op. I. (Oxford: B. H. Blackwell (Adventurers All Series), 1916), by Dorothy L. Sayers (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers) Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales, ed. by Thomas Hahn (HTML at Four Middle English Romances: Sir Isumbras, Octavian, Sir Eglamour or Artois, Sir Tryamour, ed. by Harriet Hudson (HTML at The Middle English Breton Lays, ed. by Anne Laskaya and Eve Salisbury (HTML at Pearl, Cleanness, Patience and Sir Gawain, Reproduced in Facsimile From the Unique Ms. Cotton Nero A.x in the British Museum (EETS original series #162; London: Printed for the Early English Text Society by H. Milford, Oxford University Pres, 1923), ed. by Israel Gollancz (multiple formats at Filed under: Knights and knighthood in literature
Filed under: Knights and knighthood in literature -- Sources
Filed under: Ministerials -- Austria -- Salzburg -- History
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Chivalry French Chivalry: Chivalric Ideas and Practices in Mediaeval France (originally published 1940; open access edition Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019), by Sidney Painter (HTML and PDF files with commentary at Project MUSE) Ritterzeit und Ritterwesen (2 volumes in German; Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1823), by Johann Gustav Büsching Knights at Court: Courtliness, Chivalry, and Courtesy from Ottonian Germany to the Italian Renaissance (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), by Aldo D. Scaglione (HTML at UC Press) Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Chivalry, by Thomas Bulfinch (Gutenberg text) The History of Chivalry (second edition; London: Colburn and Bentley, 1830), by G. P. R. James (illustrated HTML with commentary at The History of Chivalry (New York: Harper and Bros., n.d.), by G. P. R. James (Gutenberg text) La Chevalerie (third edition, in French; Paris: H. Welter, 1895), by Léon Gautier (multiple formats at La Chevalerie (edition de luxe, in French; Paris: Féchoz et cie, 1896), by Léon Gautier (page images at HathiTrust)
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