Korea (North) -- Politics and governmentSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower term:Used for:- Politics of North Korea
- Government of North Korea
Filed under: Korea (North) -- Politics and government The Division System in Crisis: Essays on Contemporary Korea (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2011), by Paek Nak-Chong, contrib. by Bruce Cumings (HTML and PDF with commentary at UC Press) North Korea: A Case Study in the Techniques of Takeover (Dept. of State Publication 7118, Far Eastern Series 103; Washington: GPO, 1961), by United States Department of State (page images at HathiTrust) North Korea's Political and Economic Structure (New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1959), by Philip Rudolph (page images at HathiTrust) The Hidden Gulag: Exposing North Korea's Prison Camps: Prisoners' Testimonies and Satellite Photographs (second edition; Washington, DC: U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, c2012), by David R. Hawk (PDF at hrnk.org) The Hidden Gulag: Putting Human Rights on the North Korea Policy Agenda: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, First session, November 4, 2003 (Washington: GPO, 2003), by United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs With the Century, by Kim Il Song (divided into 8 parts: PDF files at korean-books.com)
Filed under: Korea (North) -- Politics and government -- 1948-1994
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Korea (North) North Korea: A Country Study (fifth edition, 2008), ed. by Robert L. Worden North Korea: A Country Study (fourth edition, 1994), ed. by Andrea Matles Savada
Filed under: Heads of state -- Korea (North) -- Biography With the Century, by Kim Il Song (divided into 8 parts: PDF files at korean-books.com) Filed under: Korea (North) -- Economic conditions
Filed under: Korea (North) -- Foreign relations -- Soviet UnionFiled under: Korea (North) -- Foreign relations -- United States
Filed under: Korea (North) -- History -- 1948-1994 In North Korea: First Eye-Witness Report (New York: Soviet Russia Today, 1949), by Anna Louise Strong Filed under: Korea (North) -- History -- 2011-Filed under: Forced labor -- Korea (North) -- HistoryFiled under: Internment camps -- Korea (North) -- HistoryFiled under: Political prisoners -- Korea (North) -- HistoryFiled under: Prisons -- Korea (North) -- History
Filed under: Defectors -- Korea (North) -- InterviewsFiled under: Forced labor -- Korea (North) The Hidden Gulag: Putting Human Rights on the North Korea Policy Agenda: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, First session, November 4, 2003 (Washington: GPO, 2003), by United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs Filed under: Freedom of religion -- Korea (North)Filed under: Kim, Il-sŏng, 1912-1994
Filed under: Kim, Il-sŏng, 1912-1994 -- PhilosophyFiled under: Human rights -- Korea (North) Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2014), by United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Microsoft Word documents with commentary at ohchr.org) The Hidden Gulag: Putting Human Rights on the North Korea Policy Agenda: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, First session, November 4, 2003 (Washington: GPO, 2003), by United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs Filed under: Internment camps -- Korea (North)Filed under: Justice, Administration of -- Korea (North)Filed under: Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Campaigns -- Korea (North)
Filed under: Changjin Reservoir (Korea) -- History, Military -- 20th centuryFiled under: Nationalism -- Korea (North)Filed under: Political persecution -- Korea (North)Filed under: Political prisoners -- Korea (North)Filed under: Prisons -- Korea (North) The Hidden Gulag: Putting Human Rights on the North Korea Policy Agenda: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, First session, November 4, 2003 (Washington: GPO, 2003), by United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Filed under: Refugees -- Korea (North) -- InterviewsFiled under: Socialism -- Korea (North)Filed under: Soviet Union -- Foreign relations -- Korea (North)Filed under: United States -- Foreign relations -- Korea (North)Filed under: War crimes -- Korea (North)
Filed under: Aboriginal Australians -- Politics and governmentMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |