Labor unions -- DisciplineHere are entered works on discipline within labor unions. Works on disciplinary actions taken by employers against their employees are entered under Labor discipline. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Labor unions -- Discipline
Filed under: Labor unions -- Officials and employees -- Discipline
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Labor unions World Labor Today: Highlights of Trade Unions on Six Continents, 1945-1952 (New York: League for Industrial Democracy, c1952), by Robert J. Alexander (multiple formats at Constitution, Adopted at the First Annual Convention, Held at Webster Hall Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 29-30 November and 1-2 December, 1937 (union had shorter name at its founding; New York: International Office, ca. 1937), by United Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Employees of America (PDF at World Labor Unity (New York: Social science Publishers, c1926), by Scott Nearing (page images at HathiTrust) Industrial Unionism: An Address Delivered at Grand Central Palace, New York, Sunday, December 10, 1905 (New York: New York Labor News Co, ca. 1905), by Eugene V. Debs (multiple formats at Indiana) The Royal Road to Emancipation: All Wage Slaves may Start Now (London: Industrial Workers of the World, n.d.), by E. L. Pratt (multiple formats at Socialist Landmarks: Four Addresses (New York: New York Labor News Co., 1952), by Daniel De Leon (page images at HathiTrust) Labor and the War: American Federation of Labor and the Labor Movements of Europe and Latin America (Washington: American Federation of Labor, 1918), by American Federation of Labor (multiple formats at One Big Union of the I. W. W., by Industrial Workers of the World (HTML at MSU) Trade Unionism and Anarchism: A Letter to a Brother Unionist (Chicago: Social Science Press, 1908), by Jay Fox (page images at HathiTrust) The Labor Movement in America (third edition; New York: T. Y. Crowell and Co., c1886), by Richard T. Ely (multiple formats at The Labor Movement in America (third edition; New York: T. Y. Crowell and Co., ca. 1890), by Richard T. Ely (multiple formats at The Labor Movement in America (new edition; New York and London: Macmillan, 1905), by Richard T. Ely (multiple formats at Syndicalism (Chicago: W. Z. Foster, ca. 1913), by Earl C. Ford and William Z. Foster The Conquest of Poverty, by Henry Hazlitt (PDF at
Filed under: Labor unions -- Argentina
Filed under: Labor unions -- Australia How Labour Governs: A Study of Workers' Representation in Australia (London: Labour Pub. Co., 1923), by V. Gordon Childe
Filed under: Labor unions -- California
Filed under: Labor unions -- Congresses International Congress of Workers in the Food and Drink Trades (1920), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at Ninth Congress of the International Federation of Hat Makers (1921), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at Official Report of the Proceedings of the American Labor Union (fifth and sixth conventions, 1902-1903), by American Labor Union (partial serial archives) Report of Proceedings, by Trades Union Congress (partial serial archives) The 15th Congress of the General Confederation of Labour (Confédération Générale du Travail) (1920), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at The Fourth International Congress of Bookbinders (1920), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at International Congress of General Factory Workers (1921), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at International Railwaymen's Congress: London, November 29-30, 1920 (1921), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at The Miners' International (Geneva, 2nd to 6th August, 1920), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World (selected conventions, 1905-1919), by Industrial Workers of the World (partial serial archives) The Tenth International Congress of Textile Workers (Paris, 19 to 24 September 1921) (1921), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at The International Congress of Metal Workers (1920), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at The Ninth International Congress of Metal Workers (Lucerne, 8 August 1921) (1921), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at The Programme and Organization of the Christian Trade Unions of Germany (Congress at Essen 20-24 November 1920) (1921), by International Labour Office (multiple formats at
Filed under: Labor unions -- Directories
Filed under: Labor unions -- Europe
Filed under: Labor unions -- Europe, Eastern
Filed under: Labor unions -- Fiction
Filed under: Labor unions -- France
Filed under: Labor unions -- Germany
Filed under: Labor unions -- Great Britain Trades' Unions and Strikes: Their Philosophy and Intention (London: The author, 1860), by T. J. Dunning Report of Proceedings, by Trades Union Congress (partial serial archives) Unemployment and Trade Unions (London et al.: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1910), by Cyril Jackson, contrib. by Alfred Milner What We Want and Why (London et al.: W. Collins Sons and Co., c1922), by Ethel Snowden, J. H. Thomas, Robert Williams, Tom Mann, J. Bromley, and Noah Ablett
Filed under: Labor unions -- History
Filed under: Labor unions -- Latin AmericaMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |