Landlord and tenantSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Related terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Landlord and tenant -- Law and legislation
- Tenants
- Leasehold estate
Filed under: Landlord and tenant Papers on Tenancy: The Agricultural Ladder; Tenancy in an Ideal System of Land Ownership; Discussion (reprinted from the American Economic Review Supplement, 1919), contrib. by W. J. Spillman, Richard T. Ely, Charles Josiah Galpin, and Charles Leslie Stewart
Filed under: Landlord and tenant -- California -- Popular worksFiled under: Landlord and tenant -- EuropeFiled under: Landlord and tenant -- Fiction The Kellys and the O'Kellys, by Anthony Trollope (Gutenberg text) The Case of Jennie Brice (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1913), by Mary Roberts Rinehart, illust. by M. Leone Bracker (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers) The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, by Anne Brontë The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (London: J. Murray, 1920), by Anne Brontë, contrib. by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Castle Rackrent: An Hibernian Tale (based on a reprint of the 1800 J. Johnson edition), by Maria Edgeworth (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers) Castle Rackrent: An Hibernian Tale, by Maria Edgeworth (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Landlord and tenant -- Illinois -- Chicago
Filed under: Landlord and tenant -- India -- Malwa (Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, India) -- HistoryFiled under: Landlord and tenant -- United States
Filed under: Eviction -- United StatesFiled under: Real covenants -- United States
Filed under: Eviction -- Case studies
Filed under: Eviction -- Scotland -- Highlands -- Fiction
Filed under: Rental housing -- Law and legislation -- Case studies
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Farm tenancy Papers on Tenancy: The Agricultural Ladder; Tenancy in an Ideal System of Land Ownership; Discussion (reprinted from the American Economic Review Supplement, 1919), contrib. by W. J. Spillman, Richard T. Ely, Charles Josiah Galpin, and Charles Leslie Stewart
Filed under: Farm tenancy -- Great Britain
Filed under: Sharecropping -- Southern States
Filed under: Leases -- United States -- Cases
Filed under: Mining leases -- United States Management of Fuel and Nonfuel Minerals in Federal Land: Current Status and Issues (OTA-M-88; Washington: GPO, 1979), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: Coal leases -- United States
Filed under: Coal leases -- United States -- History Patterns and Trends in Federal Coal Lease Ownership, 1950-80: A Technical Memorandum (1981), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Oil and gas leases -- United States Management of Fuel and Nonfuel Minerals in Federal Land: Current Status and Issues (OTA-M-88; Washington: GPO, 1979), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: Mining leases -- Environmental aspects -- Hawaii Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Marine Mineral Lease Sale in the Hawaiian Archipelago and Johnston Island Exclusive Economic Zones (1987), by United States Minerals Management Service and Hawaii Department of Planning and Economic Development Filed under: Mining leases -- Environmental aspects -- Johnston Atoll Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Marine Mineral Lease Sale in the Hawaiian Archipelago and Johnston Island Exclusive Economic Zones (1987), by United States Minerals Management Service and Hawaii Department of Planning and Economic Development
Filed under: Coal leases -- West (U.S.)
Filed under: Oil and gas leases -- Costa Rica
Filed under: Rent
Filed under: Rent -- United States
Filed under: Rental housing -- United States
Filed under: Rental housing -- Illinois -- Chicago
Filed under: Construction contracts -- United States
Filed under: Construction contracts -- California, Southern -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Construction contracts -- Ohio And They Built a Crooked House, by Ruth S. Martin
Filed under: Labor contract -- Great Britain The Employment Relationship in Anglo-American Law: A Historical Perspective (New York et al.: Greenwood Press, c1989), by Marc Linder
Filed under: Collective labor agreements -- Great BritainFiled under: Labor contract -- United States
Filed under: Collective labor agreements -- United States -- Periodicals Foundation Action, by National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation (partial serial archives)
Filed under: Open and closed shop -- United States -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Grievance procedures -- United StatesFiled under: Open and closed shop -- United StatesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |