LanguagesUse as a topical subdivision under names of countries, cities, etc., and ethnic groups for works discussing collectively the languages spoken in those places or by those groups. See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Narrower terms:- Languages -- Political aspects
- Languages -- Texts
- Languages, Artificial
- Languages, Mixed
- Languages, Modern
- Älvdalen (Sweden) -- Languages
- Aboriginal Australians -- Languages
- Africa -- Languages
- Africa, Central -- Languages
- Africa, Eastern -- Languages
- Africa, Northeast -- Languages
- Africa, Southern -- Languages
- Africa, West -- Languages
- African Americans -- Languages
- Alaska -- Languages
- America -- Languages
- Amrum Island (Germany) -- Languages
- Angola -- Languages
- Arab countries -- Languages
- Arctic regions -- Languages
- Argentina -- Languages
- Arizona -- Languages
- Armenia (Republic) -- Languages
- Asia -- Languages
- Asia, Central -- Languages
- Australia -- Languages
- Balkan Peninsula -- Languages
- Bangladesh -- Languages
- Belgium -- Languages
- Belize -- Languages
- Benelux countries -- Languages
- Benin -- Languages
- Black people -- Languages
- Bolivia -- Languages
- Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Languages
- Brazil -- Languages
- British Columbia -- Languages
- British Isles -- Languages
- Burma -- Languages
- California -- Languages
- Cambodia -- Languages
- Cambridge (England) -- Languages
- Cameroon -- Languages
- Canada -- Languages
- Canada, Eastern -- Languages
- Canada, Northern -- Languages
- Canada, Western -- Languages
- Caroline Islands -- Languages
- Caucasus -- Languages
- Central African Republic -- Languages
- Central America -- Languages
- Chile -- Languages
- China -- Languages
- Chinese Americans -- Languages
- Colombia -- Languages
- Congo (Brazzaville) -- Languages
- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Languages
- Connecticut -- Languages
- Cook Islands -- Languages
- Croatia -- Languages
- Denmark -- Languages
- East (U.S.) -- Languages
- Easter Island -- Languages
- Egypt -- Languages
- England -- Languages
- Equatorial Guinea -- Languages
- Ethiopia -- Languages
- Europe -- Languages
- Föhr (Germany) -- Languages
- Faroe Islands -- Languages
- Fiji -- Languages
- Florida -- Languages
- France -- Languages
- French Polynesia -- Languages
- Gabon -- Languages
- Germany -- Languages
- Ghana -- Languages
- Great Basin -- Languages
- Great Britain -- Languages
- Great Lakes Region (North America) -- Languages
- Great Plains -- Languages
- Great Smoky Mountains (N.C. and Tenn.) -- Languages
- Greece -- Languages
- Guam -- Languages
- Guatemala -- Languages
- Guinea -- Languages
- Hawaii -- Languages
- Himalaya Mountains Region -- Languages
- Honduras -- Languages
- Idaho -- Languages
- India -- Languages
- Indians -- Languages
- Indians of Central America -- Languages
- Indians of Mexico -- Languages
- Indians of North America -- Languages
- Indians of South America -- Languages
- Indians of the West Indies -- Languages
- Indigenous peoples -- Languages
- Indonesia -- Languages
- Iran -- Languages
- Iraq -- Languages
- Ireland -- Languages
- Israel -- Languages
- Italy -- Languages
- Japan -- Languages
- Jews -- Languages
- Jews, Kurdish -- Jerusalem -- Languages
- Kansas -- Languages
- Kenya -- Languages
- Korea -- Languages
- Lancashire (England) -- Languages
- Liberia -- Languages
- London (England) -- Languages
- Louisiana -- Languages
- Maine -- Languages
- Malawi -- Languages
- Manipur (India) -- Languages
- Maritime Provinces -- Languages
- Marshall Islands -- Languages
- Massachusetts -- Languages
- Mercia (Kingdom) -- Languages
- Mexico -- Languages
- Micronesia (Federated States) -- Languages
- Middle Atlantic States -- Languages
- Middle East -- Languages
- Middle West -- Languages
- Mississippi -- Languages
- Montana -- Languages
- Mozambique -- Languages
- Nepal -- Languages
- Netherlands -- Languages
- New England -- Languages
- New Guinea -- Languages
- New Mexico -- Languages
- New York (State) -- Languages
- New Zealand -- Languages
- Newfoundland and Labrador -- Languages
- Nigeria -- Languages
- North Carolina -- Languages
- North Dakota -- Languages
- North Frisian Islands (Denmark and Germany) -- Languages
- Northeastern States -- Languages
- Northern Mariana Islands -- Languages
- Northumbria (Kingdom) -- Languages
- Northwest Coast of North America -- Languages
- Northwest, Pacific -- Languages
- Oceania -- Languages
- Odisha (India) -- Languages
- Oklahoma -- Languages
- Ontario -- Languages
- Oregon -- Languages
- Oxford (England) -- Languages
- Pacific Area -- Languages
- Papua New Guinea -- Languages
- Paraguay -- Languages
- Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) -- Languages
- Peru -- Languages
- Philippines -- Languages
- Prairie Provinces -- Languages
- Québec (Province) -- Languages
- Romanies -- Languages
- Russia (Federation) -- Languages
- Scandinavia -- Languages
- Scotland -- Languages
- Sierra Leone -- Languages
- Somalia -- Languages
- Somerset (England) -- Languages
- South Africa -- Languages
- South America -- Languages
- South Asia -- Languages
- South Carolina -- Languages
- South Sudan -- Languages
- Southeast Asia -- Languages
- Southern States -- Languages
- Southwest, New -- Languages
- Sudan -- Languages
- Sweden -- Languages
- Taiwan -- Languages
- Tanzania -- Languages
- Thailand -- Languages
- Togo -- Languages
- Tonga -- Languages
- Turkey -- Languages
- Uganda -- Languages
- United States -- Languages
- Venezuela -- Languages
- Vietnam -- Languages
- Virginia -- Languages
- Washington (State) -- Languages
- West (U.S.) -- Languages
- West Indies -- Languages
- West Midlands (England) -- Languages
- Zimbabwe -- Languages
Filed under: Languages, Artificial The Primary Synopsis of Universology and Alwato: The New Scientific Universal Language (New York: D. Thomas, 1871), by Stephen Pearl Andrews (multiple formats at A Universal Alphabet, Grammar, and Language: Comprising a Scientific Classification of The Radical Elements of Discourse and Illustrative Translations From The Holy Scriptures and The Principal British Classics; To Which Is Added a Dictionary of The Language (London and Glassgow: R. Griffin and Co., ca. 1856), by George Edmonds International Language, Past Present and Future; With Specimens of Esperanto and Grammar (London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1907), by Walter John Clark (multiple formats at Defects of Esperanto, Its Decline and the Growth of Ilo: An Address Delivered in the New York Ilo Society on the First Meeting of the New Year, January 21st, 1909 (New York: Universal Language Pub. Co, 1909), by Max Talmey
Filed under: Älvdalen (Sweden) -- LanguagesFiled under: Africa -- LanguagesFiled under: Amrum Island (Germany) -- Languages Einleitung zu Einer Amringisch-Föhringischen Sprachlehre (in German; Norden and Leipzig: D. Soltau, 1888), by Otto Bremer Filed under: Asia, Central -- Languages Central Asian Monuments, ed. by H. B. Paksoy Filed under: Belgium -- LanguagesFiled under: Benelux countries -- LanguagesFiled under: Canada -- LanguagesFiled under: Caucasus -- Languages A Trip Through the Eastern Caucasus, With a Chapter on the Languages of the Country (London: E. Stanford, 1889), by John Abercromby Filed under: China -- Languages The Languages of China Before the Chinese: Researches on the Languages Spoken by the Pre-Chinese Races of China Proper Previously to the Chinese Occupation (London: D. Nutt, 1887), by Terrien de Lacouperie Filed under: Chinese Americans -- LanguagesFiled under: Congo (Democratic Republic) -- LanguagesFiled under: Föhr (Germany) -- Languages Einleitung zu Einer Amringisch-Föhringischen Sprachlehre (in German; Norden and Leipzig: D. Soltau, 1888), by Otto Bremer Filed under: Great Britain -- LanguagesFiled under: Great Smoky Mountains (N.C. and Tenn.) -- LanguagesFiled under: Himalaya Mountains Region -- LanguagesFiled under: Indians -- LanguagesFiled under: Indians of Mexico -- LanguagesFiled under: Indians of North America -- Languages Chimariko Grammar: Areal and Typological Perspective (Berkeley: University of California Press, c2009), by Carmen Jany (Javascript-dependent page images at UC Press) Hittites in America (c. 1881), by John Campbell (multiple formats at Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico, by John Wesley Powell (multiple formats at Indian Migrations, As Evidenced By Language: Comprising the Huron-Cherokee Stock, the Dakota Stock, the Algonkins, the Chahta-Muskoki Stock, the Moundbuilders, the Iberians (1883), by Horatio Hale (multiple formats at On Numerals in Indian Languages and the Indian Mode of Counting, by J. Hammond Trumbull (multiple formats at New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America (first edition; Philadelphia: Printed for the author by J. Bioren, 1797), by Benjamin Smith Barton New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America (second edition; Philadelphia: Printed for the author by J. Bioeren, 1798), by Benjamin Smith Barton (multiple formats at Asiatic Tribes in North America (c. 1881), by John Campbell (multiple formats at Indian Tribes of the Lower Mississippi Valley and Adjacent Coast of the Gulf of Mexico (Washington: GPO, 1911), by John Reed Swanton (multiple formats at Google) Le Taensa n'a pas Été Forgé de Toutes Pièces: Lettre de M. Friedrich Müller à Lucien Adam (in French and German; Paris: Maisonneuve Frères et C. Leclerc, 1885), by Friedrich Müller (multiple formats at Google) The Taensa Grammar and Dictionary: A Deception Exposed (reprinted from the American Antiquarian, March 1885), by Daniel G. Brinton (page images at HathiTrust) Le Taensa a-t-il Eté Forgé de Toutes Pièces? Réponse à M. D.G. Brinton (in French; Paris: Maisonneuve Frères et C. Leclerc, 1885), by Lucien Adam (multiple formats at Google) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods (2 volumes; Philadelphia: H.C. Carey and I. Lea, 1824), by William Hypolitus Keating, contrib. by Stephen H. Long, Thomas Say, and James Edward Colhoun Filed under: Indians of South America -- LanguagesFiled under: Ireland -- LanguagesFiled under: Jews -- Languages Ashkenazim and Sephardim: Language Miscellanea (Berlin et al.: P. Lang, c2019), ed. by Andrzej Kątny, Izabela Olszewska, and Aleksandra Twardowska Filed under: Manipur (India) -- Languages Account of the Valley of Munnipore and of the Hill Tribes, With a Comparative Vocabulary of the Munnipore and Other Languages (Kolkata: Bengal Printing Co., 1859), by W. McCulloch Filed under: Mercia (Kingdom) -- LanguagesFiled under: New England -- LanguagesFiled under: North Frisian Islands (Denmark and Germany) -- Languages Einleitung zu Einer Amringisch-Föhringischen Sprachlehre (in German; Norden and Leipzig: D. Soltau, 1888), by Otto Bremer Filed under: Northumbria (Kingdom) -- LanguagesFiled under: Pacific Area -- LanguagesFiled under: Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) -- LanguagesFiled under: Romanies -- Languages Romano Lavo-lil: Word Book of the Romany; or, English Gypsy Language, by George Borrow (Gutenberg text) An American-Romani Vocabulary (New York: New York Public Library, 1915), by Albert Thomas Sinclair, ed. by George Fraser Black (page images at HathiTrust) The English Gipsies and Their Language (second edition; London: Trubner and Co., 1874), by Charles Godfrey Leland (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Zincali: An Account of the Gypsies of Spain (new impression; London: J. Murray, 1901), by George Borrow (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Zincali: or, An Account of the Gypsies of Spain, With an Original Collection of Their Songs and Poetry (Philadelphia: J. M. Campbell and Co.; New York: Saxton and Miles, 1843), by George Borrow
More items available under narrower terms. |