Law -- United States -- TerminologySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Law -- United States -- Terminology A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union (6th edition, 2 volumes; Philadelphia: Childs and Peterson, 1856), by John Bouvier
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Law -- United States The Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon, the Death of Teddy's Bear, and the Sovereign Exception of Guantánamo (Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, c2003), by Magnus Fiskesjö (PDF at Sources of American Law: An Introduction to Legal Research (current edition; at time of last catalog update Chicago: CALI eLangdell Press, 2019), by Beau B. Steenken and Tina M. Brooks (multiple formats with commentary at Our Legal System and How it Operates: Five Lectures Delivered at the University of Michigan, February 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27, 1948 on the Thomas M. Cooley Lectureship, Enlarged and Revised (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1951), by Burke Shartel (PDF with commentary at Michigan) Corpus Juris (American Law Book Co., 1914-1937), ed. by William Mack, William Benjamin Hale, and Donald J. Kiser (partial serial archives) Law and Lawyers in the United States: The Common Law Under Stress (Hamlyn Lectures, #16; London: Stevens and Sons, 1964), by Erwin N. Griswold (PDF in the UK) Commentaries on American Law (new and thoroughly revised edition, 4 volumes; Philadelphia: Blackstone Pub. Co., 1889), by James Kent, ed. by William M. Lacy An Introductory Lecture to a Course of Law Lectures, Delivered November 17, 1794 (New York: Printed by F. Childs, 1794), by James Kent (page images at HathiTrust) The Miscellaneous Writings of Joseph Story (Boston: C. C. Little and J. Brown, 1852), by Joseph Story, ed. by William Wetmore Story (page images at HathiTrust) Speeches and Writings of Hon. Thomas F. Marshall (Cincinnati: Applegate and Co., 1858), by Thomas Francis Marshall, ed. by W. L. Barre (page images at HathiTrust) United States Code (current or near-current edition), by United States Blackstone's Commentaries, With Notes of Reference to the Constitution and Laws of the Gederal Government of the United State and of the Commonwealth of Virginia (4 volumes in 5; Philadelphia: Birch and Small, 1803), by William Blackstone, contrib. by St. George Tucker (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Law -- United States -- Bibliography
Filed under: Law -- United States -- Dictionaries A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America and of the Several States of the American Union (6th edition, 2 volumes; Philadelphia: Childs and Peterson, 1856), by John Bouvier A Law Dictionary: Containing Definitions of the Terms and Phrases of American and English Jurisprudence, Ancient and Modern (second edition; St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1910), by Henry Campbell Black Radin Law Dictionary (New York: Oceana, c1955), by Max Radin, ed. by Lawrence G. Greene (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Law -- United States -- History The Foundational Documents of the American Legal System (Chicago: eLangdell Press, 2014), contrib. by United States (multiple formats at British Statutes in American Law, 1776-1836 (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1964), by Elizabeth Gaspar Brown, contrib. by William Wirt Blume and Allan F. Smith (PDF with commentary at Michigan) Dissertations: Being the Preliminary Part of a Course of Law Lectures (New York: Printed by G. Forman for the author, 1795), by James Kent Ye Olden Blue Laws (New York: The Century Co., 1921), by Gustavus Myers (multiple formats at The American Judiciary, by Simeon E. Baldwin (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Law -- United States -- Indexes
Filed under: Law -- United States -- Interpretation and construction
Filed under: Law -- United States -- Language
Filed under: Law -- United States -- Periodicals
Filed under: Law -- United States -- Popular works
Filed under: Commercial law -- United States Business Law and the Legal Environment (derived from Creative Commons licensed edition published by Flat World Knowledge, ca. 2011), by Don Mayer, Daniel Warner, George J. Siedel, and Jethro Koller Lieberman (PDF at Manual on Commercial Law: Based on New York C. P. A. Law Questions With Answers (fourth edition; New York: Professional Publications, c1940), by A. Lincoln Lavine (page images at HathiTrust) Business Hints for Men and Women, by A. R. Calhoun (Gutenberg text) Laws of Business for All the States of the Union, With Forms and Directions for All Transactions (Cincinnati, OH: National Publishing Co., 1869), by Theophilus Parsons (page images at MOA) Manual of Law and Forms: A Practical Hand-Book of the Law; Business Forms, for the Use of Industrial Classes (Detroit: Darling Bros. and Co., 1887), by Henry A. Haigh (page images at HathiTrust) The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form Book (New York: Phelps, Fanning, and Co., 1852), by Delos W. Beadle (page images at HathiTrust)
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