LegendsUse as a topical subdivision under names of individual persons, legendary characters, and uniform titles of sacred works, and under religious topics for works about literary versions of legendary tales about those persons, characters, or topics. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Narrower terms:- Legends -- Africa
- Legends -- Alaska
- Legends -- America
- Legends -- Australia
- Legends -- British Columbia
- Legends -- Burma
- Legends -- California
- Legends -- Canada
- Legends -- China
- Legends -- Cuba
- Legends -- Denmark
- Legends -- Dictionaries
- Legends -- Egypt
- Legends -- England
- Legends -- Europe
- Legends -- France
- Legends -- French Polynesia
- Legends -- Germany
- Legends -- Great Britain
- Legends -- Greece
- Legends -- Hawaii
- Legends -- History and criticism
- Legends -- India
- Legends -- Ireland
- Legends -- Isle of Man
- Legends -- Italy
- Legends -- Japan
- Legends -- Juvenile fiction
- Legends -- Juvenile literature
- Legends -- Marshall Islands
- Legends -- Maryland
- Legends -- New England
- Legends -- New York (State)
- Legends -- New Zealand
- Legends -- North America
- Legends -- North Carolina
- Legends -- Ozark Mountains
- Legends -- Palestine
- Legends -- Papua New Guinea
- Legends -- Pennsylvania
- Legends -- Poland
- Legends -- Polynesia
- Legends -- Pomerania (Poland and Germany)
- Legends -- Portugal
- Legends -- Pyrenees
- Legends -- Rhine River Valley
- Legends -- Rhine River and Valley
- Legends -- Rome
- Legends -- Scandinavia
- Legends -- Scotland
- Legends -- South America
- Legends -- Southern States
- Legends -- Southwest, New
- Legends -- Spain
- Legends -- Texas
- Legends -- United States
- Legends -- Wales
- Buddhist legends
- Chansons de geste
- Christian legends
- Fables
- Islamic legends
- Jaina legends
- Jewish legends
- Romances
- 'Antarah ibn Shaddad, active 6th century -- Legends
- AIDS (Disease) -- Legends
- Agnes, Saint, Martyr -- Legends
- Alban, Saint, -304? -- Legends
- Alexander, the Great, 356 B.C.-323 B.C. -- Legends
- Anne (Mother of the Virgin Mary), Saint -- Legends
- Arthur, King -- Legends
- Ba'al Shem Tov, approximately 1700-1760 -- Legends
- Bartholomew, Apostle, Saint -- Legends
- Bible -- Legends
- Bible. Genesis -- Legends
- Bible. Old Testament -- Legends
- Bluebeard (Legendary character) -- Legends
- Britons -- Legends
- Bunyan, Paul (Legendary character) -- Legends
- Carrier Indians -- Legends
- Celts -- France -- Legends
- Celts -- Great Britain -- Legends
- Christian saints -- Legends
- Christian women saints -- Legends
- Coyote (Mythological character) -- Legends
- Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore, active 6th century -- Legends
- Dogs -- Legends
- Dov Baer, of Mezhirech, -1772 -- Legends
- El Dorado -- Legends
- Emperors -- Rome -- Legends
- Euphrosine, of Alexandria, Saint, approximately 415-470 -- Legends
- Faust, -approximately 1540 -- Legends
- Finn MacCumhaill, active 3rd century -- Legends
- Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226 -- Legends
- Gautama Buddha -- Legends
- Grail -- Legends
- Great Britain -- Antiquities, Celtic -- Legends
- Great Britain -- History -- To 1066 -- Legends
- Hãtim al-Tãʼi -- Legends
- Hasidim -- Legends
- Heroes -- Ireland -- Legends
- Heroes -- Ulster (Northern Ireland and Ireland) -- Legends
- Holy Cross -- Legends
- Jesus Christ -- Legends
- Joseph (Son of Jacob) -- Legends
- Leopoldo, de Alpandeire, fray, 1864-1956 -- Legends
- Lumbermen -- Legends
- Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint -- Legends
- Moses (Biblical leader) -- Legends
- Muḥammad, Prophet, -632 -- Legends
- Nicholas, Saint, Bishop of Myra -- Legends
- Patrick, Saint, 373?-463? -- Legends
- Popes -- Legends
- Potiphar's wife (Biblical figure) -- Legends
- Robin Hood (Legendary character) -- Legends
- Saints -- Legends
- Sheba, Queen of -- Legends
- Solomon, King of Israel -- Legends
- Talmud -- Legends
- Tell, Wilhelm -- Legends
- Thais, Saint, active 4th century -- Legends
- Thunderbird (Legendary character) -- Legends
- Troy (Extinct city) -- Legends
- Virgil -- Legends
Used for:- Legendary tales
- Romances, legends, etc.
- Tales, Legendary
Filed under: Legends Ancient Legends of Different Nations, Many of Them From Old Books Now Out of Print (New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor Co., 1902), ed. by Elizabeth Mary Lum (page images at HathiTrust) The Book of Legends, Told Over Again (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, c1900), by Horace Elisha Scudder (HTML at Gateway to the Classics) A Child's Book of Warriors, by William Canton, illust. by Herbert Cole (illustrated HTML at Gateway to the Classics) Heroic Legends (American edition, c. 1910), by Agnes Grozier Herbertson, illust. by Helen Stratton (illustrated HTML at kellscraft.com) The Ancient City: Discovery of the City That Cain Built and Discovery of the Most Ancient Site of the City of Thebes and the Lost Europa, the Princess of Tyre, and Origin of the Swiss Lake Dwellings (1911), by John Martin Woolsey Myths and Legends of All Nations: Famous Stories From the Greek, German, English, Spanish, Scandinavian, Danish, French, Russian, Bohemian, Italian, and Other Sources (Philadelphia: J. C. Winston Co., c1914), ed. by Logan Marshall (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images) Strange Pages From Family Papers, by T. F. Thiselton-Dyer (Gutenberg text) Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1898), by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, illust. by Albert Herter (illustrated HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com) Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson (Gutenberg text) Tower Legends, by Bertha Palmer Lane (illustrated HTML at sacred-texts.com) Folklore and Mythology: Electronic Texts (continually updated anthology), ed. by D. L. Ashliman (HTML at Pitt) Myths and Legends of Babylonia and Assyria (London: G. G. Harrap and Co., 1916), by Lewis Spence, illust. by Evelyn Paul (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Legends -- Alaska Myths and Legends of Alaska (Chicago: A.C. McClurg and Co., 1911), by Katharine Berry Judson
Filed under: Legends -- America
Filed under: Legends -- Australia
Filed under: Legends -- Burma
Filed under: Legends -- China
Filed under: Legends -- Cuba
Filed under: Legends -- Denmark Prøver af Danske Folkesagn (in Danish; Copenhagen: Brødrene Thiele, 1817), by J. M. Thiele
Filed under: Legends -- Dictionaries
Filed under: Legends -- Egypt
Filed under: Legends -- France Les Grandes Légendes de France (in French; Paris: Perrin, et cie, 1908), by Edouard Schuré (page images at Gallica) Les Grandes Légendes de France (in French; Paris: Perrin, et cie, 1915), by Edouard Schuré Aucassin and Nicolette and Other Mediaeval Romances and Legends, trans. by Eugene Mason (HTML with commentary at elfinspell.com) Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine (1915), by Lewis Spence Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine (New York: F. A. Stokes Co., ca. 1915), by Lewis Spence, illust. by Louis Weirter
Filed under: Legends -- Germany Folk-Lore and Legends: Germany (London: W. W. Gibbings, 1892), ed. by Charles John Tibbitts (Gutenberg text) Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine (1915), by Lewis Spence Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine (New York: F. A. Stokes Co., ca. 1915), by Lewis Spence, illust. by Louis Weirter Teutonic Myth and Legend: An Introduction to the Eddas and Sagas, Beowulf, The Nibelungenlied, Etc., by Donald A. Mackenzie (illustrated HTML at sacred-texts.com) Teutonic Mythology: Gods and Goddesses of the Northland (3 volumes; London et al: Norroena Society, 1906), by Viktor Rydberg, trans. by Rasmus B. Anderson Rose Marian and the Flower Fairies, by Lydia Maria Child (illustrated HTML with commentary at flowerfaeries.com)
Filed under: Legends -- Great Britain Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race, by M. I. Ebbutt (illustrated HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com) Traditional Tales of the English and Scottish Peasantry (London et al.: G. Routledge and Sons, 1887), by Allan Cunningham, contrib. by Henry Morley (multiple formats at archive.org) The Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland (London: A. Constable and Co., 1906), by Charles Squire (multiple formats at archive.org) Angevin Britain and Scandinavia (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature v6; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1921), by Henry Goddard Leach (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Legends -- Hawaii Ghost Dog and Other Hawaiian Legends (Honolulu: Printed by Advertiser Pub Co., 1944), by George T. Armitage and Henry P. Judd, ed. by Helen Lamar Berkey, illust. by Juliette May Fraser (page images at HathiTrust) Legends of Old Hawaii, As Told by Tutu to Her Grand-Children (Honolulu: Tongg Pub. Co., c1944), by Betty Allen, illust. by Herbe Shade (page images at HathiTrust) Hawaiian Historical Legends, by W. D. Westervelt Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods (Boston: Ellis Press, 1916), by W. D. Westervelt (HTML at sacred-texts.com) Hawaiian Legends of Old Honolulu (Boston: G. H. Ellis Press, 1915), by W. D. Westervelt (HTML at sacred-texts.com) Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes, by W. D. Westervelt (HTML at sacred-texts.com) Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes (Mythology), Collected and Translated From the Hawaiian (Boston: Ellis Press; London: Constable and Co., 1916), by W. D. Westervelt The Legends and Myths of Hawaii: The Fables and Folk-Lore of a Strange People (New York: C. L. Webster, 1888), by David Kalakaua, ed. by Rollin Mallory Daggett Legends of Gods and Ghosts (Hawaiian Mythology), Collected and Translated From the Hawaiian (Boston: Press of G. H. Ellis Co.; London: Constable and Co., 1915), by W. D. Westervelt Legends of Ma-ui, A Demi God of Polynesia, and of His Mother Hina (Honolulu: The Hawaiian Gazette Co, Ltd., 1910), by W. D. Westervelt In Gardens of Hawaii (Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication #40; Honolulu: The Museum, 1948), by Marie C. Neal (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Legends of the Wailuku, As Told by Old Hawaiians and Done Into the English Tongue (second edition; Honolulu: C. R. Frazier Co., c1921), by Charlotte Hapai, illust. by Will Herwig The Menehunes: Their Adventures With the Fisherman and How They Built the Canoe (San Francisco: P. Elder and Co., c1905), by Emily Foster Day, illust. by Spencer Wright Hawaiian Mythology, by Martha Warren Beckwith (HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com)
More items available under narrower terms. |