Lord's Supper -- Real presenceHere are entered works on the doctrine that Christ is present in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Works on the Catholic doctrine that the substance of the elements of bread and wine is transformed into the substance of the body and blood of Christ after receiving priestly consecration in the Mass are entered under Transubstantiation. See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower term:Used for:- Consubstantiation
- Lord's Supper -- Consubstantiation
- Real presence
- Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Filed under: Lord's Supper -- Real presence
Filed under: Transubstantiation Dissertations on Subjects Connected with the Incarnation (London: J. Murray, 1895), by Charles Gore (multiple formats at archive.org) The History of Popish Transubstantiation (new edition, with authorities and memoir of the author; London: J. Leslie; Oxford: J.H. Parker, 1840), by John Cosin, ed. by J. S. Brewer Papal Idolatry: An Exposure of the Dogma of Transubstantiation and Mariolatry (Chicago: A. Craig, 1889), by Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy (multiple formats at archive.org) The Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture (London: J. Booker, 1836), by Nicholas Patrick Wiseman (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Mass
Filed under: Mass -- Celebration -- Juvenile literatureFiled under: Mass -- Controversial literatureFiled under: Mass -- History
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Lord's Supper A Companion for the Altar: Consisting of a Short Explanation of the Lord's Supper, and Meditations and Prayers, Proper to be Used Before, and During, the Receiving of the Holy Communion, According to the Form Prescribed by the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States of America (New York: Printed for P. A. Mesier, 1804), by John Henry Hobart The Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist (London: J. and C. Mozeley, 1853), by Robert Isaac Wilberforce (multiple formats at archive.org) Eucharystja (in Polish; Krakow: Nakladem Wydawnictwa Ksiezy Jezuitow, 1921), by Ludwik Cichon (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) L'Eucharistie: La Présence Réelle et la Transsubstantiation (fifth edition, in French; Paris: V. Lecoffre, 1913), by Pierre Batiffol (page images at HathiTrust) The Lord's Table, by Andrew Murray (HTML at CCEL) A Treatise Concerning the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy and True Body of Christ, and Concerning the Brotherhoods, 1519 (extract from volume II of Works of Martin Luther; Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Co., 1916), by Martin Luther, contrib. by J. J. Schindel The True Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, As Instituted in Scripture, and Received by the Catholic Church in All Ages: In Refutation of Archdeacon Wilberforce's Book, "The Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist," and the Popish Views of That Sacrament, in General (London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1855), by James Taylor (multiple formats at archive.org) A Demonstration of the Gross and Fundamental Errors of a Late Book, called A Plain Account of the Nature and End of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, &c., by William Law (multiple formats with commentary at CCEL) Etudes d'Histoire et de Theologie Positive (2 volumes in French (7th and 8th editions respectively); Paris: V. Lecoffre, 1920), by Pierre Batiffol
Filed under: Lord's Supper -- AdorationFiled under: Lord's Supper -- Anglican Communion The Writings of John Bradford, M.A., Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge and Prebendary of St. Paul's, Martyr, 1555 (2 volumes; Cambridge: Printed at the University Press, 1848-1853), by John Bradford, ed. by Aubrey Townsend
Filed under: Lord's Supper -- Anglican Communion -- SermonsFiled under: Lord's Supper -- Catholic Church
Filed under: Lord's Supper -- Catholic Church -- Juvenile literatureFiled under: Lord's Supper -- ReservationFiled under: Close and open communionFiled under: Lord's Supper (Liturgy)Filed under: Lord's Supper in literature
Filed under: Jesus Christ -- Presence |