Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina)See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Used for:- Estrecho de Magellanes (Chile and Argentina)
- Strait of Magellan (Chile and Argentina)
- Strait of Magellan
Filed under: Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Chile Chile: A Country Study (third edition, 1994), ed. by Rex A. Hudson
Filed under: Chile -- Antiquities Über die Chilenischen "Pintados": Beitrag zur Katalogisierung und Vergleichenden Untersuchung der Südamerikanischen Piktographien (from the 14th Internationaler Amerikanisten Congress, 1904, in German; Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1906), by Alberto Plagemann Filed under: Chile -- Description and travel Chile (Washington, DC: Pan American Union, reprinted 1969), by Merri Holway (multiple formats at Fünfzehn Jahre in Süd-Amerika an den Ufern des Stillen Oceans (3 volumes in 1, in German; Leipzig: Weltpost-Verlag, 1882), by Paul Treutler (page images at HathiTrust) Journal of a Residence in Chile, During the Year 1822; and a Voyage From Chile to Brazil in 1823 (London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, and J. Murray, 1824), by Maria Callcott The Pampas and Andes: A Thousand Miles' Walk Across South America (Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1869), by Nathaniel H. Bishop, contrib. by Edward A. Samuels (HTML at The Pampas and Andes: A Thousand Miles' Walk Across South America (third edition, illustrated; Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1870), by Nathaniel H. Bishop, contrib. by Edward A. Samuels Reise in den Andes von Chile und Argentinien (in German; Berlin: Gebruder Paetel, 1888), by Paul Güssfeldt Filed under: Chile -- Economic policyFiled under: Chile -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Chiloé (Chile) Narrative of the Hon. John Byron: Being an Account of the Shipwreck of the Wager, and the Subsequent Adventures of Her Crew; To Which is Prefixed the Life of the Author (Cabinet Library v14; Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne and Co., 1812), by John Byron Filed under: Horn, Cape (Chile)Filed under: Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) Narrative of the Hon. John Byron: Being an Account of the Shipwreck of the Wager, and the Subsequent Adventures of Her Crew; To Which is Prefixed the Life of the Author (Cabinet Library v14; Edinburgh: J. Ballantyne and Co., 1812), by John Byron Filed under: Tupungato Mountain (Argentina and Chile)Filed under: Antisemitism -- ChileFiled under: Bolivia -- Foreign relations -- ChileFiled under: Civil rights -- ChileFiled under: Collective memory -- ChileFiled under: Education and state -- ChileFiled under: Educational change -- ChileFiled under: Fisheries -- ChileFiled under: Fishery management, International -- ChileFiled under: Fishery policy -- ChileFiled under: Freedom of information -- ChileFiled under: Freedom of speech -- ChileFiled under: Freedom of the press -- ChileFiled under: Graffiti -- Political aspects -- ChileFiled under: Graffiti -- Social aspects -- ChileFiled under: Human rights -- ChileFiled under: Internet -- Social aspects -- Chile Social Media in Northern Chile: Posting the Extraordinary Ordinary (London: UCL Press, 2016), by Nell Haynes Filed under: Memorialization -- ChileFiled under: Motion pictures -- Censorship -- ChileFiled under: Peru -- Foreign relations -- Chile The "Alsace-Lorrain" Question of South America: Patriotic Protest of the Peruvian Society, Called "Unión de Labor Nacionalista" (Union of National Labor); Notable Document Showing Chile's Sinister Plan as Regards Peru and the "Lost Provinces" (Lima, Peru: Tip. el Progreso Editorial, ca. 1919), by Unión de Labor Nacionalista Il Conflitto del Pacifico: Perù e Cile (in Italian; Rome: Tip. Squarci, 1919), by Giuseppe Maria Perrone (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Filed under: Political persecution -- ChileFiled under: Public opinion -- Chile Citizen Views of Democracy in Latin America (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2001), ed. by Roderic A. Camp, contrib. by Alejandro Moreno, Timothy J. Power, Mary A. Clark, Mitchell A. Seligson, Matthew T. Kenney, Joseph L. Klesner, Miguel Basáñ̃ez, Pablo Parás, Frederick C. Turner, Carlos E. Cué, Kenneth M. Coleman, Louis Wolf Goodman, and Alan Knight (page images at Pitt) Filed under: Railroads and state -- ChileFiled under: School choice -- ChileFiled under: Science and state -- ChileFiled under: Social media and society -- Chile Social Media in Northern Chile: Posting the Extraordinary Ordinary (London: UCL Press, 2016), by Nell Haynes Filed under: Street art -- Political aspects -- ChileFiled under: Street art -- Social aspects -- ChileFiled under: Technological innovations -- ChileFiled under: Technology and state -- ChileMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |