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Filed under: Magic tricks -- Psychological aspects
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Filed under: Magic tricks Annemann's Practical Mental Effects: A Comprehensive Collection of the Best Mental Tricks of Recent Years (second printing; New York et al.: Holden's Magic Shops, 1946), by Theodore Annemann, ed. by John J. Crimmins, illust. by Nelson Hahne (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Black Herman's Secrets of Magic, Mystery and Legerdermain (15th DeLuxe edition; Dallas: Dorene Pub Co, c1938), by Black Herman (page images at HathiTrust) Conjuring for Amateurs: A Practical Treatise on How to Perform Modern Tricks (1901), by Ellis Stanyon (multiple formats at The Fireside Magician: or, the Art of Natural Magic Made Easy (New York: Dick and Fitzgerald, c1870), by Thomas Picton (page images at HathiTrust) Magic: In Which Are Given Clear and Concise Explanations of All the Well-Known Illusions, As Well As Many New Ones (Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1910), by Ellis Stanyon, contrib. by Henry Ridgely Evans (multiple formats at Magical Suggestions (London: G. Johnson, 1921), by Harry Latour (multiple formats at Memorias e Confidencias do Popular Illusionista Faure Nicolay (in Portuguese; Rio De Janeiro: Typ. Villas-Bôas, 1901), by Nicoláu Faure Nicolay Sleights: Being a Number of Incidental Effects, Tricks, Sleights, Moves and Passes, For Purposes Ranging From Impromptu to Platform Performances (c1914), by Burling Hull (multiple formats at Some Modern Conjuring: A Series of Original Experiments in the Magic Art (ca. 1909), by Donald Holmes (multiple formats at New Juggling Tricks (first series; London: E. Stanyon and co., 1901), by Ellis Stanyon (illustrated HTML at Sealed Mysteries: Explaining the Latest Card Mysteries and Spirit Tricks Made Public for the First Time, with Directions for Constructing Trick Cards (Brooklyn, NY: Master Technic Pub. Co., c1911), by Burling Hull Spirit Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena (New York: Munn and Co., 1898), by Chung Ling Soo Ventriloquism Explained: and Juggler's Tricks, or Legerdemain, Exposed; With Remarks on Vulgar Superstitions, in a Series of Letters to an Instructor (Amherst, MA: J. S. and C. Adams, 1834) (page images at HathiTrust) A Magician's Tour, Up and Down and Round About the Earth: Being the Life and Adventures of the American Nostradamus, Harry Kellar (Chicago: Donohue, Henneberry and Co., 1890), by Harry Kellar (multiple formats at
Filed under: Magic tricks -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Magic tricks -- Equipment and suppliesFiled under: Magic tricks -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.Filed under: Magic tricks -- HistoryFiled under: Magic tricks -- Juvenile poetryFiled under: Magic tricks -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Card tricks Fifty New Card Tricks: A Comprehensive Description of the Continuous Front and Back Hand Palm With Cards and the Sensational New Rising Card Trick; Also Many New and Unpublished Tricks With Cards (New York: Wehman Bros., ca. 1900), by Howard Thurston (page images at HathiTrust) Howard Thurston's Card Tricks: Being a Fin de Siècle Manual on the Art of Conjuring With Cards, Including, Among Many Hitherto Unpublished Novel and Unique Experiments, a Comprehensive Description of the Continuous Front and Back-Hand Palm With Cards, and the Sensational New Rising Card Trick (Baltimore: I. and M. Ottenheimer, c1903), by Howard Thurston (page images at HathiTrust) New Era Card Tricks (London: W. and F. Hamley, c1897), by August Roterberg, illust. by L. R. Gossett (multiple formats at Sealed Mysteries: Explaining the Latest Card Mysteries and Spirit Tricks Made Public for the First Time, with Directions for Constructing Trick Cards (Brooklyn, NY: Master Technic Pub. Co., c1911), by Burling Hull Artifice, Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table: A Treatise on the Science and Art of Manipulating Cards (Chicago: F. J. Drake and Co., c1902), by S. W. Erdnase (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Fortune-telling by cards
Filed under: Tarot Absolute Key to Occult Science: The Tarot of the Bohemians, The Most Ancient Book in the World; For the Exclusive Use of Initiates (London: Chapman and Hall, 1892), by Papus, trans. by A. P. Morton An Introduction to the Study of the Tarot, by Paul Foster Case (PDF at The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, by Arthur Edward Waite (HTML at The Symbolism of the Tarot: Philosophy of Occultism in Pictures and Numbers, by P. D. Uspenskii, trans. by A. L. Pogossky (HTML at The Tarot: Its Occult Significance, Use in Fortune-Telling, and Method of Play, Etc., by S. L. MacGregor Mathers The Egyptian Revival: or, The Evercoming Son in the Light of the Tarot, by Frater Achad (HTML at
Filed under: AIDS (Disease) -- Psychological aspects
Filed under: Academic writing -- Study and teaching -- Psychological aspects
Filed under: Advertising -- Psychological aspects
Filed under: Aesthetics -- Psychological aspects
Filed under: Afghan War, 2001-2021 -- Psychological aspects
Filed under: Aging -- Psychological aspects
Filed under: Algorithms -- Psychological aspects
Filed under: American drama -- Psychological aspects
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