Mayas -- HistorySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Mayas -- History The Mayas: The Sources of Their History; Dr. Le Plongeon in Yucatan, His Account of Discoveries (two articles reprinted from Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society; Worcester: Press of C. Hamilton, 1877), by Stephen Salisbury, contrib. by Augustus Le Plongeon The Maya Chronicles, ed. by Daniel G. Brinton (Gutenberg text)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Mayas Yucatan Before and After the Conquest (Baltimore: The Maya Society, 1937), by Diego de Landa, ed. by William Gates (HTML with commentary at Yucatan Before and After the Conquest (second edition; Baltimore: The Maya Society, 1937), by Diego de Landa, ed. by William Gates (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Anthropometry of Adult Maya Indians: A Study of Their Physical and Physiological Characteristics (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #434; 1932), by Morris Steggerda (page images at HathiTrust) Vestiges of the Mayas: or, Facts Tending to Prove that Communications and Intimate Relations Must Have Existed, in very Remote Times, Between the Inhabitants of Mayab and Those of Asia and Africa (New York: J. Polhemus, 1881), by Augustus Le Plongeon The Maya of East Central Quintana Roo (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #559; 1945), by Alfonso Villa Rojas, contrib. by Howard Francis Cline (page images at HathiTrust) The Indian Background of Colonial Yucatan (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #548; 1943), by Ralph L. Roys (page images at HathiTrust) American Indians (Boston et al.: D. C. Heath and Co., 1898), by Frederick Starr (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) The Titles of Ebtun (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #505, 1939), ed. by Ralph L. Roys (page images at HathiTrust) The Peninsula of Yucatan: Medical, Biological, Meteorological and Sociological Studies (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #431; 1933), ed. by George Cheever Shattuck (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Mayas -- Antiquities Before Kukulkán: Bioarchaeology of Maya Life, Death, and Identity at Classic Period Yaxuná (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, c2017), by Vera Tiesler, Andrea Cucina, Travis W. Stanton, and David A. Freidel, contrib. by Traci Ardren (page images with commentary at Arizona) Ancient Maya Commerce: Multidisciplinary Research at Chunchucmil (Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 2017), ed. by Scott Hutson (PDF files at Project MUSE) Archaeological Reconnaissance in Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Peten (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #543; 1943), by Karl Ruppert and John Hopkins Denison (page images at HathiTrust) Queen Móo and the Egyptian Sphinx (London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., 1896), by Augustus Le Plongeon Queen Móo and the Egyptian Sphinx (second edition; New York: The author; London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., 1900), by Augustus Le Plongeon Uaxactun, Guatemala, Group E, 1926-1931 (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #477, 1937), by O. G. Ricketson and Edith Bayles Ricketson, contrib. by Monroe Amsden, A. Ledyard Smith, and H. E. D. Pollock (page images at HathiTrust) The Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itzá, Yucatan (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #406, 2 volumes; 1931), by Earl Halstead Morris, Jean Charlot, and Ann Axtell Morris (both volumes: page images at HathiTrust) Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City, Discovered Near Palenque, in the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanish America: Translated From the Original Manuscript Report of Captain Don Antonio del Rio; Followed by Teatro Critico Americano, or, A Critical Investigation and Research Into the History of the Americans (London: H. Berthoud, 1922), by Antonio del Río and Paul Felix Cabrera, illust. by Frédéric de Waldeck (multiple formats at Guide to the Maudslay Collection of Maya Sculptures (Casts and Originals) From Central America (London: Printed by order of the British Museum trustees, 1923), by Thomas Athol Joyce, contrib. by Alfred Percival Maudslay and R. L. Hobson Relaciones de Yucatán (2 volumes in Spanish; Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1898-1900), ed. by José María Asensio, contrib. by Diego de Landa Relation des Choses de Yucatan de Diego de Landa: Texte Espagnol et Traduction Française en Regard, Comprenant les Signes du Calendrier et de l'Alphabet Hiéroglyphique de la Langue Maya (Collection de Documents Dans les Langues Indigenes v3, in Spanish and French; Paris: A. Bertrand, 1864), by Diego de Landa, contrib. by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and the Quiches, 11,500 Years Ago: Their Relation to the Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, Greece, Chaldea and India; Free Masonry in Times Anterior to the Temple of Solomon (New York: R. Macoy, 1886), by Augustus Le Plongeon Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and the Quiches, 11,500 Years Ago: Their Relation to the Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, Greece, Chaldea and India; Freemasonry in Times Anterior to the Temple of Solomon (third edition; New York: Macoy Pub. and Masonic Supply Co., 1909), by Augustus Le Plongeon Excavations at San Jose, British Honduras (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #506, 1939), by J. Eric S. Thompson, contrib. by Anna Osler Shepard (page images at HathiTrust) Modern Maya Houses: A Study of Their Archaeological Significance (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #502; 1938), by Robert Wauchope (page images at HathiTrust) A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Cobá, Quintana Roo, Mexico (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #424, 1932), by J. Eric S. Thompson, H. E. D. Pollock, and Jean Charlot (page images at HathiTrust) Atlantis in America (London: E. Benn Ltd., 1925), by Lewis Spence A Comparative Study of The Mayas and the Lacandones (New York and London: Macmillan and Co., for Archaeological Institute of America, 1907), by Alfred M. Tozzer Monuments Anciens du Mexique: Palenqué et Autres Ruines de l'Ancienne Civilisation du Mexique (in French; Paris: A Bertrand, 1866), by abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg, illust. by Frédéric de Waldeck (page images at Gallica) Notes on the Bibliography of Yucatan and Central America, Comprising Yucatan, Chiapas, Guatemala (the Ruins of Palenque, Ocosingo, and Copan), and Oaxaca (Ruins of Mitla): A List of Some of the Writers on This Subject From the Sixteenth Century to the Present Time (reprinted from Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society; Worcester: Press of C. Hamilton, 1881), by Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier The Hill-Caves of Yucatan: A Search for Evidence of Man's Antiquity in the Caverns of Central America: Being an Account of the Corwith Expedition of the Department of Archaeology and Palaeontology of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896), by Henry C. Mercer (page images at HathiTrust) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan (2 volumes; London: J. Murray, 1841-2), by John L. Stephens, contrib. by Frederick Catherwood The Mexican Calendar Stone; Terra Cotta Figure From Isla Mujeres, Northeast Coast of Yucatan; Archaelogical Communication on Yucatan; Notes on Yucatan (Worcester: Press of C. Hamilton, 1879), ed. by Stephen Salisbury, contrib. by Philipp J. J. Valentini, Augustus Le Plongeon, and Alice D. Le Plongeon Yucatán: Artículos Amenos Acerca de su Historia, Leyendas, Usos y Costumbres, Evolución Social, etc., etc. (in Spanish; Merida: A. F. Salazar, 1913) Filed under: Mayas -- CommerceFiled under: Mayas -- DwellingsFiled under: Mayas -- Economic conditionsFiled under: Mayas -- FictionFiled under: Mayas -- FolkloreFiled under: Mayas -- Government relationsFiled under: Mayas -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mayas -- PoetryFiled under: Mayas -- Politics and government Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica (Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 2016), ed. by Sarah Kurnick and Joanne Baron Filed under: Mayas -- Religion The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #438, 1933), ed. by Ralph L. Roys Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and the Quiches, 11,500 Years Ago: Their Relation to the Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, Greece, Chaldea and India; Free Masonry in Times Anterior to the Temple of Solomon (New York: R. Macoy, 1886), by Augustus Le Plongeon Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and the Quiches, 11,500 Years Ago: Their Relation to the Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, Greece, Chaldea and India; Freemasonry in Times Anterior to the Temple of Solomon (third edition; New York: Macoy Pub. and Masonic Supply Co., 1909), by Augustus Le Plongeon Filed under: Mayas -- Social life and customs Maya Indians of Yucatan (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #531; 1941), by Morris Steggerda (page images at HathiTrust) Chan Kom, a Maya Village (originally published 1934; this edition Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962), by Robert Redfield and Alfonso Villa Rojas (page images at HathiTrust) The Peninsula of Yucatan: Medical, Biological, Meteorological and Sociological Studies (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #431; 1933), ed. by George Cheever Shattuck (page images at HathiTrust) A Comparative Study of The Mayas and the Lacandones (New York and London: Macmillan and Co., for Archaeological Institute of America, 1907), by Alfred M. Tozzer
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