Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions -- Early works to 1800 Man and Woman Their Own Doctor, or, a Salve for Every Sore: Being a Book Full of Rare Receipts for The Most Dangerous Distempers Incident To The Bodies of Men, Women, and Children, And Very Fit To Be in All Families, In This Crasie, Sickly, and Bad Times (London: Printed for L. White, 1676), by John Ponteus (page images at NIH) Natura Exenterata: or, Nature Unbowelled by the Most Exquisite Anatomizers of Her (London: H. Twiford et al., 1655), by Philiatros Nature's Assistant to the Restoration of Health In a Variety of Complaints: To Which Is Added, an Address to Parents, Tutors, and Schoolmasters, With Advice to Young Men and Boys, Respecting a Destructive Habit of a Private Nature (13th edition; London: Printed by E. Hodson, 1794), by James Hodson (page images at NIH) Nature's Assistant to the Restoration of Health; To Which is Added a Short Treatise on the Venereal Disease, Recommending a Safe, Easy, and Proper Mode of Treatment; Also, an Essay on Gleets, Seminal Weaknesses, and the Destructive Habit of Self-Pollution (6th edition; London: J. Matthews, 1789), by James Hodson (page images at NIH) Nature's Assistant to the Restoration of Health; To Which is Added a Short Treatise on the Venereal Disease, Recommending a Safe, Easy, and Proper Mode of Treatment; Also, an Essay on Gleets, Seminal Weaknesses, and a Destructive Habit of a Private Nature (11th edition; London: E. Hodson, 1791), by James Hodson (page images at NIH) The New Dispensatory: The Whole Interspersed with Practical Cautions and Observations (sixth edition; London: Printed for F. Wingrave et al., ca. 1799), by William Lewis (page images at NIH) The Poor Man's Physician, or The Receipts of The Famous John Moncrief of Tippermalloch: Being a Choice Collection of Simple and Easy Remedies For Most Distempers; To Which Is Added, The Method of Curing The Small Pox and Scurvy (second edition; Edinburgh: Printed for J. Paton, 1716), by John Moncrief, contrib. by Archibald Pitcairn (page images at NIH) Here Begynneth a Good Booke of Medecines Called, the Treasure of Poore Men (London: T. Colwell, 1565) (page images at NIH) A Little Book of Rare Receipts for The Cure of Several Distempers: Viz, The King's Evil, Stone, Chollick, Black and Yellow Jaundice, Piles, Ague, Worms, Black Thrush in Children's Mouths, Breakings Out in Their Infancy, Rickets, Small-pox, The Itch, Etc., Set Forth For The Benefit of All Poor Christians (London: Printed for A. Bettesworth, ca. 1710), by Giles Parsons (page images at NIH) Observationes in Morbos Nautarum: Prout in Classe Serenissimi Magnae Britanniae Regis Occurrunt, Cum Remediorum Specimine (in Latin; London: The author, 1733), by Henry Huntley (page images at NIH) Dr. Colbatch's Legacy, or the Family Physician: Containing an Account of All the Diseases Incident to the Human Body, Alphabetically Digested (London: Printed for J. Roberts, 1733), by John Colbatch (page images at NIH) A Practical Treatise on the Small-Pox and Measles (Worcester, UK: Printed by S. Bryan, 1745), by Thomas Tanner (page images at NIH) The Family's Best Friend, or The Whole Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy: Together With a Complete System of Brewery; The Management of Malt Liquors; The Distillery of Simple and Compound Waters, Family Cordials, &c; and Instructions for the Cultivating of the Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden (6th edition; London: Printed for C. Henderson, ca. 1755), by Arabella Fairfax (page images at NIH)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions Useful Prescriptions (Cincinnati: Lloyd Brothers, 1935), by Cloyce Wilson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Medical Formulary (with additions from the 6th London edition; Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston, 1856), by Henry Beasley Fenner's Working Formulae: A Hand-Book of the Old and the New Pharmacopoeias, Containing Weight and Measure Standards, Working Processes, Working Formulae, the Medicinal Properties and Doses of Drugs and Their Preparations, and Being a Comparison of the 1870 with the 1880 Pharmacopoeia, with Remarks, Suggestions, Original Processes and Formulae, and Other Matter of Interest and Value to Druggists and Physicians (second edition; Westfield, NY: B. Fenner, c1886), by B. Fenner (page images at HathiTrust) The Cook's Pocket-Companion and Compleat Family-Guide: Being a Collection of the Very Best Receipts (London: Printed for J. Staples, 1758), by Lydia Honeywood (page images at NIH) The Southern Gardener and Receipt-Book: Containing Valuable Information, Original and Otherwise, on All Subjects Connected With Domestic and Rural Affairs, Gardening, Cookery, Beverages, Dairy, Medical, Veterinary, and Miscellaneous (third edition; Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and co., 1860), ed. by Mary L. Edgeworth, contrib. by P. Thornton
Filed under: Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.Filed under: Medicine, Ayurvedic -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions
Filed under: Medicine -- Early works to 1800 An Exact Collection of the Choicest and Mose Rare Experiments and Secrets in Physick and Chyrurgery (Both Cymick and Galenick) viz. of Leonard Phioravant, Knight and Doctour in Physick and Chyrurgery, His Rational Secrets and Chyrurgery &c. (with additional works by Paracelsus, Penot, and Hollandus; London: Printed for W. Shears, 1659), by Leonardo Fioravanti, Paracelsus, Bernard Georges Penot, and Johan Isaäc Hollandus (HTML at EEBO TCP) A Plain and Short Treatise of an Apoplexy, Convulsions, Colick, Twisting of the Guts, Poisons, Bleeding at Nose, Vomiting of Blood, Stone in the Kidneys, Quinsey, Mother-Fits, Miscarriage, Hard Labour, Acute Diseases of Women In Childbed, and Several Other Dangerous and Violent Diseases That Come of a Sudden, and Require Present Help (second edition; London: The author, 1708), by John Pechey A Briefe and Most Easie Introduction to the Astrologicall Judgement of the Starres (London: Printed by T. Purfoot, 1598), by Claude Dariot, trans. by Fabian Withers, contrib. by G. C. Here Beginneth The Seinge Of Urynes, of All The Coloures That Urynes Be Of, Wyth The Medecynes Annexed To Everye Uryne, And Every Uryne Hys Urynall: Muche Profytable For Every Men To Knowe (London: Printed by W. Copland for A. Uele, 1552) The London Medical Journal (full serial archives) Medical Facts and Observations (full serial archives) The Practise of Chymicall, and Hermeticall Physicke, For the Preservation of Health (London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1605), by Joseph Du Chesne, trans. by Thomas Tymme (HTML at EEBO TCP) Doctor Fludds Answer unto M. Foster (London: Printed for N. Butter, 1631), by Robert Fludd (HTML at EEBO TCP) A New Theory of Acute and Slow Continued Fevers: Wherein, Beside The Appearance of Such, and The Manner of Their Cure, Occasionally, The Structure of The Glands, and The Manner of Laws of Secretion, The Operation of Purgative, Vomitive, and Mercurial Medicines, Are Mechanically Explained; To Which Is Prefix'd an Essay Concerning The Improvements of The Theory of Medicine (8th edition, corrected; London: Printed for W. Otridge, 1766), by George Cheyne (page images at NIH) The Philosophical Works of The Honourable Robert Boyle Esq.: Abridged, Methodized, and Disposed Under The General Heads of Physics, Statics, Pneumatics, Natural History, Chymistry, and Medicine (3 volumes; London: Printed for W. and J. Innys, et al., 1725), by Robert Boyle, ed. by Peter Shaw (page images at HathiTrust) The Works: Literary, Moral, Philosophical and Medical (new edition, 4 volumes, with title pages varying somewhat between volumes and copies; London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1807), by Thomas Percival, ed. by Edward Percival (page images at HathiTrust) Basil Valentine His Triumphant Chariot of Antimony; With Annotations of Theodore Kirkringius, M.D.; With The True Book of the Learned Synesius, A Greek Abbot, Taken Out of the Emperour's Library, Concerning the Philosopher's Stone (London: Printed for D. Newman, 1678), by Basilius Valentinus and Synesius of Cyrene, contrib. by Theodor Kerckring (multiple formats at Basilius Valentinus, a Benedictine Monk, Of Natural and Supernatural Things ("Basilius Valentinus" believed to be Tholde in this book; with Bacon's Of the Medicine or Tincture of Antimony and Holland's Work of Saturn; from a 1671 edition), by Basilius Valentinus, trans. by Daniel Cable, contrib. by Johannes Thölde, Roger Bacon, and Johan Isaäc Hollandus (Gutenberg text and page images) The Sweating Sickness: A Boke or Counseill Against the Disease Commonly Called the Sweate or Sweatyng Sicknesse (from a Works edition of 1912), by John Caius, ed. by E. S. Roberts (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Medicine -- Early works to 1800 -- Bibliography
Filed under: Dentistry -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Diseases -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Gynecology -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Medical climatology -- Early works to 1800 On Airs, Waters, and Places, by Hippocrates, trans. by Francis Adams (HTML at Internet Classics) Sangrar, y Purgar en Dias de Conjuncion: Aprueva en Este Discurso del Doctor Iuan Geronimo Navarro Presbytero, Natural de la Muy Noble y Muy Leal Cuidad de Murcia, Reyno de Espana (in Spanish; Lima: Por J. de Contreras, 1645), by Juan Gerónimo Navarro
Filed under: Medical ethics -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Medicine, Ancient -- Early works to 1800 Medicina Practica, or, Practical Physick Shewing the Method of Curing the Most Usual Diseases Happening to Humane Bodies (London: Printed for T. Howkins et al., 1692), ed. by William Salmon, contrib. by Hermes Trismegistus, Khālid ibn Yazīd al-Umawī, Jābir ibn Ḥayyān, Artephius, Nicolas Flamel, Roger Bacon, and George Ripley (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Medicine, Popular -- Early works to 1800 Aristotle's Compleat Master-Piece, in Three Parts (17th edition, 1728), by Pseudo Aristotele (page images at NIH) Domestic Medicine (second edition, 1785), by William Buchan (HTML with commentary at Here Begynneth a Good Booke of Medecines Called, the Treasure of Poore Men (London: T. Colwell, 1565) (page images at NIH) The Modern Family Physician: Being Dr Green's Treasure of Health, or, Cabinet of Cures Unlock'd, In Which All His Public Medicines Are Made Known; To Which is Prefixed, A New Treatise on the Various Diseases Incident To Children (1783), by Dr. Green (page images at NIH) The Queens Closet Opened: Incomparable Secrets in Physick, Chyrurgery, Preserving, Candying, and Cookery; As They Were Presented to the Queen (fourth edition corrected; London: Printed for N. Brooks, 1658) (page images in Barcelona) The Compleat Housewife: or, Accomplish'd Gentlewoman's Companion (14th edition; London: Printed for R. Ware et al., 1750), by E. Smith The English House-Wife: Containing the Inward and Outward Vertues Which Ought to Be in a Compleat Woman (London: Printed for G. Sawbridge, 1675), by Gervase Markham (page images in Barcelona) A Guide to Health Through the Various Stages of Life (London: Printed for M. Cooper, 1754), by Bernard Lynch (page images at NIH) Natura Exenterata: or, Nature Unbowelled by the Most Exquisite Anatomizers of Her (London: H. Twiford et al., 1655), by Philiatros The Poor Man's Physician, or The Receipts of The Famous John Moncrief of Tippermalloch: Being a Choice Collection of Simple and Easy Remedies For Most Distempers; To Which Is Added, The Method of Curing The Small Pox and Scurvy (second edition; Edinburgh: Printed for J. Paton, 1716), by John Moncrief, contrib. by Archibald Pitcairn (page images at NIH) The Queen-Like Closet, or Rich Cabinet, Stored with All Manner of Rare Receipts for Preserving, Candying and Cookery: Very Pleasant and Benefical to All Ingenious Persons of the Female Sex (second edition; London: Printed for R. Lowndes, 1672), by Hannah Woolley (page images in Barcelona) A Queens Delight: or, The Art of Preserving, Conserving and Candying; As Also a Right Knowledge of Making Perfumes, and Distilling the Most Excellent Waters (London: Printed by E. Tyler and R. Holt for N. Brooke, 1671) (Gutenberg text) The Works of Aristotle, the Famous Philosopher (the 1735 canon of this pseudonymous work), by Pseudo Aristotele (HTML with commentary at The Cook's Pocket-Companion and Compleat Family-Guide: Being a Collection of the Very Best Receipts (London: Printed for J. Staples, 1758), by Lydia Honeywood (page images at NIH) The Family's Best Friend, or The Whole Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy: Together With a Complete System of Brewery; The Management of Malt Liquors; The Distillery of Simple and Compound Waters, Family Cordials, &c; and Instructions for the Cultivating of the Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden (6th edition; London: Printed for C. Henderson, ca. 1755), by Arabella Fairfax (page images at NIH) New Experiments Upon Vipers, With Exquisite Remedies, That May Be Drawn From Them, As Well For the Cure of Their Bitings, As For That of Other Maladies; Also a Letter of Francisco Redi, Concerning Some Objections Made Upon His Observations About Vipers, Written To Monsieur Bourdelot and Mr. Alex. Morus; Together With the Sequel of New Experiments Upon Vipers, In a Reply To a Letter Written By Sign. F. Redi (London: Printed for J. Martyn, 1673), by Moyse Charas and Francesco Redi
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