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Filed under: Medicine -- Practice -- Fiction
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Filed under: Medicine -- Practice Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic, Delivered in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of New York (Philadelphia: H. Hooker, 1838), by David Hosack, ed. by Henry William Ducachet, contrib. by Nathaniel Chapman The Practice of Medicine, According to the Principles of the Physiological Doctrine (Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1831), by Jacques Coster Principles of Pathology and Practice of Medicine (fourth American edition; Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston, 1844), by John Mackintosh, ed. by Samuel George Morton Tobacco and the Clinician: Interventions for Medical and Dental Practice, by National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (PDF files at
Filed under: Medicine -- Practice -- Early works to 1800 First Lines of the Practice of Physic (2 volumes; Philadelphia: Parry Hall, 1792), by William Cullen, contrib. by John Rotheram (multiple formats at The Cure of the Miliary Fever; To Which is Annex'd, Advice to the Apothecaries (second edition; London: Printed for C. Say, 1754), by Charles Hales, David Hamilton, and Richard Blackmore (page images at NIH) Observations On Fevers: With an Attempt to Prove, That the Dangerous Symptoms and Fatal Effects, Produced by Those Diseases, Generally Happen Through a Deficiency in the Materia Medica, and Propositions for Preventing Those Symptoms and Effects, by a Safe, Easy and Immediate Cure (London: Printed for J. Wilkie, 1777), by R. White (page images at NIH) Filed under: Medicine -- Practice -- New Zealand
Filed under: Medicine -- Practice -- United States -- 20th centuryFiled under: Medicine -- Practice -- United States -- Congresses
Filed under: Health maintenance organizations -- California -- Costs The Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (Northern California Region) (Washington: Office of Technology Assessment, 1988), by Kaiser-Permanente Medical Care Program, Northern California Region Filed under: Health maintenance organizations -- Minnesota Managed Care and Competitive Health Care Markets: The Twin Cities Experience (OTA-BP-H-130; Washington: GPO, 1994), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment Filed under: Medical corporations -- United States
Filed under: Health facilities, Proprietary -- United StatesFiled under: Medical errors -- United States
Filed under: Nurse practitioners -- United States
Filed under: Nurse practitioners -- United States -- Cost effectiveness
Filed under: Physicians (General practice) -- United States -- History -- 19th century
Filed under: Defensive medicine -- Practice -- United StatesFiled under: Dentistry -- Practice
Filed under: Medical errors -- Prevention Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches (4 volumes; 2008), ed. by Kerm Henriksen, James Bruce Battles, Margaret A. Keyes, and Mary L. Grady Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (4 volumes; 2005), ed. by Kerm Henriksen, James Bruce Battles, Eric S. Marks, and David I. Lewin Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses (2008), ed. by Ronda Hughes (illustrated HTML at NIH) To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, ed. by Linda T. Kohn, Janet Corrigan, and Molla S. Donaldson (page images with commentary at NAP)
Filed under: Medication errors -- Prevention Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches (4 volumes; 2008), ed. by Kerm Henriksen, James Bruce Battles, Margaret A. Keyes, and Mary L. Grady Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (4 volumes; 2005), ed. by Kerm Henriksen, James Bruce Battles, Eric S. Marks, and David I. Lewin
Filed under: Drugs -- Side effects Drug-Acceptor Interactions (c2008), by Niels Bindslev (PDF and illustrated HTML in Canada) Postmarketing Surveillance of Prescription Drugs (1982), by United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment
Filed under: False memory syndrome -- Periodicals
Filed under: Nosocomial infections -- Prevention -- Standards -- United States
Filed under: Nurse practitioners -- Canada -- AnecdotesFiled under: Nurse practitioners -- Canada -- AttitudesFiled under: Nurse practitioners -- Canada -- ographyFiled under: Private duty nursing
Filed under: Pediatrics -- Practice -- Periodicals
Filed under: Physicians (General practice) -- Scotland -- BiographyFiled under: Harley, George, 1829-1896Filed under: Physicians (General practice) -- Professional ethics
Filed under: Fiction Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2006), by Lisa Zunshine (PDF at Ohio State) The Fiction Factory: Being the Experience of a Writer Who, for Twenty-Two Years, Has Kept a Story-Mill Grinding Successfully (published under "John Milton Edwards" pen name; Ridgewood, NJ: The Editor Company, c1912), by William Wallace Cook Last Lectures by Wilfrid Ward: Being the Lowell Lectures, 1914, and Three Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution, 1915 (London et al.: Longmans, Green, and co., 1918), by Wilfrid Ward, ed. by Mrs. Wilfrid Ward and Maisie Ward (multiple formats at Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama: A Revised American Ed. of the Readers' Handbook (4 volumes; New York: S. Hess, 1892), by Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, ed. by Marion Harland (page images at Wisconsin) Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction, and the Drama: A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook (8 volumes; New York: S. Hess, 1892-1896), by Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, ed. by Marion Harland
Filed under: Fiction -- Authorship The Career Novelist: A Literary Agent Offers Strategies for Success (c1996), by Donald Maass (PDF in Canada) This Fiction Business (New York: Covici, Friede, 1929), by H. Bedford-Jones (page images at HathiTrust) How to Write a Novel: A Practical Guide to the Art of Fiction (London: Grant Richards, 1901) (Gutenberg text) How to Write Fiction, Especially the Art of Short Story Writing (New York: Riverside Literary Bureau, C. T. Dillingham and Co., c1894), by Sherwin Cody How to Write Fiction, Especially the Art of Short Story Writing: A Practical Study of Technique (London: Bellairs and Co., 1895), by Sherwin Cody (multiple formats at Primer of the Novel (New York: Random House, c1950), by Vincent McHugh (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Fiction -- Bibliography Fiction Catalog (partial serial archives) English Prose Fiction: A Selected List Cataloged by Author and Title With Annotations (abridged version of Fiction Catalog; Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson Co., 1908) (page images at HathiTrust) Fiction Catalog: A Complete List Cataloged by Author and Title With Annotations (Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson Co., 1911) (multiple formats at Fiction Catalog: A Selected List Cataloged by Author and Title With Annotations (Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson Co., 1908) (page images at HathiTrust) A Guide to the Best Fiction in English (new edition; London: G. Routledge and Sons, 1913), by Ernest A. Baker (multiple formats at Manual of Ready Reference to Classic Fiction: Containing Brief Analyses of the World's Great Stories, and Analytical Indexes of the Chief Elements Found Therein (New York, Authors Press, c1909), by Marion Mills Miller (page images at HathiTrust) Novelistas Malos y Buenos (second edition, in Spanish; Bilbao: Sr. Administrator de el Mensajero del Corazón de Jesús, ca. 1911), by Pablo Ladrón de Guevara (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Novelistas Malos y Buenos Juzgados en Orden de Naciones: Júzganse 2,057 Novelistas: 288 Españoles, 97 Hispanoamericanos, 24 Portugueses, 65 Italianos, 1173 Franceses, 143 Ingleses, 98 Alemanes, 169 Rusos, Belgas, Escandinovos, etc. (in Spanish; Bogotá: Impr. Eléctrica, 1910), by Pablo Ladrón de Guevara (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Checklist: A Complete, Cumulative Checklist of Lesbian, Variant and Homosexual Fiction, in English or Available in English Translation, With Supplements of Related Material, for the Use of Collectors, Students and Librarians (Rochester, TX: M. Z. Bradley, c1960), ed. by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Gene Damon (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Paper Covered Books: A Catalogue (San Francisco: W. E. Price, 1894), by Warren Elbridge Price (page images at HathiTrust)
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