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Filed under: Methodism
Filed under: Methodism -- Fiction
Filed under: Methodism -- Great Britain -- DictionariesFiled under: Methodism -- HistoryFiled under: Methodism -- HumorFiled under: Methodism -- Hymns Select Melodies: Comprising the Best of Those Hymns and Spiritual Songs in Common Use, Not to Be Found in the Standard Methodist Episcopal Hymn Book; As Also, A Number of Original Pieces (Cincinnati: Printed at the Methodist book concern, 1844), ed. by William Hunter Filed under: Methodism -- Indiana Reminiscences of Early Methodism in Indiana: Including Sketches of Various Prominent Ministers, Together With Narratives of Women Eminent for Piety, Poetry and Song; Also, Descriptions of Remarkable Camp Meetings, Revivals, Incidents and Other Miscellany; With an Appendix Containing Essays on Various Theological Subjects of Practical Interest (Indianapolis: J. M. Olcott, 1879), by J. C. Smith (multiple formats at Indiana) Rev. James Havens, One of the Heroes of Indiana Methodism (Indianapolis: Sentinel Company, 1872), by W. W. Hibben (HTML and page images at Indiana) Filed under: Methodism -- Influence
Filed under: Methodism -- Ireland -- DictionariesFiled under: Methodism in literature
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Filed under: Arminianism
Filed under: Arminianism -- Controversial literature
Filed under: Church polity The Convocation Book of M DC VI, Commonly Called Bishop Overall's Convocation Book, Concerning the Government of God's Catholic Church and the Kingdoms of the Whole World (Oxford: J. H. Parker, 1844), by John Overall, contrib. by William Sancroft (page images at HathiTrust) Discussions on Church Principles: Popish, Erastian, and Presbyterian (Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark; et al., 1763), by William Cunningham (multiple formats at Reply of the Church of the Puritans to the Protest of Their Late Deacons, by Church of the Puritans (New York, N.Y.) (page images at MOA) The Perpetual Government of Christ's Church (new edition, with biographical notice; Oxford: At the University Press, 1842), by Thomas Bilson, ed. by Robert Eden (multiple formats at Google) Illustrations of the History of Medieval Thought and Learning (second edition; London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York: Macmillan, 1920), by Reginald Lane Poole (multiple formats at
Filed under: Church polity -- Early works to 1800 Ichnographia: or, A Model of the Primitive Congregational Way (London: Printed by W. E. for H. Overton, 1647), by William Bartlet New-Englands Salamander Discovered (London: Printed by R. Cotes for J. Bellamy, 1647), by Edward Winslow
Filed under: Church discipline -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Congregationalism -- Early works to 1800 Ichnographia: or, A Model of the Primitive Congregational Way (London: Printed by W. E. for H. Overton, 1647), by William Bartlet Filed under: Apostolic succession Apostolic Christianity: or, The People's Antidote Against Romanism and Puseyism (London: J. Snow, et al., 1842), by James Godkin (multiple formats at An Essay on Apostolical Succession: Being a Defence of a Genuine Protestant Ministry, Against the Exclusive and Intolerant Schemes of Papists and High Churchmen; and Supplying a General Antidote to Popery (with other pieces; second edition; New York: G. Lane and P. P. Sandford, 1842), by Thomas Powell (multiple formats at The Primacy of the Apostolic See, and the Authority of General Councils, Vindicated in a Series of Letters Addresses to the Right Rev. J. H. Hopkins, D.D. (Philadelphia: J. Kay, et al., 1838), by Francis Patrick Kenrick (multiple formats at Filed under: Church disciplineFiled under: Church membershipFiled under: Church polity -- History -- Early church, ca. 30-600Filed under: Congregationalism An Address on Congregationalism As Affected by the Declarations of the Advisory Council Held in Brooklyn, N.Y., February, 1876, by Richard S. Storrs (page images at MOA) Congregationalism, by Henry Martyn Dexter (page images at MOA) A "New Years Guift": An Hitherto Lost Treatise (London: Congregational Historical Society, 1904), by Robert Browne, ed. by Champlin Burrage A Treatise of Reformation, Without Tarying for Anie (London: Congregational Union of England and Wales, 1903), by Robert Browne, ed. by T. G. Crippen Filed under: Covenants (Church polity)Filed under: Laity
Filed under: Parishes -- FictionFiled under: Pews and pew rightsFiled under: PresbyterianismFiled under: Puritans The History of the Puritans, or Protestant Nonconformists, From the Reformation in 1517, to the Revolution in 1688: Comprising an Account of Their Principles, Their Attempts for a Farther Reformation in the Church, Their Sufferings, and the Lives and Characters of Their Most Considerable Divines (2 volumes; New York: Harper and Bros., 1855), by Daniel Neal, ed. by John Overton Choules and Joshua Toulmin (page images at HathiTrust) The Lives of the Puritans: Containing a Biographical Account of Those Divines Who Distinguished Themselves in the Cause of Religious Liberty, From the Reformation Under Queen Elizabeth, to the Act of Uniformity in 1662 (3 volumes; London: Printed for J. Black, 1813), by B. Brook Shortcomings of the Puritan Church; and Reorganization of Society (New York: Baker and Godwin, 1863), by Jerome B. Holgate (page images at HathiTrust) An Answer to John Robinson of Leyden by a Puritan Friend: Now First Published From a Manuscript of A.D. 1609 (Harvard Theological Studies #9; 1920), ed. by Champlin Burrage St. Paul and Protestantism, With an Essay on Puritanism and the Church of England (third edition; London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1875), by Matthew Arnold (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) St. Paul and Protestantism, With Other Essays (popular edition; London: Smith, Elder, 1892), by Matthew Arnold (multiple formats at
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