Middle class -- France -- Paris -- 16th centurySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Middle class -- France -- Paris -- 16th century -- Diaries
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Filed under: Middle class -- France -- Paris L'Hôtel de Ville et la bourgeoisie de Paris : origines, moeurs, coutumes, institutions municipales depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à 1789 (Schlesinger, 1882), by François Rittiez (page images at HathiTrust) L'Hotel de ville et la bourgeoisie de Paris, origines, mœurs, coutumes, institutions municipales depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à 1789 (Schlesinger Frères, 1863), by F. Rittiez (page images at HathiTrust) La bourgeoisie parisienne au temps de la Fronde (Plon-Nourrit et cie, 1913), by Lèon Lecestre (page images at HathiTrust) Le bourgeois de Paris (S. Kra, 1925), by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and N. Guterman (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Middle class -- France -- Paris -- Intellectual life -- 19th century -- Fiction Monsieur Bergeret in Paris, by Anatole France, ed. by J. Lewis May and Bernard Miall, trans. by Bérengère Drillien (Gutenberg ebook)
Filed under: Middle class -- France -- Paris -- Political activity -- History -- 20th century
Filed under: 16th century
Filed under: Acrostics -- Germany -- 16th century
Filed under: Aesthetics, Modern -- 16th century
Filed under: Africa -- Description and travels -- 16th century
Filed under: Allegories -- 16th century
Filed under: Almanacs, English -- 16th century [An almanack, engraved on copper.] ([London : s.n., 1591]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Writing tables vvith a kalender for xxiiii. yeeres, with sundry necessarye rules. (Made at London : By [R. Watkins and J. Roberts for] Frauncis Adams, stationer or bookbinder, dwelling in Distaffe lane, neare olde fishstreete, at the signe of the Aqua vite still, and are there to be sold, Anno. Domi. 1594), by Frank Adams (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Ancona (Italy) -- 16th century
Filed under: Annotations (Provenance) -- 16th century Benedicti Ar. Montani Hymni et secula.. (Ex officina Plantiniana, apud viduam, & Ioannem Moretum., 1593), by Benito Arias Montano, Jan Moretus, Christophe Plantin, Pedro de Valencia, and Plantijnsche Drukkerij (page images at HathiTrust) De opificio Dei, vel, Formatione hominis liber per vigintivnu[m] capita distributus, cu[m] eloque[n]tia, tum eruditione pr[ae]clarus (Colonie : In Officina Que[n]tell, anno supra sesquimillesimu[m] sexto [1506]., 1506), by Lactantius and Officina Liberorum Quentell (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Architectural pattern books -- Belgium -- 16th century
Filed under: Architecture -- France -- 16th century
Filed under: Architecture -- Germany -- Westphalia -- 16th century
Filed under: Architecture -- Spain -- 16th century Descripcion del real monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial : su magnifico templo, panteon, y palacio : compendiada de la descripcion antigua, y exornada con nuevas vistosas láminas de su planta y montéa : aumentada con la noticia de varias grandezas y alhajas con que han ilustrado los católicos reyes aquel maravilloso edificio, y coronada con un tratado apendice de los insignes profesores de las bellas artes estatuaria, arquitectura, y pintura, que concurrieron á su fundacion, y despues le han enriquecido con sus obras (En la impr. de Antonio Marin, 1764), by Andrés Ximenez, Antonio Marin, Lázaro Gómez, Pedro Villafranca Malagón, and Francisco Santos (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Armorials (reference sources) -- England -- 16th century
Filed under: Art, European -- 16th century
Filed under: Art, Italian -- 16th century
Filed under: Asceticism -- 16th century
Filed under: Astrology, Arab -- 16th century
Filed under: Atlases -- Belgium -- 16th century Theatrum orbis terrarum Abrahami Ortelii Antverp. geographi regii (Apvd Ioannem Bapt. Vrintivm, 1603), by Abraham Ortelius, Humphrey Llwyd, Jan Baptista Vrients, Gerard de Jode, Antonie Wierix, Ferdinand Arsenius, Ambroise Arsenius, Frans Hogenberg, and Pierre François Sweerts (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Atlases -- France -- 16th century
Filed under: Authors, Italian -- 16th century
Filed under: Authors, Russian -- 16th century
Filed under: Autograph albums -- Belgium -- 16th century
Filed under: Autograph albums -- Europe -- 16th century Typus veri amici (1587), by Barthlmä Pezzen, Margravine of Burgau Sibylle, Herzogin von Jülich-Kleve-Berg Jacobe, Duke of Jülich Johann Wilhelm, and Johann Joachim Prack von Asch (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Ballads -- 16th century
Filed under: Ballads, English -- 16th century A ioyful nevv ballad, declaring the happie obtaining of the great galleazo, wherein Don Pietro de Valdez was the chiefe through the mightie power and prouidence of God, being a speciall token of his gracious and fatherly goodnes towards vs, to the great encouragement of all those that willingly fight in the defence of his gospel and our good Queene of England. To the tune of mounseurs Almaigne. (London : Printed by Iohn Wolfe, for Edwarde White, 1588), by Thomas Deloney (HTML at EEBO TCP) A ditty delightfull of mother watkins ale A warning wel wayed, though counted a tale. ([London : s.n., c. 1590]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A balad intituled, the dekaye of the Duke ([London] : Imprinted at London in Fleetestreate beneath the conduit at the signe signe [sic] of Saynt John Evangelist by Thomas Colwell, [1572]), by William Elderton (HTML at EEBO TCP) A new ballad, declaring the great treason conspired against the young king of Scots and how one Andrew Browne, an Englishman, which was the kings chamberlaine, preuented the same : to the tune of Milfield, or els to Greenesleeues / [by] VV. Elderton. ([London] : Imprinted at London for Yarathe Iames, dwelling in Newgate Market ouer against Christes Church, [1581]), by William Elderton (HTML at EEBO TCP) The panges of loue and louers ftts [sic] (Jmprynted at London, in Smithfield in the parish of Saynt Barthelmewes Hospitall : by Richard Lant, An. Dni. M.D.lix. xxii. Mar. [1559, Mar. 22]), by William Elderton (HTML at EEBO TCP) A newe ballade, declaryng the daungerons [sic] shootynge of the gunne at the courte to the tune of Sicke and sicke / [by] W.E. ([London] : Jmprinted at London for Edward White, dwellyng at the little north-doore of Sanct Paules churche, at the signe of the Gunne, [1579]), by William Elderton (HTML at EEBO TCP) A new Yorkshyre song, intituled: Yorke, Yorke, for my monie of all the cities that euer I see, for mery pastime and companie, except the Cittie of London. (Imprinted at London : By Richard Iones: dwelling neere Holburne Bridge, 1584), by William Elderton (HTML at EEBO TCP) The .xxv. orders of fooles. (Imprinted at London : By Alexander Lacie, for Henry Kyrkham, dwellyng at the signe of the blacke Boye: at the middle north dore of Paules church, [1570?]), by Timothy Granger (HTML at EEBO TCP) A dolefull ditty, or sorowfull sonet of the Lord Darly, sometime king of Scots, neuew to the noble and worthy King Henry the eyght and is to be song to the tune of blacke and yellowe. ([London] : Imprinted at London by Thomas Gosson dwelling in Paternoster Rowe, next to the signe of the Castell, [1579?]), by H. C. (HTML at EEBO TCP) A famous dittie of the ioyful receauing of the Queens moste excellent maiestie, by the worthy citizens of London the xij day of Nouember, 1584. at her graces comming to Saint Iames. To the tune of Wigmores Galliard. (At London : Printed by Edward Allde for Yarath Iames and are to be solde in New-gate Market against Christ Church gate, 1584), by Richard Harrington (HTML at EEBO TCP) A balade specifienge partly the maner, partly the matter, in the most excellent meetyng and lyke mariage betwene our soueraigne Lord, and our soueraigne Lady, the Kynges and Queenes highnes pende by John Heywood. (Jmprinted at London : By Wyllyam Ryddell, [1554?]), by John Heywood (HTML at EEBO TCP) A breefe balet touching the traytorous takynge of Scarborow Castell (Jmprinted at London in Fleetestrete : By Tho. Powell, [1557?]), by John Heywood (HTML at EEBO TCP) Luke Huttons lamentation: which he wrote the day before his death, being condemned to be hanged at Yorke for his robberies and trespasses committed there-about. To the tune of Wandring and wavering.. (London : Printed for H. Gosson., [ca. 1640?]), by Luke Hutton (HTML at EEBO TCP) straight gate to heaven ([London : printed by R. Grafton, ca. 1550]), by William King (HTML at EEBO TCP) A pleasant posie, or Sweete nosegay of fragrant smellyng flowers: gathered in the garden of heaunely pleasure, the holy and blessed bible. To the tune of The black Almayne. (Imprinted at London, : by Richard Johnes: dwellyng in the vpper end of Fleetlane, 1572), by John Symon (HTML at EEBO TCP) A prettie newe ballad, intytuled: the crowe sits vpon the wall, please one and please all To the tune of, please one and please all. (Imprinted at London : for Henry Kyrkham, dwelling at the little North doore of Paules, at the signe of the blacke Boy, [1592]), by Richard Tarlton (HTML at EEBO TCP) [An exhortation to despise the gifts], whych we receaue by faylynge fortune ([London : T. Raynald, 1552?]), by T. Thachame (HTML at EEBO TCP) A godly ballad declaring by the Scriptures the plagues that haue insued whordome (Imprinted at London : At the long shop adioining vnto Sainct Mildreds Churche in the Poultrie by John Alde, Anno Domini 1566. Nouembris. 25. [1566]), by fl. 1566 A. I. (HTML at EEBO TCP) A balade of a preist that loste his nose for sayinge of masse as I suppose ([London : s.n., 1570?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A ballad reioycinge the sodaine fall, of rebels that thought to deuower vs all (Imprinted at London : In Fleetestreete, by William How, for Henry Kirkham, and are to be solde at his shop at the middle north doore of Paules Churche, [1570]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) [A ballad of Malmerophus and Sillera.] (London : Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe, for Edwarde White: and are to be solde at his shoppe, at the little North doore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gunne, 1582) (HTML at EEBO TCP) [Ballad on the defeat of the Devon and Cornwall rebels of 1548] ([London : S.n., 1549]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A balade declaryng how neybourhed lone [sic], and trew dealyng is gone (Imprinted at London : By Richard Lant, [1561]), by John Barker (HTML at EEBO TCP) A worthy myrour, wherin ye may marke, an excellent discourse of a breeding larke ... (Printed at London : By Richard Johnes, [1577?]), by Arthur Bourcher (HTML at EEBO TCP) [A little gest of Robin Hood] ([London : Richard Pynson, 1500?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Marke well the effect, purtreyed here in all ... ([London : S. n., c. 1580?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A maruelous tydynges both wonders old and new The Deuyll is endited yf many mens wordes be tru. (London : Printed by Cornelis Woltrop dwellyng at Saynt Antonies[, c. 1570]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The true description of two monsterous chiildren laufully begotten betwene George Steuens and Margerie his wyfe, and borne in the parish of Swanburne in Buckingham shyre, the. iiii. of Aprill. Anno Domini. 1566, the two children havuing both their belies fast ioyned together, and imbraycyng one an other with their armes: which children wer both a lyue by the space of half an hower, and wer baptized, and named the one John, and the other Joan. (Imprinted at London : By Alexander Lacy, for William Lewes: dwellyng in Cow lane aboue Holborne cundit, ouer against the signe of the Plough, [1566]), by John Mellys (HTML at EEBO TCP) [A Merry new song wherin is shewed the cudgelling of the cobler of Colchester] (At London : Printed for Andrew White, and are to be solde at his shop at the [--] exchange ouer against [---] in [C]ornhill, [1589]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A newe ballade intytuled, Good fellowes must go learne to daunce (Imprinted at London : In Fletestrete at the signe of the Faucon, by Wylliam Gryffith, and are to be solde at his shoppe in S. Dunstones Churchyeard, 1569) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Of the horrible and wofull destruction of, Sodome, and Gomorra To the tune of the nine Muses. (Imprinted at London : By Richard Iohnes for Henrie Kyrkham, dwelling at the signe of the blacke Boy: at the middle north dore of Paules church, [1570]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A newe ballade of a louer/ extolling his ladye. To the tune of Damon and Pithias. (Imprinted at London, : In Fletestrete at the signe of the Faucon, by Wylliam Gryffith, 1568), by M. Osborne (HTML at EEBO TCP) A newe ballade ([London : s.n., 1560?]), by fl. 1560 R. M. (HTML at EEBO TCP) Blasinge of bawdrie. ([Imprinted at London : In the vpper end of fleetlane: at the signe of the Spreade Eagle, by Richard Jhones, [1574]]), by fl. 1574 R. C. (HTML at EEBO TCP) A ballad intituled, A newe well a daye/ as playne maister papist, as Donstable waye. Well a daye well a daye, well a daye woe is mee Syr Thomas Plomtrie is hanged on a tree. (Imprinted at London : in Fleestrete [sic] beneath the conduit, at the signe of S. John Euangelist, by Thomas Colwell, [1570]), by William Elderton (HTML at EEBO TCP) A ballad intituled, Prepare ye to the plowe, to the tune, of Pepper is blacke. The Queene holdes the plow, to continew good seede. Trustie subiectes be readie to helpe if she neede. (Imprinted at London : in Fleetestreete, by William How, for Richard Iohnes: and are to be solde at his shop, ioyning to the southwest doore of Paules Church, [1570]), by William Elderton (HTML at EEBO TCP) A proper new balad in praise of my Ladie Marques, whose death is bewailed, to the tune of New lusty gallant. (Imprinted at London : In Fletestreat beneath the Conduit, at the signe of S. Iohn Euangelist, by Thomas Colwell, [1569?]), by William Elderton (HTML at EEBO TCP) A proper newe ballad sheweing that philosophers learnynges, are full of good warnynges. And songe to the tune of My Lorde Marques Galyarde: or The firste traces of que passa. (Imprinted at London : in fleetestreet beneath the conduit, at the signe of Sainte. Iohn Euangelist, by Thomas Colwell, [1569?]), by William Elderton (HTML at EEBO TCP) A merry new song how a bruer meant to make a cooper cuckold and how deere the bruer paid for the bargaine. To the tune of, In somertime. ([London : H. Kirkham?, 1590?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) [A ballad describing natural portents] ([London : s.n., 1580?]) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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