Military fireworks -- Italy -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Military fireworks -- Italy -- Early works to 1800
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Filed under: Fireworks -- Italy -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Fireworks -- Italy -- Mantua -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Fireworks -- Italy -- Milan -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Fireworks -- Italy -- Modena -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Fireworks -- Italy -- Naples -- Early works to 1800- Narrazione delle solenni reali feste : fatte celebrare in Napoli da Sua Maestà il Re delle Due Sicilie Carlo Infante di Spagna, Duca di Parma, Piacenza &c. & c per la nascita del suo primogenito Filippo Real Principe delle Due Sicilie. ([publisher not identified], 1749), by Giuseppe Vasi, Louis-Joseph Le Lorrain, Nicolas-Henri Jardin, Vincenzo dal Rè, Francesco Polanzani, Angelo Guiducci, and Carlo Bartolomeo Gregori (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Fireworks -- Italy -- Piacenza -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Fireworks -- Italy -- Rome -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Fireworks -- Italy -- Turin -- Early works to 1800- Description de ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable à Turin, à l'occasion du mariage de L.L.M.M. Charles Emmanuel, roy de Sardaigne, et Elisabeth Therese, princesse ainée de Lorraine (Presso Gio. Battista Chais ..., 1737), by Jean-Louis Daudet, Georg Caspar Prenner, Antoine Herisset, and Giovanni Antonio Belmond (page images at HathiTrust)
- Tempio delle virtv̀ : festa di fuochi di gioia (Appresso Bartolomeo Zappata, 1678), by Bartolomeo Zavatta (page images at HathiTrust)
- I portici di Atene, festa di fuochi di gioia : celebrata da Madama Reale sù la riua del Pò al Valentino nel giorno della nascita di S.A.R. (Appresso Bartolomeo Zappata, 1678), by Bartolomeo Zavatta (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Military fireworks -- Early works to 1800- Traité pratique des feux d'artifice, pour le spectacle et pour la guerre : avec les petits feux de table, et l'artifice à l'usage des théâtres (Chez Firmin Didot, libraire pour les mathématiques, la marine et l'architecture, rue de Thionville, nos. 116 et 1850, 1800), by A. M. Th Morel (page images at HathiTrust)
- Opera nuova di fortificare, offendere et difendere (Appresso Gio. Battista Bozola, 1564), by Girolamo Cataneo (page images at HathiTrust)
- Modelles, artifices de feu, et divers instruments de guerre (Chez Quentin Mareschal ..., 1598), by Joseph Boillot (page images at HathiTrust)
- La pyrotechnie de Hanzelet lorrain, ou sont representez les plus rares & plus appreuuez secrets des machines & des feux artificiels, propres pour assieger, battre, surprende & deffendre toutes places. (Par I. & Gaspard Bernard, 1630), by Jean Appier-Hanzelet (page images at HathiTrust)
- Inventioni nelle quali si manifestano varij secreti, & vtili auisi a persone di gverra, e per i tempi di piacere (Apresso Seth Viotto, 1579), by Giovanni Battista Isacchi (page images at HathiTrust)
- Pratiqve de la gverre : contenant l'vsage de l'artillerie (Chez Geruais Clousier ..., 1650), by Francis Malthus, Gervais Clousier, Jacques Picard, and Jacques Picart (page images at HathiTrust)
- Essay sur les feux d'artifice pour le spectacle et pour la guerre (Chez Coustelier ..., 1745), by Jean-Charles Perrinet d'Orval (page images at HathiTrust)
- Artificial fireworks, improved to the modern practice (Printed for J. Millan, near Whitehall., 1766), by Robert Jones, John Millan, and William Darling (page images at HathiTrust)
- Traité des fevx artificiels povr la gverre et povr la recreation (Chez Cardin Besongne ..., 1640), by Francis Malthus (page images at HathiTrust)
- Deutliche Anweisung zur Feuerwerkerey : worinnen alle gebräuchliche Arten der Lust- und Ernstfeuer nebst derselben Verfertigung und denen dazu nötigen Werkzeugen ordentlich und genau beschrieben und mit Kupfern erläutert werden (In Johann Friedrich Gleditschens Buchhandlung, 1757), by J. C. Stövesandt and Anton August Beck (page images at HathiTrust)
- Grund-Lehren der Artillerie : in welchen, nach der heut zu Tage üblichen Attaque derer Festungen, das Geschütze, als Stücke Mörser und Petarden nicht allein auf das gründlichste beschrieben, sondern auch deren Nutzen und Gebrauch klärlich gezeiget wird : nebst einem deutlichen Unterricht, allerley Arten von Ragetten Wasser-und Böler Kugeln bey unterschiedenen Lust-Feuern, leichtlich zu verfertigen und geschickt zusammen zusetzen : allen Ingenieuren, Büchsen-Meistern u. Liebhabern der Feuer-Wercker-Kunst, nach Anleitung derer allerbesten Autorum, so von dieser Disciplin geschrieben, zu Nutzen aufgesetzt, und mit nöthigen Anmerckungen und vielen Kupffern erkläret (Zufinden bey Johann Herbord Klossen ..., 1723), by Johann Christoph Meinig and Georg Schreiber (page images at HathiTrust)
- The arte of gunnerie. Wherein is set foorth a number of seruiceable secrets, and practical conclusions, belonging to the art of gunnerie, by arithmeticke skill to be accomplished: both pretie, pleasant, and profitable for all such as are professors of the same facultie. / Compiled by Thomas Smith of Barwicke vpon Tweed souldier. (London : Printed [by Richard Field] for VVilliam Ponsonby, 1600 [-1601]), by Thomas Smith (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The compleat cannoniere: or, The gunners guide Wherein are set forth exactly the chiefe grounds and principals of the whole art, in a very briefe and compendious forme, never by any set forth in the like nature before. With divers excellent conclusions, both arithmeticall and geometricall belonging thereunto: as also sundry serviceable fireworkes, both for sea and land service. A study delightfull and very usefull for men of the best quality, and imbrac'd by the greatest princes. Written by Iohn Roberts of Weston neere Bathe, Gentleman, practitioner and professor in the arte thereof. (London : Printed by J. Okes, and are to be sold by George Hurlock at his shop in Thames-street neere S. Magnus Church, 1639), by John Roberts (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Italy -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Aniene River (Italy) -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Bassano del Grappa (Italy) -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Capitoline Hill (Italy) -- Early works to 1800- Iustus Rycquius De Capitolo romano (Ex officina Joan. du Vivié, 1696), by Josse de Rycke and Romeyn de Hooghe (page images at HathiTrust)
- De Capitolio Romano commentarius (Apud Cornelium Marium, 1617), by Josse de Rycke (page images at HathiTrust)
- Distinta relazione della nobilissima cavalcata fatta coll'occasione del possesso del senatorato di Roma preso alli 24. gennaro 1712. dall', & signor Mario Frangipane marchese di Nemi (Per il Bernabò :, 1712), by Mario Frangipane (page images at HathiTrust)
- De Capitolio Romano commentarius (Ex officina Danielis, Abrahami & Adriani à Gaasbeeck, 1669), by Josse de Rycke, Dominique Barrière, and Romeyn de Hooghe (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Casalmaggiore (Italy) -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Cremona (Italy) -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Etna, Mount (Italy) -- Early works to 1800- Aetna & quae supersunt fragmenta (Apud Henricum Schelte, 1703), by William Dodd, Henri Schelte, Lucilius Junior, Pietro Bembo, Jean Le Clerc, Friedrich Lindenbrog, Joseph Juste Scaliger, Cornelius Severus, and Donald & Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson (Houghton Library) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other volcanos : in a series of letters addressed to the Royal Society (Printed for T. Cadell, in The Strand, 1772), by William Hamilton, T. Cadell, James Basire, and Royal Society (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust)
- L'Etna : poème (Paris : Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres", 1923., 1923), by Jules Vessereau (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and Other Volcanos, by William Hamilton, ed. by T. Cadell (Gutenberg ebook)
- A true and exact relation of the late prodigious earthquake and eruption of Mount Ætna, or, Monte-Gibello as it came in a letter written to his Majesty from Naples by the Right Honourable the Earle of Winchilsea, His Majesties late ambassador at Constantinople, who in his return from thence, visiting Catania in the island of Sicily, was an eye-witnesse of that dreadfull spectacle. Together with a more particular narrative of the same as it is collected out of several relations sent from Catania. Published by authority. (Edinburgh : [s.n.], re-printed in the year, 1669), by Heneage Finch Winchilsea (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Lonato (Italy) -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Parma River (Italy) -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Phlegraean Plain (Italy) -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Po River (Italy) -- Early works to 1800- Del riparo de' pennelli alle rive del Po di Cremona : a sua eccellenza il signor marchese don Angiolo Luigi Maraviglia Mantegazza, consigliere intimo attuale di stato delle Ll. maestà imperiali, e presidente della regia camera ec. ([publisher not identified], 1758), by Antonio Lecchi, Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana, Giacomo Mercori, Pietro Martire Aglio, and Cavagna Collection (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Nuoua architettura dell'agrimensura di terre, et acque (Per Paolo Puerone, 1672), by Alessandro Capra and Paolo Puerone (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Rome (Italy) -- Early works to 1800- Ritratto di Roma moderna : nel quale sono descritte, le sagre basiliche, le chiese, collegij, confraternite, librerie, ospedali, monasteri, fontane, giardini, palazzi, pitture, scolture, e statue più famose, esistenti dentro, e fuori della Città : con la narratione dell' opere pie, dell' indulgenze, e reliquie de' santi, le quali conseruansi nelle sudette chiese, come ancora de' sommi pontefici, e cardinali, fondatori, ò ristauratori delle medesime : distinto in quatordici rioni, abbellito con figure di rame, e raccolto dall' auttori, accennati nel primo tomo. (Nella libreria di Michel' Angelo Rossi à Pasquino, all' Insegna della Salamandra, 1689), by Filippo de' Rossi, Michel'Angelo Rossi, and Carlo Barberini (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Tiber River (Italy) -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Vesuvius (Italy) -- Early works to 1800- Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other volcanos : in a series of letters addressed to the Royal Society (Printed for T. Cadell, in The Strand, 1772), by William Hamilton, T. Cadell, James Basire, and Royal Society (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Supplement to Campi Phlegraei : being an account of the great eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the month of August 1779 ([publisher not identified], 1779), by William Hamilton, Peter Fabris, and Royal Society (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and Other Volcanos, by William Hamilton, ed. by T. Cadell (Gutenberg ebook)
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