Mines and mineral resources -- PeriodicalsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Periodicals
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Africa, Southern -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- South Africa -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- Canada -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- Ontario -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- Indonesia -- Periodicals Koloniaal Verslag, by Dutch East Indies Departement van Landbouw (partial serial archives) Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Japan -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- North America -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- United States -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- Oklahoma -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- South Dakota -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- West Virginia -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- Wisconsin -- Periodicals
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Alabama
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Alaska
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Arctic regions
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Brazil
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- California County Report (partial serial archives) California Gold (1933 magazine reprint), by James Stephens Brown (HTML at LOC) California Copy (Washington: Washington College Press, c1928), by Geo. F. Weeks Glimpses of Hungryland: or, California Sketches, by W. S. Walker (HTML at LOC) The Resources of California, by John S. Hittell (page images at MOA) The Sunset Land, by John Todd (HTML at LOC) California '46 to '88, by Jacob Wright Harlan (HTML at LOC) The Gregson Memoirs, by Eliza Marshall Gregson and James Gregson (HTML at LOC) The Last of the Mill Creeks, and Early Life in Northern California, by Sim Moak (HTML at LOC) Life and Adventures of Col. L. A. Norton, by Lewis Adelbert Norton (HTML at LOC) Recollections of a '49er, by Edward Washington McIlhany (HTML at LOC)
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Canada
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Environmental aspects
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Fiction The Hidden Mine (originally published 1896), by Joseph A. Altsheler (HTML at woodwardworks.com) Murder in Space (Galaxy novel #23; New York: Galaxy Publishing Corp., 1954), by David V. Reed, illust. by Ed Emshwiller The Lost Mine of the Mono: A Tale of the Sierra Nevada (New York: Cochrane Pub. Co., 1909), by Charles Herman Bruno Klette (multiple formats at archive.org) Soldiers of Fortune, by Richard Harding Davis (Gutenberg text) Soldiers of Fortune (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897), by Richard Harding Davis, illust. by Charles Dana Gibson
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Georgia
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Guinea Tin Peaks and Silver Streams: A Memoir (1995), by Sheldon Wimpfen
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Hispaniola Report on the Mines Known in the Eastern Division of Hayti, and the Facilities of Working Them (London: Printed for Ridgway, Booth, and Wilson, 1825), by William Walton
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Honduras Explorations and Adventures in Honduras: Comprising Sketches of Travel in the Gold Regions of Olancho, and a Review of the History and General Resources of Central America (New York: Harper and Bros., 1857), by William V. Wells
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- India
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Indiana
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Kansas
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Mexico
Filed under: Mines and mineral resources -- Middle East Tin Peaks and Silver Streams: A Memoir (1995), by Sheldon Wimpfen
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