Missionaries -- Michigan -- BiographySee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Missionaries -- Michigan -- Biography
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Filed under: Missionaries -- United States -- Biography Living In Two Worlds: The Wanda Jones Story (c1988), by Wanda Jones, contrib. by Sandra Picklesimer Aldrich (HTML at Wayback Machine) Memoirs, Historical and Edifying, of a Missionary Apostolic of the Order of Saint Dominic Among Various Indian Tribes and Among the Catholics and Protestants in the United States of America, by Samuel Mazzuchelli, trans. by Mary Benedicta Kennedy (multiple formats with commentary at loc.gov) Fifty-Three Years in Syria (2 volumes; New York et al.: F. H. Revell Co., c1910), by Henry Harris Jessup (page images at HathiTrust) The Korea Pentecost, and Other Experiences on the Mission Field (New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., ca. 1910), by William Newton Blair (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: African American missionaries -- Biography Africa for Christ: Twenty-Eight Years a Slave (London: Alexander and Shepheard, 1892), by Thomas L. Johnson (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) Twenty-Eight Years a Slave, or The Story of My Life in Three Continents (Bournemouth, UK: W. Mate and Sons, 1909), by Thomas L. Johnson (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) Wilkerson's History of His Travels and Labors, in the United States, As a Missionary, In Particular, That of the Union Seminary, Located in Franklin Co., Ohio, Since He Purchased His Liberty in New Orleans, La. &c. (1861), by Major James Wilkerson
Filed under: African American missionaries -- Africa -- BiographyFiled under: African American missionaries -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- BiographyFiled under: African American missionaries -- Liberia -- BiographyFiled under: African American missionaries -- Ohio -- Biography The Missionary Pioneer, or A Brief Memoir of the Life, Labours, and Death of John Stewart, (Man of Colour,) Founder, under God of the Mission Among the Wyandotts at Upper Sandusky, Ohio (New York: Printed by J. C. Totten, 1827), by Joseph Mitchell Filed under: African American missionaries -- Virginia -- Waynesboro -- BiographyFiled under: African American missionaries -- Washington (State) -- Seattle -- BiographyFiled under: Women missionaries -- United States -- Biography The Lives of Mrs. Ann H. Judson and Mrs. Sarah B. Judson, With a Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Emily C. Judson, Missionaries to Burmah (Auburn, NY: Derby and Miller, 1851), by Arabella M. Willson, contrib. by Emily C. Judson Filed under: Missionaries -- Alaska -- Biography
Filed under: Missionaries -- Biography Passed Experiences, Present Conditions, Hope for the Future (Pasadena, CA: Press of Ramsey-Burns Printing Co., 1917), by Maria A. Gerber (page images at HathiTrust) Self-Sacrifice: or, The Pioneers of Fuegia (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, c1861), by Sarah A. Myers The Romance of Missions: or, Inside Views of Life and Labor, in the Land of Ararat (New York: A. D. F. Randolph and Co., c1875), by Maria A. West, contrib. by Elizabeth Rundle Charles
Filed under: Women missionaries -- Biography
Filed under: Missionaries -- Africa -- Biography A Life for Africa: Rev. Adolphus Clemens Good, Ph. D., American Missionary in Equatorial West Africa (New York et al.: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1897), by Ellen C. Parsons, contrib. by W. J. Holland and Adolphus Clemens Good A Master-Builder on the Nile: Being a Record Of the Life and Aims of John Hogg, D. D., Christian Missionary (New York et al.: Fleming H. Revell, ca. 1914), by Rena L. Hogg (page images at HathiTrust) Biography of Elder Lott Cary, Late Missionary to Africa; With an Appendix on the Subject of Colonization (Baltimore: Armstrong and Berry, 1837), by James B. Taylor, contrib. by John H. B. Latrobe (HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: Missionaries -- Alabama -- Anniston -- Biography
Filed under: Missionaries -- Appalachian Region, Southern -- Biography
Filed under: Missionaries -- Asia -- Biography
Filed under: Missionaries -- British Columbia -- Biography
Filed under: Missionaries -- Canada -- Biography
Filed under: Missionaries -- China -- Biography
Filed under: Missionaries -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Biography An Englishwoman's Twenty-Five Years in Tropical Africa: Being the Biography of Gwen Elen Lewis, Missionary to the Cameroons and the Congo, by George Hawker (multiple formats at archive.org) Life and Letters of Samuel Norvell Lapsley, Missionary to the Congo Valley, West Africa, 1866-1892 (Richmond, VA: Whittet and Shepperson, 1893), by Samuel N. Lapsley, ed. by R. A. Lapsley and James W. Lapsley Missionary Pioneering in Congo Forests: A Narrative of the Labours of William F.P. Burton and His Companions in the Native Villages of Luba-Land, by W. F. P. Burton, ed. by Max W. Moorhead (multiple formats at archive.org) William McCutchan Morrison: Twenty Years in Central Africa (1921), by Thomas Chalmers Vinson (multiple formats at archive.org) Presbyterian Pioneers in Congo (ca. 1917), by William H. Sheppard (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Missionaries -- East Asia -- Biography Daughters of the Cross: or, Woman's Mission, by Daniel C. Eddy
Filed under: Missionaries -- England -- BiographyFiled under: Missionaries -- Fiji -- BiographyFiled under: Missionaries -- France -- BiographyFiled under: Missionaries -- India -- Biography Henry Martyn, Confessor of the Faith (London: Student Christian Movement, 1922), by Constance E. Padwick The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary, by George Smith A Memorial of the Futtehgurh Mission and Her Martyred Missionaries, by J. Johnston Walsh (page images at MOA) Social Christianity in the Orient: The Story of a Man, a Mission and a Movement (New York: Macmillan, 1914), by J. E. Clough, ed. by Emma Rauschenbusch-Clough (multiple formats at archive.org) Filed under: Missionaries -- Iran -- BiographyFiled under: Missionaries -- Korea -- BiographyFiled under: Missionaries -- Lebanon -- BiographyMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |