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Filed under: Missions -- Arizona
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Filed under: Missions Why Won't They Listen? The Power of Creation Evangelism (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2003), by Ken Ham (illustrated HTML with commentary at answersingenesis.org) Ancient Peoples at New Tasks (New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1918), by Willard Price (multiple formats at archive.org) Essays on Missions: The World's Revolution, the Hope and Errand of American Christians; The Spirit of Missions, the Spirit of Christ (two essays in one volume; Charleston, SC: Southern Baptist Publication Society, 1853), by Robert T. Middleditch and E. T. Winkler New Model of Christian Missions to Popish, Mahometan, and Pagan Nations, Explained in Four Letters to a Friend (New York: J. Leavitt, 1830), by Isaac Taylor (multiple formats at archive.org) Holiness and Missions, by S. N. Fitkin (HTML with commentary at snu.edu) A Manual of Missions, by John C. Lowrie (page images at MOA) Extracts From the Journal of the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Connecticut, Held at Middletown, From the 13th to the 15th of Oct. 1835, With an Appendix, Containing Documents Relating to Washington College, and the Church Scholarship Society (with a sermon by Jarvis; Middletown, CT: W. D. Starr, 1835), by Episcopal Church Diocese of Connecticut, contrib. by Samuel F. Jarvis (page images at HathiTrust) The New Evangelism and Other Papers, by Henry Drummond (multiple formats at CCEL)
Filed under: Missions -- Africa Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race (second edition; London: W. B. Whittingham and Co., 1888), by Edward Wilmot Blyden, contrib. by Samuel Lewis (page images at HathiTrust) Exame das Viagens do Doutor Livingstone (in Portuguese; Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 1867), by José Maria Almeida e Araújo de Portugal Correia de Lacerda (page images at HathiTrust) A Master-Builder on the Nile: Being a Record Of the Life and Aims of John Hogg, D. D., Christian Missionary (New York et al.: Fleming H. Revell, ca. 1914), by Rena L. Hogg (page images at HathiTrust) The Missionary Heroes of Africa (New York: George H. Doran Co., c1922), by J. H. Morrison (multiple formats at archive.org) Africa for Christ: Twenty-Eight Years a Slave (London: Alexander and Shepheard, 1892), by Thomas L. Johnson (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC) Biography of Elder Lott Cary, Late Missionary to Africa; With an Appendix on the Subject of Colonization (Baltimore: Armstrong and Berry, 1837), by James B. Taylor, contrib. by John H. B. Latrobe (HTML and TEI at UNC) The Land of the Heart of Livingstone: or, The Genius of the Bantu (Published by the author, 1920), by N. B. Ghormley Twenty-Eight Years a Slave, or The Story of My Life in Three Continents (Bournemouth, UK: W. Mate and Sons, 1909), by Thomas L. Johnson (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
Filed under: Missions -- Africa, Central The New World of Central Africa; With a History of the First Christian Mission on the Congo (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1890), by Mrs. H. Grattan Guinness Rise and Progress of the Work on the Congo River (second edition; London: Baptist Missionary Society, and Alexander and Shepheard, 1885), by Joseph Tritton The History of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1896 (cover page may have incorrect title; London: Office of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1897), by A. E. M. Anderson-Morshead, contrib. by Charlotte M. Yonge (multiple formats at archive.org) The History of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1909 (new and revised edition; London: Office of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1909), by A. E. M. Anderson-Morshead (multiple formats at archive.org) Streams in the Desert: A Picture of Life in Livingstonia (London et al.: Hodder and Stoughton, ca. 1919), by J. H. Morrison (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Missions -- Africa, East
Filed under: Missions -- Africa, Eastern A Journey in East Africa: Towards the Mountains of the Moon (new edition; Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1886), by M. A. Pringle
Filed under: Missions -- Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
Filed under: Missions -- Africa, Southern
Filed under: Missions -- Africa, West Abstract of a Journal of E. Bacon, Assistant Agent of the United States to Africa; With an Appendix, Containing Extracts From Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society in England, for the Years 1819-20; To Which is Prefixed an Abstract of the Journal of the Rev. J. B. Cates, One of the Missionaries From Sierra Leone to Grand Bassa (Philadelphia: S. Potter and Co., 1821), by Ephraim Bacon, contrib. by J. B. Cates
Filed under: Missions -- Alaska Alaska förr Och Nu: En Naturskildring, Kulturbild och Missionsberättelse, Enligt Muntliga och Skriftliga Meddelanden af Missionärer (in Swedish; Chicago: P. G. Almberg and Co., 1897), by Evangelical Covenant Church of America Alaska, and Missions on the North Pacific Coast (New York: Dodd Mead and Company, c1880), by Sheldon Jackson (page images at LOC) Official Record of the Alaska Methodist Episcopal Mission, First Session, 1904, Held at Juneau, Alaska (Juneau: Record-Miner Print., ca. 1904), by Methodist Episcopal Church (page image at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Missions -- Appalachian Region
Filed under: Missions -- Arabian Peninsula
Filed under: Missions -- Armenia The Romance of Missions: or, Inside Views of Life and Labor, in the Land of Ararat (New York: A. D. F. Randolph and Co., c1875), by Maria A. West, contrib. by Elizabeth Rundle Charles The Armenians, or, The People of Ararat: A Brief Historical Sketch of the Past and the Present Condition of Armenia, the Armenians, Their Religion, and Missions Among Them (Philadelphia: Allen, Lane and Scott, 1892), by M. C. Gabrielian
Filed under: Missions -- Asia
Filed under: Missions -- Asia, Central The Challenge of Central Asia: A Brief Survey of Tibet and its Borderlands, Mongolia, North-West Kansu, Chinese Turkistan, and Russian Central Asia (London, New York, and Toronto: World Dominion Press, 1929), by Mildred Cable, Frank Houghton, R. Kilgour, Alexander McLeish, Reginald W. Sturt, and Olive Wyon (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Missions -- Barbados
Filed under: Missions -- Bolivia Las Misiones Franciscanas entre los Infieles de Bolivia: Descripcion del Estado de Ellas en 1883 y 1884, Con una Noticia Sobre los Caminos y Tribus Salvajes, una Muestra de Varias Lenguas, Curiosidades de Historia Natural, y un Mapa Para Servir de Ilustracion (in Spanish; Barcelona: Librería de la Inmaculada Concepcion, 1886), by José Cardús
Filed under: Missions -- Botswana
Filed under: Missions -- British Columbia
Filed under: Missions -- Burma The Kathayan Slave, and Other Papers Connected with Missionary Life, by Emily C. Judson (page images at MOA) Tounghoo Women: Ladies, Will You Approve or Condemn?, by Ellen Huntly Bullard Mason (page images at MOA) The Karen Apostle: or, Memoir of Ko Thah-Byu, the First karen Convert; With an Historical and Geographical Account of the Nation, its Traditions, Precepts, Rites, &c. (fourth thousand; Boston: Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln, 1847), by Francis Mason, ed. by Henry J. Ripley (multiple formats at archive.org) The Story of the Karen Mission in Bassein, 1838-1890: or, The Progress and Education of a People From a Degraded Heathenism to a Refined Christian Civilization (Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, c1891), by L. P. Brockett, contrib. by John Humpston (page images at HathiTrust) Waste-Basket Surgery (Philadelphia et al.: Judson Press, 1930), by Gordon Stifler Seagrave (page images at HathiTrust) Memoir of Mrs. Sarah D. Comstock, Missionary to Arracan (Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, c1854), by Amanda M. Edmond (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA) The Vintons and the Karens: Memorials of Rev. Justus H. Vinton and Calista H. Vinton (Boston: W. G. Corthell, 1880), by Calista V. Luther (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Missions -- Burundi
Filed under: Missions -- California California Life Illustrated (New York: Pub. for the author by Carlton and Porter, 1858), by William Taylor Glimpses of California and the Missions, by Helen Hunt Jackson (HTML at LOC) Historia Cristiana de la California (in Spanish; Mexico: Imp. de P. Murguia, 1864), trans. by Germán Madrid y Ormaechea (page images at HathiTrust) The Story of the Innumerable Company, and Other Sketches, by David Starr Jordan (Gutenberg text) The History of Warner's Ranch and its Environs (Los Angeles: Privately printed, 1927), by Joseph J. Hill, contrib. by Herbert Eugene Bolton, illust. by Loren Roberta Barton (page images at HathiTrust) Francisco Palou's Life and Apostolic Labors of the Venerable Father Junípero Serra, Founder of the Franciscan Missions of California (Pasadena, CA: G. W. James, 1913), by Francisco Palóu, ed. by George Wharton James, trans. by C. Scott Williams Relacion Historica de la Vida y Apostolicas Tareas del Venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra, y de las Misiones que Fundó en la California Septentrional, y Nuevos Establecimientos de Monterey (in Spanish; México: D. Felipe de Zúñiga y Ontiveros, 1787), by Francisco Palóu Report on the Subject of Land Titles in California, Made in Pursuance of Instructions from the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Interior (Washington: Gideon and Co., printers, 1850), by William Carey Jones (page images at HathiTrust) The Missions and Missionaries of California (original series; 4 volumes; San Francisco: J. H. Barry, 1908-1915), by Zephyrin Engelhardt
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