Mongolia -- BoundariesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Mongolia -- Boundaries Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2012), ed. by Franck Billé, Grégory Delaplace, and Caroline Humphrey
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Mongolia
Filed under: Mongolia -- Description and travel Across Mongolian Plains: A Naturalist's Account of China's "Great Northwest" (New York and London: D. Appleton and Co., 1921), by Roy Chapman Andrews, illust. by Yvette Borup Andrews Beasts, Men and Gods, by Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski (Gutenberg text) A Tour in Mongolia (London: Methuen and Co., c1920), by Beatrix Bulstrode, contrib. by David Fraser (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers) A Tour in Mongolia (London: Methuen, c1920), by Beatrix Bulstrode, contrib. by David Fraser (multiple formats at Asian Odyssey (New York: H. Holt and Co., c1940), by Dmitri Alioshin (page images at HathiTrust) From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea: The Narrative of a Journey, in 1890 and 1891, Across Siberia, Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, and North China (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892), by Julius M. Price (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Filed under: Mongolia -- Economic conditionsFiled under: Mongolia -- Foreign economic relations
Filed under: Mongolia -- Foreign relations -- China Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2012), ed. by Franck Billé, Grégory Delaplace, and Caroline Humphrey Filed under: Mongolia -- Foreign relations -- Russia (Federation) Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2012), ed. by Franck Billé, Grégory Delaplace, and Caroline Humphrey Filed under: China -- Foreign relations -- Mongolia Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2012), ed. by Franck Billé, Grégory Delaplace, and Caroline Humphrey Filed under: Economic development -- Moral and ethical aspects -- MongoliaFiled under: Equality -- MongoliaFiled under: Hunting -- Mongolia Across Mongolian Plains: A Naturalist's Account of China's "Great Northwest" (New York and London: D. Appleton and Co., 1921), by Roy Chapman Andrews, illust. by Yvette Borup Andrews Filed under: Paleontology -- MongoliaFiled under: Russia (Federation) -- Foreign relations -- Mongolia Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2012), ed. by Franck Billé, Grégory Delaplace, and Caroline Humphrey Filed under: Zoology -- Mongolia Across Mongolian Plains: A Naturalist's Account of China's "Great Northwest" (New York and London: D. Appleton and Co., 1921), by Roy Chapman Andrews, illust. by Yvette Borup Andrews
Filed under: Boundaries Mobilities, Boundaries, and Travelling Ideas: Rethinking Translocality Beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2018), ed. by Manja Stephan-Emmrich and Philipp Schröder (PDF and HTML with commentary at Open Book Publishers) Borderlands: Comparing Border Security in North America and Europe (2007), ed. by Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (PDF with commentary at Ottawa) Border Thinking: Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence (Pub. series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, v21; Berlin: Sternberg Press, c2018), ed. by Marina Gržinić (PDF with commentary in Austria) Cities Made of Boundaries: Mapping Social Life in Urban Form (London: UCL Press, c2018), by Benjamin N. Vis (PDF with commentary at UCL Press) European Jigsaw: An Atlas of Boundary Problems (with "Political Factors in Boundary Making" by C. Grove Haines; Headline Series #53; New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1945), by Samuel Van Valkenburg, contrib. by C. Grove Haines (multiple formats at
Filed under: Border security
Filed under: Border security -- CanadaFiled under: Border security -- Canadian-American Border RegionFiled under: Border security -- EuropeFiled under: Border security -- North AmericaFiled under: Border security -- United States
Filed under: Boundary stones -- GreeceFiled under: Milestones
Filed under: Demarcation line of Alexander VI The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 (55 volumes of source materials; Cleveland: A. H. Clark Co., 1903-1909), ed. by Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson, contrib. by Edward Gaylord Bourne
Filed under: Alaska -- Boundaries -- Canada
Filed under: Bahia (Brazil : State) -- Boundaries -- Brazil -- Sergipe Limites do Estado da Bahia (2 volumes in Portuguese; Bahia: Imp. Official do Estado, 1917), contrib. by Braz do Amaral Filed under: Bahia (Brazil : State) -- Boundaries -- Espírito Santo Limites do Estado da Bahia (2 volumes in Portuguese; Bahia: Imp. Official do Estado, 1917), contrib. by Braz do Amaral Filed under: China -- Boundaries Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2012), ed. by Franck Billé, Grégory Delaplace, and Caroline Humphrey Filed under: Costa Rica -- Boundaries Costa Rica and New Granada: An Inquiry into the Question of Boundaries, Which is Pending Between the Two Republics Aforesaid, With a Map for the Better Understanding of the Subject, and Documentary Evidence in Support of the Ancient Titles of Costa Rica, To Which an Appendix Has Been Added, Containing a Brief Account of the Question Between Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Washington: R. A. Waters, printer, 1853), by Felipe Molina Bedoya Filed under: Delaware -- BoundariesFiled under: Hungary -- BoundariesFiled under: Iran -- BoundariesFiled under: Israel -- BoundariesFiled under: Lithuania -- BoundariesFiled under: Maryland -- Boundaries
Filed under: New Mexico -- Boundaries -- Texas The Declaration of American Independence, Constitution of the United States of America, With the Amendments Thereto, and the Organic Act of the Territory of New Mexico, With its Amendments (in English and Spanish; 1867), by United States, ed. by H. H. Heath (page images at HathiTrust) Texas and New Mexico: Speech of Hon. A. H. Stephens, of Georgia, in the House of Representatives, Friday, August 9, 1850, on the President's Message of August 6, 1850, Concerning Texas and New Mexico (Washington: Printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1850), by Alexander H. Stephens Filed under: Pakistan -- BoundariesFiled under: Pennsylvania -- BoundariesFiled under: Russia (Federation) -- Boundaries Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2012), ed. by Franck Billé, Grégory Delaplace, and Caroline Humphrey Filed under: Spain -- BoundariesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |