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Filed under: Mota language
Filed under: Mota language -- Texts New Testament, Mota. (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1885), by J. Palmer, R. H. Codrington, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain), and Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (page images at HathiTrust) Preparation for Holy Communion, in the Mukawan language, New Guinea (Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1905), by Church of England and Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) (page images at HathiTrust)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Melanesian languages A comparative study of the Melanesian Island languages (The University press : [Melbourne] Pub. for the University of Melbourne in association with the Melbourne university press, 1926), by Sidney Herbert Ray (page images at HathiTrust) The Melanesian languages. (Clarendon press, 1885), by R. H. Codrington (page images at HathiTrust) Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian languages of Western Melanesia (Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, the Australian National University, 1988), by Malcolm Ross and Australian National University. Research School of Pacific Studies. Dept. of Linguistics (page images at HathiTrust) The Polynesian wanderings; tracks of the migration deduced from an examination of the proto-Samoan content of Efaté and other languages of Melanesia. (The Carnegie institution of Washington, 1911), by William Churchill (page images at HathiTrust) Dictionary and grammar of the language of Saʻa and Ulawa, Solomon islands (Carnegie institution of Washington, 1918), by Walter G. Ivens (page images at HathiTrust) Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse einer amtlichen Forschungsreise nach dem Bismarck-Archipel im Jahre 1908 ... (E.S. Mittler und Sohn, 1910), by Georg Friederici, C. Lauterbach, and Karl Sapper (page images at HathiTrust) Studies in Melanesian linguistics in honour of Tom Dutton (Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, 2001), by D. T. Tryon, Malcolm Ross, Andrew Pawley, and Thomas Edward Dutton (page images at HathiTrust) A comparative study of the Melanesian Island languages (The University Press;, 1926), by Sidney Herbert Ray (page images at HathiTrust) A dictionary of the language of Mota, Sugarloaf Island, Banks Islands. (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1896), by R. H. Codrington and John Palmer (page images at HathiTrust) Zur Kenntnis der melanesischen Sprache von der Insel Tumleo, von Leonhard Schultze. (G.Fischer, 1911), by Leonhard Sigmund Schultze (page images at HathiTrust) The Polynesian wanderings; tracks of the migration deduced from an examination of the proto-Samoan content of Efaté and other languages of Melanesia (The Carnegie institution of Washington, 1911), by William Churchill (page images at HathiTrust) Die Melanesischen Sprachen nach ihrem grammatischen Bau und ihrer Verwandtschaft unter sich und mit den Malaiisch-Polynesischen Sprachen Untersucht. (S. Hirzel, 1861), by Hans Conon von der Gabelentz (page images at HathiTrust) Die melanesischen Sprachen. 2. Abhandlung. (S. Hirzel, 1874), by Hans Conon von der Gabelentz (page images at HathiTrust) Beiträge zur Kenntniss der melanesischen, mikronesischen und papuanischen Sprachen, ein erster Nachrrag zu Hans Conon's von der Gabelentz Werke "Die melanesischen Sprachen," (S. Hirzel, 1882), by Georg von der Gabelentz and Adolf Bernhard Meyer (page images at HathiTrust) Die Melanesischen Sprachen nach ihrem grammatischen Bau und ihrer Verwandtschaft unter sich : und mit den Malaiisch-Polynesichen Sprachen (S. Hirzel, 1860), by Hans Conon von der Gabelentz (page images at HathiTrust) The Polynesian languages in Melanesia., by Sidney Herbert Ray and Austria) Mkhitʻarean Tparan (Vienna (page images at HathiTrust) Die melanesischen sprachen nach ihrem grammatischen bau und ihrer verwandtschaft unter sich, und mit den malaiisch-polynesischen sprachen ([Leipzig, 1860), by Hans Conon von der Gabelentz (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Melanesian languages -- Dialects
Filed under: Melanesian languages -- Florida Island
Filed under: Melanesian languages -- Grammar
Filed under: Melanesian languages -- History
Filed under: Melanesian languages -- Periodicals
Filed under: Melanesian languages -- Social aspects
Filed under: Melanesian languages -- Texts
Filed under: Ambrym language
Filed under: Aneityum language
Filed under: Bwaidoga language Bwaidoka tales (Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1979), by Maribelle Young (page images at HathiTrust) Language, mythology, and songs of Bwaidoga, Goodenough Island, S.E. Papua (Printed by T. Avery, 1928), by Diamond Jenness and Andrew Ballantyne (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Filed under: Camuhi language
Filed under: Dehu language
Filed under: Efate language The Oceanic languages : their grammatical structure, vocabulary, and origin (H. Frowde, 1907), by D. Macdonald (page images at HathiTrust) The Asiatic origin of the Oceanic Languages : etymological dictionary of the language of Efate (New Hebrides) (Melville, Mullen & Slade ; [etc., etc.], 1894), by D. Macdonald (page images at HathiTrust) The Oceanic languages : their grammatical structure, vocabulary, and origin (H. Frowde, 1984), by Donald MacDonald (page images at HathiTrust) New Hebrides linguistics. Introductory. Three New Hebrides languages (Efatese, Eromangan, Santo) (printed at the expense of the Trustees of the Melbourne Public Library, 1889), by Duff Macdonald (page images at HathiTrust) Three New Hebrides languages : Efatese, Eromangan, Santo (Printed at the expense of the Trustees of the Melbourne Public Library, by Edgerton and Moore, 1889), by D. Macdonald (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Eromanga language Ura : a disappearing language of southern Vanuatu (Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, 1999), by Terry Crowley and Australian National University. Pacific Linguistics (page images at HathiTrust) Taalvergelijkende verhandeling over het aneityumsch, met een aanhangsel over het klankstelsel van het eromanga (J. Müller, 1906), by H. Kern (page images at HathiTrust) New Hebrides linguistics. Introductory. Three New Hebrides languages (Efatese, Eromangan, Santo) (printed at the expense of the Trustees of the Melbourne Public Library, 1889), by Duff Macdonald (page images at HathiTrust) Three New Hebrides languages : Efatese, Eromangan, Santo (Printed at the expense of the Trustees of the Melbourne Public Library, by Edgerton and Moore, 1889), by D. Macdonald (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Fijian languageFiled under: Kiriwinian languageFiled under: Loniu languageFiled under: Mono-Alu languageMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |