MothsSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:Used for:- Heterocera
- Lepidoptera nocturna
Filed under: Moths -- IndianaFiled under: Moths -- North AmericaFiled under: Moths -- Poetry
Filed under: Silkworms -- Early works to 1800 The Reformed Common-Wealth of Bees: Presented In Severall Letters and Observations To Sammuel Hartlib; With The Reformed Virginian Silk-Worm, Containing Many Excellent and Choice Secrets, Experiments, and Discoveries For Attaining of National and Private Profits and Riches (London: Printed for G. Calvert, 1655), by Samuel Hartlib Filed under: Silkworms -- Poetry The Silkewormes, and Their Flies (London: Printed by V. S. for N. Ling, 1599), by Thomas Moffett Filed under: Pterophoridae
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Lepidoptera -- Catalogs and collections -- New York (State) -- New YorkFiled under: Lepidoptera -- Congo (Democratic Republic)
Filed under: Lepidoptera -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- ClassificationFiled under: Lepidoptera -- North America
Filed under: Butterflies -- North America
Filed under: Lepidoptera -- Palearctic -- BibliographyFiled under: Butterflies -- PalearcticFiled under: Lepidoptera -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Lepidoptera -- Russia Fauna Lepidopterologica Volga-Uralensis: Exhibens Lepidopterorum Species Quas per Viginti Quinque Annos in Provinciis Volgam Fluvium Inter et Montes Uralenses Sitis Observavit et Descripsit Eduardus Eversmann (in Latin; Casani: Typis Universitatis, 1844), by Eduard Friedrich Eversmann Filed under: Butterflies
Filed under: Butterflies -- North Dakota -- Identification -- DatabasesFiled under: Butterflies -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Butterflies -- Juvenile literatureFiled under: Butterflies -- Juvenile poetry The Bashful Earthquake, and Other Fables and Verses (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1898), by Oliver Herford
Filed under: Butterflies -- North Dakota -- Geographical distribution -- Databases
Filed under: Butterflies -- North Dakota -- Nomenclature -- DatabasesFiled under: Butterflies -- Poetry
Filed under: Danaus, King of Argos (Mythological character) -- Drama The Suppliant Women (c1930), by Aeschylus, trans. by Gilbert Murray (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) Suppliant Women, by Aeschylus, trans. by Herbert Weir Smyth (Javascript-dependent HTML at Perseus) The Suppliants, by Aeschylus, trans. by E. D. A. Morshead (HTML at Internet Classics) The Suppliant Maidens, The Persians, The Seven Against Thebes, The Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus, by Aeschylus, trans. by E. D. A. Morshead (Gutenberg text)