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Filed under: Mucuna -- Honduras
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Mucuna -- Africa, West -- Congresses
Filed under: Honduras Honduras: A Country Study (third edition, 1995), ed. by Tim Merrill
Filed under: Honduras -- Description and travel A Lady's Ride Across Spanish Honduras (facsimile of the 1884 edition, with a new introduction; Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1964), by Maria Soltera, contrib. by Doris Stone (page images at HathiTrust) A Hoosier in Honduras (Indianapolis: El Dorado, c1897), by Albert Morlan (page images at HathiTrust) A Lady's Ride Across Spanish Honduras (Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and sons, 1884), by Maria Soltera (multiple formats at Explorations and Adventures in Honduras: Comprising Sketches of Travel in the Gold Regions of Olancho, and a Review of the History and General Resources of Central America (New York: Harper and Bros., 1857), by William V. Wells Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras: Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond, by Harry A. Franck (Gutenberg text) Flowers and Fruits from the Wilderness: or, Thirty-Six Years in Texas and Two Winters in Honduras, by Z. N. Morrell (page images at MOA)
Filed under: Trujillo (Honduras) -- Description and travel Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore, During the Years 1839, 1840, and 1841; With an Account of Truxillo, and the Adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1842), by Thomas Young (page images at HathiTrust) Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore; With an Account of Truxillo, and the Adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan; and a Vocabulary of the Mosquitian Language (second edition; London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1847), by Thomas Young
Filed under: Honduras -- Economic conditions -- Statistics -- Periodicals
Filed under: Honduras -- History -- To 1838
Filed under: Honduras -- Imprints -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Honduras -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Chimariko language -- Grammar
Filed under: Central Pomo language -- Terms and phrases
Filed under: Eastern Pomo language -- Terms and phrases
Filed under: Northern Pomo language -- Terms and phrases
Filed under: Salinan language -- Dictionaries -- SpanishFiled under: Salinan language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.Filed under: Salinan language -- GrammarFiled under: Islas de la Bahía (Honduras) Reseña Historica de las Islas de la Bahía (in Spanish; Tegucigalpa: Tip. Nac., 1919), by Fernando P. Cevallos (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore, During the Years 1839, 1840, and 1841; With an Account of Truxillo, and the Adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1842), by Thomas Young (page images at HathiTrust) Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore; With an Account of Truxillo, and the Adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan; and a Vocabulary of the Mosquitian Language (second edition; London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1847), by Thomas Young A Statistical Account of the West India Islands, Together With General Descriptions of the Bermudas, Bay Islands, and Belize, and the Guayana Colonies (New York: J. H. Colton and Co., 1855), by Richard Swainson Fisher Filed under: Mosquitia (Nicaragua and Honduras) Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore, During the Years 1839, 1840, and 1841; With an Account of Truxillo, and the Adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1842), by Thomas Young (page images at HathiTrust) Narrative of a Residence on the Mosquito Shore; With an Account of Truxillo, and the Adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan; and a Vocabulary of the Mosquitian Language (second edition; London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1847), by Thomas Young Sketch of the Mosquito Shore, Including the Territory of Poyais, Descriptive of the Country; With Some Information as to Its Production, the Best Mode of Culture, &c., Chiefly Intended for the Use of Settlers (Edinburgh: W. Blackwood; London: T. Caddell, 1822), by Thomas Strangeways Filed under: Olancho (Honduras) Explorations and Adventures in Honduras: Comprising Sketches of Travel in the Gold Regions of Olancho, and a Review of the History and General Resources of Central America (New York: Harper and Bros., 1857), by William V. Wells Filed under: Utila Island (Honduras)Filed under: Agricultural innovations -- HondurasFiled under: Agricultural systems -- Honduras
Filed under: Banks and banking -- Honduras -- Statistics -- Periodicals
Filed under: Banks and banking, Central -- Honduras -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Corn -- HondurasFiled under: Cover crops -- HondurasFiled under: Farmers -- Honduras
Filed under: Fugitives from justice -- Honduras -- Biography Through the Shadows With O. Henry (New York: H. K. Fly Co., c1921), by Al Jennings Filed under: Green manure crops -- Honduras
Filed under: Miskito Indians Sketch of the Mosquito Shore, Including the Territory of Poyais, Descriptive of the Country; With Some Information as to Its Production, the Best Mode of Culture, &c., Chiefly Intended for the Use of Settlers (Edinburgh: W. Blackwood; London: T. Caddell, 1822), by Thomas Strangeways Filed under: Paya Indians Sketch of the Mosquito Shore, Including the Territory of Poyais, Descriptive of the Country; With Some Information as to Its Production, the Best Mode of Culture, &c., Chiefly Intended for the Use of Settlers (Edinburgh: W. Blackwood; London: T. Caddell, 1822), by Thomas Strangeways Filed under: Intercropping -- HondurasFiled under: Mines and mineral resources -- Honduras Explorations and Adventures in Honduras: Comprising Sketches of Travel in the Gold Regions of Olancho, and a Review of the History and General Resources of Central America (New York: Harper and Bros., 1857), by William V. Wells