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Filed under: Murder -- New York (State) -- Huntington (Town)
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Filed under: Murder -- New York (State) Tragedies of western New York, 1851 (D.M. Dewey, 1851), by D. M. Dewey (page images at HathiTrust) i͡Ak ksʹondz Shmidt zamorduvav Annu Avmili͡er (s,n., 1919) (page images at HathiTrust) Narrative of the life, and dying speech, of John Ryer: who was executed at White-Plains, in the county of Westchester, state of New-York, on the second day of October, 1793, for the murder of Dr. Isaac Smith, deputy-sheriff of that county. (Printed at Danbury [Conn.], : by Nathan Douglas, for the publisher., --1793), by A. H. and Margret Ryer (HTML at Evans TCP) An authentic and particular account of the life of Francis Burdett Personel, written by himself. ; Who was executed at New-York, September 10th, 1773; in the twenty-sixth year of his age, for the murder of Mr. Robert White. (New-York: : [s.n.], Printed in the year M,DCC,LXXIII. [1773]), by Francis Burdett Personel (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Murder -- New York (State) -- CasesFiled under: Murder -- New York (State) -- Davenport Center
Filed under: Uxoricide -- New York (State) -- Davenport CenterFiled under: Murder -- New York (State) -- New York The Poison Fiend! Life, Crimes, and Conviction of Lydia Sherman (the Modern Lucretia Borgia), Recently Tried in New Haven, Conn., for Poisoning Three Husbands and Eight of Her Children: Her Life in Full! Exciting Account of Her Trial; The Fearful Evidence; The Most Startling and Sensational Series of Crimes Ever Committed in This Country; Her Conviction (Philadelphia: Barclay and Co. 1873), by George L. Barclay (multiple formats at Nation-famous New York murders (M.A. Donohue, 1914), by Alfred Henry Lewis (page images at HathiTrust) Trial and conviction of Jack Reynolds for the horrible murder of William Townsend (Trade supplied by the American News Co., 1870), by John Reynolds, Abraham H. Hummel, and New York (State). Court of Oyer and Terminer (New York County) (page images at HathiTrust) Life, crimes, and conviction of Lydia Sherman (Barclay & Co., publishers, 21 N. Seventh Street, 1873), by Lydia Sherman and Barclay & Co (page images at HathiTrust) Trial and acquittal of John J. Corcoran ([publisher not identified], 1881), by John J. Corcoran, Horace Russell, and New York (State). Court of General Sessions (New York County) (page images at HathiTrust) The life of Ellen Jewett; illustrative of her adventures: : with very important incidents, from her seduction to the period of her murder. Together with various extracts from her journal, correspondence, and poetical effusions. (Printed, No. 70 Bowery, 1836) (page images at HathiTrust) An Account of the trial of Joseph Andrews for piracy and murder, together with his confession to the gentlemen of the clergy who visited him during his confinment [sic], and to the keepers of the goal the day before his execution; the account he gave them of his parentage and manner of life, also his character and dying speech. (America [i.e., New York]. : Printed for every purchaser., M,DCC,LXIX. [1769]), by Joseph Andrews (HTML at Evans TCP) A Brief narrative of the trial for the bloody and mysterious murder of the unfortunate young woman, in the famous Manhattan well. Taken in short hand by a gentleman of the bar. ([New York? : s.n., 1800]) (HTML at Evans TCP) The conversation & conduct, of the late unfortunate John Young, who was executed for the murder of Robert Barwick, (deputy sheriff,) from the time of receiving sentence of death, to that of his execution. By Christopher Flanagan, Preacher of the Gospel. ; Who frequently visited him, during that period. ; [Four lines of verse] (New York, : Printed by T. Kirk, two doors down from the tea-water pump. 1797. (Copy right secured.) Price six-pence., [1797]), by Christopher Flanagan (HTML at Evans TCP) An impartial account of the trial of Mr. Levi Weeks, for the supposed murder of Miss Julianna Elmore Sands. At a court held in the city of New-York, March 31, 1800. / By James Hardie, A.M. (New-York: : Printed and sold by M. M'Farlane, no. 29 Gold-Street., 1800), by James Hardie (HTML at Evans TCP) Report of the trial of Levi Weeks, on an indictment for the murder of Gulielma Sands, on Monday the thirty-first day of April, 1800. / Taken in short hand by the clerk of the court. (New-York: : Printed by John Furman, and sold at his blank, stamp & stationary shop, opposite the City-Hall., 1800), by Levi Weeks, William Coleman, and New York (State). Court of Oyer and Terminer (New York County) (HTML at Evans TCP) Narrative of the life, last dying speech & confession of John Young, condemned to be executed this day, for the murder of Robert Barwick, one of the deputy sheriffs. ([New York : s.n., 1797]), by John Young (HTML at Evans TCP)
Filed under: Murder -- New York (State) -- New York -- Case studies
Filed under: Murder -- New York (State) -- New York -- Fiction
Filed under: Murder -- New York (State) -- New York -- Investigation
Filed under: Mariticide -- New York (State) -- New YorkFiled under: Trials (Murder) -- New York (State) -- New York Henrietta Robinson (Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1855), by D. Wilson (page images at HathiTrust) Trial of Charles M. Jefferds for murder, at New York, December 1861 (Ross & Tousey, 1862), by Charles E. Wilbour (page images at HathiTrust) Mutiny and murder : confession of Charles, Gibbs, a native of Rhode Island, who, with Thomas J. Wansley, was doomed to be hung in New York on the 22d of April last, for the murder of the captain and mate of the brig Vineyard on her passage from New Orleans to Philadelphia, in November 1830 ... Annexed is a solemn address to youth. (Printed for and published by Israel Smith, 1831), by Charles Gibbs (page images at HathiTrust) Statement of facts in relation to the recent ordination in St. Stephen's Church, New-York. (Harper, 1843), by Hugh Smith and Henry Anthon (page images at HathiTrust) The Richardson-McFarland tragedy : containing all the letters and other interesting facts and documents not before published, being a full and impartial history of this most extraordinary case. (Barclay & Co., 1870), by Daniel McFarland and Barclay & Co (page images at HathiTrust) Exonerative insanity (S.S. Peloubet & Company, 1882), by John A. Taylor, Andreas Fuchs, and John Joseph Burroughs (page images at HathiTrust) The trial of Carlyle W. Harris for poisoning his wife, Helen Potts, at New York. For the people: Francis L. Wellman. Charles E. Simms, jr. For the defendant: John A Taylor. Wm. T. Jerome. Chas. E. Davison. (New York, 1892), by Carlyle W. Harris (page images at HathiTrust) Some of the papers laid before the Governor in support of the petition for the commutation of the sentence of William Foster to imprisonment for life. (Evening Post Steam Presses, 1873), by New York (State). Governor (1873-1875 : Dix) (page images at HathiTrust) The Walworth parricide : a full account of the astounding murder of Mansfield T. Walworth by his son, Frank H. Walworth (O'Kane, 1873), by Frank H. Walworth, Mansfield Tracy Walworth, and New York (State). Court of Oyer and Terminer (New York County) (page images at HathiTrust) Famous hypothetical question (Boehm & Rathbone], 1907), by William Travers Jerome, Francis P. Garvan, Evelyn Nesbit, and Stanford White (page images at HathiTrust) Trial of Albert W. Hicks for piracy (Robert M. DeWitt, 1860), by Albert W. Hicks (page images at HathiTrust) Trial and conviction of Jack Reynolds for the horrible murder of William Townsend (Trade supplied by the American News Co., 1870), by John Reynolds, Abraham H. Hummel, and New York (State). Court of Oyer and Terminer (New York County) (page images at HathiTrust) Murder mysteries of New York (W.F. Payson, 1932), by Frank Michael O'Brien (page images at HathiTrust) Peakes murder case (Bureau of Media Research and Service, School of Journalism, Florida State University, 1954), by Sidney Kobre and Juanita Parks (page images at HathiTrust) Trial and acquittal of John J. Corcoran ([publisher not identified], 1881), by John J. Corcoran, Horace Russell, and New York (State). Court of General Sessions (New York County) (page images at HathiTrust) Case of Robert M. Goodwin (Printed by G.L. Birch & Co., no 39 1/2 Frankfort- street, 1820), by Robert M. Goodwin, William Sampson, New York (State). Supreme Court, and New York (State). Court of General Sessions (New York County) (page images at HathiTrust) Summing up of John Graham, Esq. : to the jury on the part of the defence, on the trial of Daniel MacFarland : in the Court of General Sessions, at the city of New York, recorder John K. Hackett, presiding : May 6th and 9th, 1870. (W.A. Townsend & Adams, 1870), by John Graham and Daniel McFarland (page images at HathiTrust) The Great Harry Thaw Case; Or, A Woman's Sacrifice, by Benjamin H. Atwell (Gutenberg ebook) A Brief narrative of the trial for the bloody and mysterious murder of the unfortunate young woman, in the famous Manhattan well. Taken in short hand by a gentleman of the bar. ([New York? : s.n., 1800]) (HTML at Evans TCP) Report of the trial of Levi Weeks, on an indictment for the murder of Gulielma Sands, on Monday the thirty-first day of April, 1800. / Taken in short hand by the clerk of the court. (New-York: : Printed by John Furman, and sold at his blank, stamp & stationary shop, opposite the City-Hall., 1800), by Levi Weeks, William Coleman, and New York (State). Court of Oyer and Terminer (New York County) (HTML at Evans TCP) Filed under: Murder -- New York (State) -- PlainfieldFiled under: Murder -- New York (State) -- Stephentown The Narrative of Whiting Sweeting, Who Was Executed at Albany, the Sixth of August, 1791 (Windham, CT: Printed for J. Huntongton, 1797), contrib. by Whiting Sweeting and William Carter (page images at Cornell) The Narrative of Whiting Sweeting, Who Was Executed at Albany, the Sixth of August, 1791 (Hartford: Reprinted by Hudson and Goodwin, ca. 1797), contrib. by Whiting Sweeting and William Carter (page images at Cornell) A Remarkable Narrative of Whiting Sweeting, Who Was Executed at Albany, in the State of New-York, for Murder (Exeter, NH: H. Ranlet, 1793), contrib. by Whiting Sweeting and William Carter (page images at Cornell) A Remarkable Narrative of Whiting Sweeting, Who Was Executed at Albany in the State of New York for Murder (second Exeter edition; Exeter, NH: H. Ranlet, 1794), contrib. by Whiting Sweeting and William Carter (page images at Cornell) The narrative of Whiting Sweeting, who was executed at Albany, the 26th August, 1791. : Containing, an account of his trial before the Supreme Court of New-York, at the July term, for the murder of Darius Quimby: the substance of the charge of His Honor the chief justice to the jury, with the sentence of death on the prisoner; an address to the public, on the fatal consequences of a life spent in sin, instanced in his own conduct ... / Written by himself, and published for the benefit of precious souls, at his particular and dying request. ; To which are added, an account of the behaviour of the unhappy sufferer from his confinement to execution, and the substance of his address at the gallows. By one who had free access to, and frequent conversation with him. ([Lansingburgh, N.Y.] : Printed for Silvester Tiffany, Lansingburgh., [1791]), by Whiting Sweeting and William Carter (HTML at Evans TCP) Filed under: Murder -- New York (State) -- TroyMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |