Navires -- Listes des passagersSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Navires -- Listes des passagers
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Navires
Filed under: Navires -- États-Unis -- Règles de classification et de constructionFiled under: Navires -- Pilotage -- États-UnisFiled under: Navires -- Sécurité -- Règlements -- États-UnisFiled under: Navires -- BibliographieFiled under: Navires -- Cargaison Re memorial respecting the seizure of S.S. "Coquitlam" declarations in support of following claims: Thomas Earle, William Munsie, Hall, Goepel & Co'y, The Pacific Sailing Co'y, Limited, Cereno L. Kelley, E.B. Marvin & Co'y, George Collins, Richard Hall, on account of charterers. (Tupper, Peters & Potts, 1898), by Thomas Earle (page images at HathiTrust) A full report of the trial of Capt. William H. Tower charged with feloniously scuttling the barque, Brothers' Pride, of Saint John, N.B. on the 7th day of May 1879, in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Florida. (s.n.], 1880), by William H. Tower (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Navires -- Désinfection
Filed under: Navires -- Décoration -- FranceFiled under: Navires -- Équipement électrique
Filed under: Navires -- Équipement électronique -- Guides, manuels, etcFiled under: Navires -- Enregistrement et réparations
Filed under: Navires -- Enregistrement et transfert -- Nouvelle-EcosseFiled under: Navires -- Entretien et réparations
Filed under: Navires -- Entretien et réparations -- Guides, manuels, etcFiled under: Navires -- Grande-Bretagne
Filed under: Navires -- Grande-Bretagne -- ArmementFiled under: Navires -- Identification
Filed under: Navires -- Immatriculation -- Canada
Filed under: Navires -- Immatriculation -- Nouveau-Brunswick -- Saint-Jean An Alphabetical list of all the shipping registered at Saint John, N. B. on the first April, 1873 showing the name of vessel, rig, tons register, place where built, year when built, and name and address of sole registered owner, or of managing or principal owner, where there are more than one (s.n.], 1873), by James Barber (page images at HathiTrust) An Alphabetical list of all the shipping registered at Saint John, N. B. on the 1st of January, 1867 showing the name of vessel, rig, tons register, place where built, year when built, and name and address of sole registered owner, or of managing or principal owner, where there are more than one (W.M. Wright, 1867), by William Smith (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Navires -- Inspection -- CanadaFiled under: Navires -- Modèles réduits
Filed under: Navires -- Modèles réduits -- EssaisFiled under: Navires -- Périodiques
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Colombie-Britannique
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Colombie-Britannique -- Legislation
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Colombie-Britannique -- New Westminster (District) -- Legislation Pilotage by-laws for the district of Yale and New Westminster, established by the Pilotage Authority, under the Dominion Act, 36 Vic., cap. 54, intitled "An act respecting pilotage, 1873", with several amendments and subsequent orders in council, approved Saturday, 28th day of April 1894 (s.n.], 1894), by Canada and Canada. Dept. of Marine and Fisheries (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Colombie-Britannique -- Yale (District) -- Lé gislation Pilotage by-laws for the district of Yale and New Westminster, established by the Pilotage Authority, under the Dominion Act, 36 Vic., cap. 54, intitled "An act respecting pilotage, 1873", with several amendments and subsequent orders in council, approved Saturday, 28th day of April 1894 (s.n.], 1894), by Canada and Canada. Dept. of Marine and Fisheries (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Canada -- Legislation
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Québec (Province) -- Legislation
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Québec (Province) -- Québec -- LegislationFiled under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Québec (Province) Queen's Bench, appeal side the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, (plaintiffs in the court below), appellants, and William Grange, (defendant in the court below), respondent: appellant's case; fyled, A. & W. Robertson, attys. for appellants. (s.n., 1859), by Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, William Grange, and A. & W. Robertson (Firm) (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Nouveau-Brunswick -- Legislation
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Nouveau-Brunswick -- Saint-Jean -- Legislation
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Droit -- Saint-Laurent, Fleuve -- Legislation
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Nouveau-Brunswick -- Saint-Jean Report of committee of the St. John Board of Trade, consisting of Messrs. W.M. Jarvis, R. Cruikshank, T.H. Hall, [et al.] on the loss of the barque "Curler," and pilotage at St. John, N.B., with appendices including extracts from report of special committee on the Bay of Fundy and Harbor of St. John, N.B. : presented February, 1887. (s.n.], 1894), by Saint John Board of Trade (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Québec (Province)
Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Québec (Province) -- Montréal Statuts, ordres, règles et règlements de la Maison de la Trinité de Montréal (S. Derbishire & G. Desbarats, 1860), by Trinity House of Montreal (page images at HathiTrust) Statuts, ordres, règles et règlements de la Maison de la Trinité de Montréal (s.n.], 1856), by Trinity House of Montreal (page images at HathiTrust) Statuts, ordres, règles et règlements de la Maison de la Trinité de Montréal, comte d'Elgin et Kincardine, gouverneur-générale, ordonné s 20 Mars, sanctionnés 2 Avril, 1851 (s.n.], 1852), by Trinity House of Montreal (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Navires -- Pilotage -- Québec (Province) -- Québec Règlements de la Maison de la trinité de Québec, faits le 9e avril, 1811 (New Printing Office, 1811), by Trinity House of Quebec (page images at HathiTrust) Règlements, &c. de la Maison de la trinité de Québec, faits le 2eme avril, 1808 (Neilson, Printer, ..., 1808), by Trinity House of Quebec (page images at HathiTrust) By-laws, orders, rules and regulations of the Trinity House of Quebec in force on the 1st of April, 1871 Statuts, ordres, règles et règlements de la maison de la Trinité de Québec en force le 1er avril, 1871. (B. Chamberlin, 1871), by Trinity House of Quebec (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Navires -- RésistanceFiled under: Navires -- Transport interocéanique par chemins de fersMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |