New Jersey -- History -- SourcesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: New Jersey -- History -- Sources Historical and Genealogical Miscellany: Data Relating to the Settlement and Settlers of New York and New Jersey (5 volumes, later ones subtitled "Early Settlers of New Jersey and Their Descendants"; 1903-1932), by John E. Stillwell
Filed under: New Jersey -- Church history -- SourcesFiled under: Hopewell (N.J.) -- History -- SourcesFiled under: Episcopal Church -- New Jersey -- History -- SourcesFiled under: New Jersey -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 -- SourcesFiled under: New Jersey -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Sources
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: New Jersey -- History
Filed under: New Jersey -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: New Jersey -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 A Brief Advertisement Concerning East-New-Jersey, in America (Edinburgh: J. Reid, 1685), by George Scot, contrib. by James Drummond Perth (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Quaker Colonies: A Chronicle of the Proprietors of the Delaware, by Sydney George Fisher (Gutenberg text) The History of Pennsylvania, in North America, From the Original Institution and Settlement of That Province, Under the First Proprietor and Governor, William Penn, in 1681, Till After the Year 1742 (2 volumes; Philadelphia: Z. Poulson, 1797-1798), by Robert Proud
Filed under: New Jersey -- History -- Periodicals
Filed under: New Jersey -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783
Filed under: New Jersey -- Biography The Constitution and Government of the Province and State of New Jersey, With Biographical Sketches of the Governors From 1776 to 1845, and Reminiscences of the Bench and Bar, During More Than Half a Century (Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society v7; Newark, NJ: M. R. Dennis and Co., 1872), by Lucius Q. C. Elmer Sketches of the First Emigrant Settlers in Newton Township, Old Gloucester County, West New Jersey (Camden, NJ: Printed by S. Chew, 1877), by John Clement
Filed under: New Jersey -- Genealogy Smith, Grant, and Irons Families of New Jersey's Shore Counties, Including the Related Families of Willets and Birdsall (1955), by James W. Hook (page images at HathiTrust) The Woolvertons: Early Legal Records of the Family in New Jersey, and the Descendants of Charles Woolverton (2) to the Seventh Generation (Philadelphia: Press of Harris and Partridge, 1932), by Emma Ten Broeck Runk (page images at HathiTrust) The New Jersey Browns (1931), by Charlotte Cowdrey Brown (page images at HathiTrust) History and Genealogy of Fenwick's Colony (Bridgeton, NJ: G. F. Nixon, 1876), by Thomas Shourds Historical and Genealogical Miscellany: Data Relating to the Settlement and Settlers of New York and New Jersey (5 volumes, later ones subtitled "Early Settlers of New Jersey and Their Descendants"; 1903-1932), by John E. Stillwell My Folks: Story of the Forefathers of Oliver Francis Mershon, M.D. As Told by Himself, in the Words of Grace Lucile Olmstead Mershon (Rahway, NJ: Privately printed by Quinn and Boden Co., 1946), by Oliver Francis Mershon and Grace Lucile Olmstead Mershon (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Atlantic Highlands (N.J.) -- HistoryFiled under: Bergen County (N.J.) -- History History of Bergen County, New Jersey, 1630-1923; (3 volumes; New York and Chicago: Lewis Historical Pub. Co., 1923), ed. by Frances A. Westervelt Filed under: Boonton (N.J.) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Bridgeton (N.J.) -- HistoryFiled under: Chatham (N.J. : Township) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Chester (N.J. : Township) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Cumberland County (N.J.) -- HistoryFiled under: Gloucester County (N.J.) -- HistoryFiled under: Hanover (N.J. : Township) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.) -- HistoryFiled under: Jefferson (N.J. : Township) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Long Hill (N.J. : Township) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Mendham (N.J. : Township) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Monmouth County (N.J.) -- HistoryFiled under: Montville (N.J. : Township) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Morris County (N.J.) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Morristown (N.J.) -- History The Following Pages Are a Fac-Simile Copy of the Original History of the Morristown Ghost! Published in 1792, With Appendix Compiled From County Records (originally published 1792; this edition Morristown and Dover, NJ: L.A. and R. H. Vogt, 1876), by Philanthropist (page images at History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Mount Olive (N.J. : Township) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Pequannock (N.J.) -- History History of Morris County, New Jersey, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers (New York: W. W. Munsell and Co., 1882), contrib. by Edmund Drake Halsey, R. S. Green, John L. Kanouse, Robert Aikman, James F. Brewster, Monroe Howell, Burtis C. Megie, Samuel B. Axtell, E. W. Stoddard, and James H. Neighbour (page images at HathiTrust)
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