Ottawa River Region (Quebec and Ont.) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Ottawa River Region (Quebec and Ont.) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Maps -- Early works to 1800- Briefe description of universal mappes and cardes, and of their use (Printed by Roger Ward, for Thomas Cadman, 1589), by Thomas Blundeville, Elizabeth Greenhill, Thomas Cadman, and Roger Ward (page images at HathiTrust)
- A briefe description of vniuersal mappes and cardes, and of their vse and also the vse of Ptholemey his tables. Necessarie for those that delight in reading of histories: and also for traueilers by land or sea. Newly set foorth by Thomas Blundeville, of Newton Flotman in the countie of Norffolke. Gent. (London : Printed by Roger Ward, for Thomas Cadman, Anno. 1589), by Thomas Blundeville (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Nautical charts -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: World maps -- Early works to 1800- The suppressed Turkish map of 1560. (William L. Clements Library, 1957), by George Kish and James M. L. Stewart-Robinson (page images at HathiTrust)
- Novissima ac exactissima totius orbis terrarum descriptio magna. (New York, 1907), by Jodocus Hondius, Joseph Fischer, Edward Luther Stevenson, Hispanic Society of America, and American Geographical Society of New York (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die Herefordkarte (s.n.], 1903), by Konrad Miller (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- L'Europe [l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amerique] en plusieurs cartes, e n plusieurs cartes, et en divers traittés de geographie et d'histoire ... (Chez l'autheur, 1683), by Nicolas Sanson and N. Sanson (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die Peutingersche Tafel; oder, Weltkarte des Castorius, mit kurzer erklär- 18 Kartenskizzen der überlieferten römischen Reisewege aller Länder und der 4 Meter langen Karte in Faksimile (Strecker und Schröder, 1929), by Konrad Peutinger and Konrad Miller (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Géographie du moyen âge,. (Ve et J. Pilliet, 1850), by Joachim Lelewel (page images at HathiTrust)
- Genoese world map, 1457, facsimile and critical text incorporating in free translation the studies of Professor Theobald Fischer. Rev. with the addition of copious notes, by Edward Luther Stevenson, Ph.D.; issued under the joint auspices of the American geographical society and the Hispanic society of America. ([The De Vinne press], 1912), by Edward Luther Stevenson and Theobald Fischer (page images at HathiTrust)
- History of the world. (London : printed by J. Streater, and are to be sold by Francis Tyton at the Three Daggers in Fleet-street, MDCLIX. [1659]), by Denis Petau and R. P. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- A new and accurate map of the world drawne according to the truest descriptions, latest discoueries, and best obseruations that haue been made by English or strangers. VVith briefe and most plaine notes vpon the vvhole body of cosmographie, for the easie vnderstanding thereof: pleasant and vsefull for all such as desire to know further then of their owne home. ([London] : Are to be sould by Tho: Ien[n]er at the white Beare in Cornehill, [1625?]), by William Grent (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Mappa mundi, otherwyse called the compasse, and cyrcuet of the worlde and also the compasse of euery ilande, comprehendyd in the same. ([London : Imprinted by me Robert Wyer, dwellynge in S. Martyns parysshe, at the sygne of S. John̄ Euangelyst, besyde the duke of Suffolks places, at charynge Cross, c. 1550]), by Richard Arnold (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: 's-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Africa -- Maps -- Early works to 1800- Geografia di M. Livio Sanvto, distinta in XII libri : ne' quali, oltra l'esplicatione di molti luoghi di Tolomeo e della Bussola, e dell' Aguglia, si dichiarano le prouincie, popoli, regni, città, porti, monti, fiumi, laghi, e costumi dell'Africa : con XII tauole di essa Africa in dissegno di rame : aggiuntiui de piu tre indicci da M. Giovan Carlo Saraceni. (Appresso Damiano Zenaro, 1588), by Livio Sanuto and Giacomo Franco (page images at HathiTrust)
- Carte d'Afrique : dressée pour l'usage du Roy (Phil Buache, 1772), by Philippe Buache and Guillaume de L'Isle (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Aix-en-Provence (France) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Algeria -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: America -- Maps -- Early works to 1800- The discoveries of the Norsemen in America, with special relation to their early cartographical representation (H. Stevens, Son & Stiles;, 1903), by Joseph Fischer and Basil Harrington Soulsby (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Verrazano the explorer: being a vindication of his letter and voyage, with an examination of the map of Hieronimo da Verrazano. And a dissertation upon the globe of Vlpius. To which is prefixed a bibliography of the subject. (A.S. Barnes & company, 1880), by B. F. DeCosta, Jean Alfonce, and Arthur Barlow (page images at HathiTrust)
- Narrative and critical history of America (Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1889), by Justin Winsor (page images at HathiTrust)
- Narrative and critical history of America (Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1889), by Justin Winsor (page images at HathiTrust)
- Narrative and critical history of America (Houghton, Mifflin, 1884), by Justin Winsor (page images at HathiTrust)
- Descriptionis Ptolemaicae avgmentvm, siue, Occidentis notitia (Apud Franciscum Fabri bibliopolam iuratum, 1603), by Corneille Wytfliet (page images at HathiTrust)
- Narrative and critical history of America (Houghton, Mifflin and Company; [etc., etc., 1884), by Justin Winsor (page images at HathiTrust)
- L'histoire dv Nouveau monde, ou, Description des Indes occidentales : contenant dix-huict liures (Chez Bonauenture & Abraham Elseuiers, imprimeurs ordinaires de l'Vniversité, 1640), by Joannes de Laet (page images at HathiTrust)
- Narrative and critical history of America. (Sampson Low, 1886), by Justin Winsor (page images at HathiTrust)
- Modern history (Printed for Messrs. Bettesworth and Hitch ... [and 5 others], 1739), by Thomas Salmon and Herman Moll (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Appian Way (Italy) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Arctic regions -- Maps -- Early works to 1800- Geschichte der schiffahrten und versuche, welche zur entdeckung des nordöstlichen weges nach Japan und China von verschiedenen nationen unternommen worden : zum behufe der erdbeschreibung und naturgeschichte dieser gegenden entworfen (Johann Justinus Gebauer, 1768), by Johann Christoph Adelung (page images at HathiTrust)
- A chart of ye North part of America : for Hudsons Bay comonly called ye North West Passage (John Thornton, 1689), by John Thornton, William H. Pugsley, John Seller, and W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (page images at HathiTrust)
- Pascaarte vande Noorder Zee custen van America : vande West-hoeck van Ysland doorde Straet Davis en Hudson, tot aen Terra Neuf ([Joannes van Keulen], 1685), by Johannes van Keulen, William H. Pugsley, and W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Atlantic Provinces -- Maps -- Early works to 1800- Carta particolare della terra nuoua con la gran baia et il fiume grande della Canida. ([Giuseppe Cocchini], 1661), by Robert Dudley and A. F. Lucini (page images at HathiTrust)
- Extrema Americae versus boream, ubi Terra Nova, Nova Francia, adjacentiaq[ue] (Io. Blaeu exc., 1662), by Joan Blaeu (page images at HathiTrust)
- Pas-caerte van Terra Nova, Nova Francia, Nieuw Engeland en de gro: te Rivier van Canada (Loon, 1666), by Joannes van Loon, William H. Pugsley, and W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (page images at HathiTrust)
- Terra Nova ac maris tractus circa Novam Franciam, Angliam, Belgium, Venezuelam, Novam Andalusiam, Guianam, et Brasiliam (Frederick de Wit, 1675), by Frederick de Wit, William H. Pugsley, and W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (page images at HathiTrust)
- Pas-Kaart, vande zee-kusten van Terra Nova met de Byleggende zee- kusten van Francia Nova Canada en Accadie van C. de Sables tot de Mond van de Straad Davids toe Door C.J. Vooght Geometra (Johannes van Keulen, 1695), by Joannes van Keulen, William H. Pugsley, and W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (page images at HathiTrust)
- Carte nouvelle contenant la partie d'Amerique la plus septentrionale : ou sont exactement decrits les provinces suivants comme le Canada ou Nouvelle France, la Nouvelle Ecosse, la Nouvelle Angleterre, les Nouveaux Païs Bas, la Pensylvanie, la Virginie, la Caroline et l'Jle de Terre Neuve avec les profondeuis le long des côtes et sur les bancs (Visscher, 1745), by Nicolaes Visscher, William H. Pugsley, and W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (page images at HathiTrust)
- A new chart of the coast of New England, Nova Scotia, New France or Canada : with the islands of Newfoundld., Cape Breton, St. John's & c (Gentleman's Magazine, 1746), by Thomas Jefferys, Alfred John Pick, William H. Pugsley, Jacques Nicolas Bellin, and W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (page images at HathiTrust)
- New Found Land, St. Laurence Bay, the fishing banks, Acadia, and part of New Scotland ([Printed for T. Bowles and J. Bowles], 1763), by Herman Moll, William H. Pugsley, and W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (page images at HathiTrust)
- A chart of the coast of America from Newfound Land to Cape Cod ([publisher not identified], 1670), by John Seller, William H. Pugsley, John Thornton, J. Atkinson, William Fisher, John Colson, and W.H. Pugsley Collection of Early Canadian Maps (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Australia -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Auvergne (France) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Barbados -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Bavaria (Germany) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Belgium -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Boston (Mass.) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Bristol (England) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Burgundy (France) -- Maps -- Early works to 1800More items available under broader and related terms at left. |