Pacific Coast (Calif.) -- Pictorial worksSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Pacific Coast (Calif.) -- Pictorial works -- Catalogs
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Pacific Coast (Calif.) -- Description and travelFiled under: Pacific Coast (Calif.) -- Guidebooks California Coastal Access Guide (seventh edition; Oakland: University of California Press, c2014), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Beaches and Parks From San Francisco to Monterey (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2012), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Beaches and Parks From Monterey to Ventura (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2007), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Beaches and Parks in Southern California (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2009), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Experience the California Coast: A Guide to Beaches and Parks in Northern California (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2005), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at
Filed under: Pacific Coast (Calif.) -- History -- Periodicals
Filed under: Beaches -- California -- Pacific Coast -- Guidebooks Beaches and Parks From San Francisco to Monterey (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2012), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Beaches and Parks From Monterey to Ventura (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2007), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Beaches and Parks in Southern California (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2009), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Experience the California Coast: A Guide to Beaches and Parks in Northern California (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2005), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Filed under: Chase, J. Smeaton (Joseph Smeaton), 1864-1923 -- Travel -- California -- Pacific Coast
Filed under: Parks -- California -- Pacific Coast -- Guidebooks Beaches and Parks From San Francisco to Monterey (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2012), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Beaches and Parks in Southern California (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2009), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Beaches and Parks From Monterey to Ventura (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2007), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Experience the California Coast: A Guide to Beaches and Parks in Northern California (Berkeley et al.: University of California Press, c2005), by California Coastal Commission, ed. by Steve Scholl (multiple formats at Filed under: Sea birds -- California -- Pacific Coast
Filed under: Sea birds -- Habitat -- California -- Pacific CoastFiled under: Sea birds -- Seasonal distribution -- California -- Pacific CoastFiled under: Trails -- California -- Pacific Coast
Filed under: California -- Pictorial works -- CatalogsFiled under: Yosemite Valley (Calif.) -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Alaska -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Alphabet books -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Americans -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Annapolis (Md.) -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Antarctica -- Discovery and exploration -- British -- Pictorial works Album of Photographs and Sketches, With a Portfolio of Panoramic Views (London: Royal Society, 1908), by British National Antarctic Expedition (1901-1904), contrib. by Archibald Geikie and Edward Wilson
Filed under: Apartment houses -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Art, Abstract -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Art, Modern -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Belgium -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Birds -- Pictorial works Abyssinian Birds and Mammals (Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1930), illust. by Louis Agassiz Fuertes (PDF at American Ornithology: or, The Natural History of Birds Inhabiting the United States, Not Given by Wilson (4 volumes, 1825-1833), by Charles Lucian Bonaparte (page images at Wisconsin) A Natural History of British Birds (based on Buffon's Natural History; Alnwick: W. Davison, ca. 1820), contrib. by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon, illust. by Thomas Bewick (multiple formats at A Natural History of Foreign Birds (based on Buffon's Natural History; Alnwick: W. Davison, ca. 1820), contrib. by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon, illust. by Thomas Bewick (multiple formats at A Natural History of Water Birds (based on Buffon's Natural History; Alnwick: W. Davison, ca. 1820), contrib. by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon, illust. by Thomas Bewick (multiple formats at
Filed under: Boston (Mass.) -- Pictorial works
Filed under: Botany -- Pictorial works The Botanical Atlas: A Guide to the Practical Study of Plants, Containing Representatives of the Leading Forms of Plant Life, With Explanatory Letterpress (2 volumes; New York: The Century Co., 1883), by Daniel McAlpine Illustrations of the Natural Orders of Plants; With Groups and Descriptions (2 volumes, reduced from original folio edition; London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1868), by Elizabeth Twining (page images at HathiTrust) Illustrations of the Natural Orders of Plants; With Groups and Descriptions (interactive edition), by Elizabeth Twining, contrib. by Nicholas Rougeux (illustrated HTML at New Illustration of The Sexual System of Carolus Von Linnaeus; and The Temple of Flora, or Garden of Nature (London: Printed for the publisher by T. Bensley, 1807), by Robert John Thornton (multiple formats at Archiv der Gewächskunde (2 volumes in German; Vienna: Auf Kosten des Herausgebers, 1812-1814), by Leopold Trattinnick Canadian Wild Flowers (Montreal: J. Lovell, 1868), by Catherine Parr Strickland Traill, illust. by Agnes Fitzgibbon (illustrated HTML at Gutenberg Canada) Icones Bogorienses (4 volumes, in Latin, French, and German; Leide: E. J. Brill, 1897-1914), by Kebun Raya Bogor (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Instructive Picture Book: or, Lessons From the Vegetable World (Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1858), by Charlotte M. Yonge (page images at Florida; some pages out of order) The Botanic Garden: Consisting of Highly Finished Figures of Hardy Ornamental Flowering Plants, Cultivated in Great Britain; With Their Names, Classes, Orders, History, Qualities, Culture, and Physiological Observations (13 volumes issued by various publishers, 1825-ca. 1851), by B. Maund Kunstformen der Natur (2 volumes, in German; Leipzig and Vienna: Bibliographisches Institut, 1904), by Ernst Haeckel North American Cariceae (2 volumes; New York: New York Botanical Garden, 1940), by Kenneth K. Mackenzie, ed. by Harold William Rickett, illust. by Harry Charles Creutzburg (page images at HathiTrust)
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