Painting -- Austria -- Vienna -- CatalogsSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Painting -- Austria -- Vienna -- Catalogs
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Filed under: Painting -- Catalogs
Filed under: Painting, American -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting, Chinese -- Catalogs
Filed under: Painting, Chinese -- Song-Yuan dynasties, 960-1368 -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting, European -- Catalogs Fifteenth- to Eighteenth-Century European Paintings in the Robert Lehman Collection: France, Central Europe, The Netherlands, Spain, and Great Britain (Robert Lehman Collection series v2; New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, c1998), contrib. by Charles Sterling, Maryan W. Ainsworth, Charles W. Talbot, Martha Wolff, Egbert Haverkamp Begemann, Jonathan Brown, and John T. Hayes (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google) European Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Artists Born before 1865: A Summary Catalogue (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1995), by Katharine Baetjer (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google) Catalogue des Tableaux de la Galerie de Feu Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Prince Eugène Duc de Leuchtenberg à Munich (in French; Munich: Galerie Leuchtenberg, 1825), by J. N. Muxel Catálogo de la Galeria de Cuadros del Excmo. Sr. D. José de Madrazo (in Spanish; Madrid: Impr. de C. Lopez, 1856) Filed under: Painting, French -- Catalogs
Filed under: Painting, French -- 19th century -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting, Italian -- Catalogs
Filed under: Painting, Italian -- Italy -- Florence -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting, Italian -- Italy -- Siena -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting, Italian -- Italy -- Venice -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting, Italian -- Italy, Central -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting, Italian -- Italy, Northern -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting, Italian -- New York (State) -- New York -- Catalogs
Filed under: Painting, Modern -- 19th century -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting, Modern -- 20th century -- CatalogsFiled under: Portrait painting -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting -- Europe -- Catalogs Catálogo de la Galeria de Cuadros del Excmo. Sr. D. José de Madrazo (in Spanish; Madrid: Impr. de C. Lopez, 1856)
Filed under: Painting -- Private collections -- Germany -- Munich -- Catalogs Catalogue des Tableaux de la Galerie de Feu Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Prince Eugène Duc de Leuchtenberg à Munich (in French; Munich: Galerie Leuchtenberg, 1825), by J. N. Muxel
Filed under: Painting, Renaissance -- Italy -- Florence -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting -- New York (State) -- New York -- Catalogs Masterpieces of Painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Greenwich, CT: Dist. by the New York Graphic Society, 1970), by Edith Appleton Standen and Thomas M. Folds, contrib. by Claus Virch (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google) European Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Artists Born before 1865: A Summary Catalogue (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1995), by Katharine Baetjer (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google) Masterpieces of American Painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art and Random House, c1986), by Margaretta Salinger, contrib. by John K. Howat (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google) Italian Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Florentine School (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1971), by Federico Zeri and Elizabeth E. Gardner (Volume 1: page images and PDF with commentary at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google) Italian Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art: North Italian School (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1986), by Federico Zeri and Elizabeth E. Gardner (page images and PDF with commentary at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google) Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art and Harry N. Abrams, 1985), by Charles S. Moffett (page images and PDF with commentary at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google) Italian Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Sienese and Central Italian Schools (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980), by Federico Zeri and Elizabeth E. Gardner (page images and PDF with commentary at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google) Italian Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Venetian School (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973), by Federico Zeri and Elizabeth E. Gardner (page images and PDF with commentary at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google)
Filed under: Mural painting and decoration -- New York (State) -- New York -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting -- Private collections -- Catalogs
Filed under: Painting -- Private collections -- Spain -- Madrid -- Catalogs Catálogo de la Galeria de Cuadros del Excmo. Sr. D. José de Madrazo (in Spanish; Madrid: Impr. de C. Lopez, 1856) Filed under: Painting -- Russia (Federation) -- Saint Petersburg -- CatalogsFiled under: Painting -- Spain -- Madrid -- Catalogs Catálogo de la Galeria de Cuadros del Excmo. Sr. D. José de Madrazo (in Spanish; Madrid: Impr. de C. Lopez, 1856)