PaleogeographySee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader term:Narrower terms:Used for: |
Filed under: Paleogeography -- Canada, Western -- Maps
Filed under: Paleogeography -- Prairie Provinces -- Maps
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Physical geography Fundamentals of Physical Geography (electronic edition, with glossary and weblinks), by Michael J. Pidwirny (illustrated HTML with commentary at Outdoor Geography (London et al.; Blackie and Son, Limited, ca. 1920), by Herbert Hatch (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography, by Michael E. Ritter (multimedia at Physical Geography (new revised edition, 2 volumes; London: J. Murray, 1849), by Mary Somerville Physical Geography (America edition based on the third London edition, with added notes; Philadelphia: Blanchard and Lea, 1855), by Mary Somerville, ed. by W. S. W. Ruschenberger (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA) Geographical Essays (Boston et al.: Ginn and Co., c1909), by William Morris Davis, ed. by Douglas Wilson Johnson (page images at HathiTrust) Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe (5 volumes; New York: Harper and Bros., 1866), by Alexander von Humboldt, trans. by E. C. Otté, B. H. Paul, and W. S. Dallas
Filed under: Ice -- Antarctica Album of Photographs and Sketches, With a Portfolio of Panoramic Views (London: Royal Society, 1908), by British National Antarctic Expedition (1901-1904), contrib. by Archibald Geikie and Edward Wilson
Filed under: Ice -- Antarctica -- Congresses
Filed under: Ice sheets -- Antarctica -- CongressesFiled under: Physical geography -- Asia, Central Explorations in Turkestan, by Raphael Pumpelly Filed under: Physical geography -- AustraliaFiled under: Physical geography -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Physical geography -- Finland -- Periodicals Fennia (partial serial archives)
Filed under: Physical geography -- Greece -- Sēteia Sitia, die Osthalbinsel Kreta's: Eine Geographische Studie (dissertation in German; 1902), by Leonidas Chalikiopoulos
Filed under: Physical geography -- Slovenia -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Physical geography -- Flanders
Filed under: Physical geography -- Illinois -- Chicago Region The Physiography of the Region of Chicago (Chicago: University of Chicago press, c1927), by Fritiof Fryxell, contrib. by University of Chicago Local Community Research Committee and Chicago Commonwealth Club Filed under: Physical geography -- IndianaFiled under: Physical geography -- Juvenile literatureFiled under: Physical geography -- Michigan Michigan: Being Condensed Popular Sketches of the Topography, Climate and Geology of the State (extracted from Walling's Atlas of Michigan; Claremont, NH: Claremont Mfg. Co., 1873), by Alexander Winchell Filed under: Physical geography -- Mississippi River ValleyFiled under: Physical geography -- NebraskaFiled under: Physical geography -- North AmericaFiled under: Physical geography -- United States
Filed under: Physical geography -- Sudan -- Bahr al-BayadFiled under: Physical geography -- Textbooks
Filed under: Coast changes -- California -- San Diego County
Filed under: Coast changes -- Florida -- Atlantic Coast Living with Florida's Atlantic Beaches: Coastal Hazards from Amelia Island to Key West (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2004), by David M. Bush, William J. Neal, Norma J. Longo, Kenyon C. Lindeman, Deborah F. Pilkey, Luciana S. Esteves, John D. Congleton, and Orrin H. Pilkey (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Coast changes -- IndonesiaFiled under: Coast changes -- OregonFiled under: Coast changes -- Washington (State)
Filed under: Geomorphology -- Columbia Plateau -- GuidebooksFiled under: Geomorphology -- CongressesFiled under: Geomorphology -- Remote sensing
Filed under: Lunar cratersFiled under: Meteorite craters
Filed under: Meteorite craters -- Antarctica -- Congresses
Filed under: Meteor Crater (Ariz.)
Filed under: Meteor Crater (Ariz.) -- Guidebooks Guidebook to the Geology of Barringer Meteorite Crater, Arizona (a.k.a. Meteor Crater) (second edition, c2017), by David A. Kring
Filed under: Geology -- Arizona -- Meteor Crater -- Guidebooks Guidebook to the Geology of Barringer Meteorite Crater, Arizona (a.k.a. Meteor Crater) (second edition, c2017), by David A. Kring
Filed under: Dust Bowl Era, 1931-1939Filed under: Landscape changes Landscape in History, and Other Essays (London and New York: Macmillan, 1905), by Archibald Geikie
Filed under: Landscape changes -- Nepal -- Khumbu ValleyMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |