Panama Canal (Panama) -- Design and constructionSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Panama Canal (Panama) -- Design and construction
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Panama Canal (Panama) The ABC of the Panama Canal Controversy (originally printed in the Baltimore Sun; New York: American Association for International Conciliation, 1913), by Henry Herzberg (page images here at Penn) The Americans in Panama, by William R. Scott (frame-dependent illustrated HTML at The Great Adventure of Panama (Doubleday, Page, 1920), by Philippe Bunau-Varilla (illustrated HTML at BYU) The Panama Canal and its Makers (London and Leipzig: T. F. Unwin, 1909), by Vaughan Cornish (multiple formats at Rapport Betreffende de Gevolgen der Opening van het Panama-Kanaal voor Nederland en Koloniën (main report in Dutch, with appendices in Dutch, English and other languages; 1912), by J. T. Cremer and H. C. Obreen (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Zone Policeman 88: A Close Range Study of the Panama Canal and its Workers, by Harry A. Franck (Gutenberg text) The Makers of the Panama Canal, 1911, ed. by F. E. Jackson and Son, illust. by Thomas Marine (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Jungle Island (Chicago and New York: Rand McNally, c1925), by W. C. Allee and Marjorie Hill Allee (multiple formats at China to Peru over the Andes: A Journey Through South America (London: S. Low, Marston, and co., ca. 1894), by Ethel Gwendoline Moffatt Vincent, contrib. by C. E. Howard Vincent (multiple formats at
Filed under: Panama Canal (Panama) -- Fiction Yellow Eyes (included on the Claws That Catch Baen CD image; c2007), by John Ringo and Tom Kratman Filed under: Panama Canal (Panama) -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Panama Canal (Panama) -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Panama Canal (Panama) -- Rates and tollsFiled under: Ships -- Measurement -- Law and legislation -- Panama -- Panama Canal
Filed under: Agricultural machinery -- Design and construction Rudimentary Treatise on Agricultural Engineering (3 volumes; London: J. Weale, 1852-1853), by G. H. Andrews
Filed under: Aircraft cabins -- Design and construction
Filed under: Airplanes -- Design and construction
Filed under: Airships -- Design and construction
Filed under: Amusement rides -- Design and construction
Filed under: Architectural studios -- Design and construction
Filed under: Automobiles -- Design and construction Theory of Land Locomotion: The Mechanics of Vehicle Mobility (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1956), by M. G. Bekker (page images at HathiTrust) Our Car as Power Plant (Amsterdam: IOS Press, c2014), by Ad van Wijk and Leendert Verhoef (PDF at The Automotive Chassis (Without Powerplant) (third edition; Nyack, NY: P. M. Heldt, 1952), by Peter Martin Heldt (page images at HathiTrust) The Automotive Chassis (Without Powerplant) (first edition; Nyack, NY: P. M. Heldt, 1945), by Peter Martin Heldt (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Bridges -- Design and construction
Filed under: Cathedrals -- England -- Durham -- Design and construction Durham Cathedral: The Chronology of its Vaults (reproduced from the Archaeological Journal v79; London: Office of the Royal Archaeological Institute, 1922), by John Bilson
Filed under: Chairs -- Design and construction
Filed under: Concrete tanks -- Design and construction
Filed under: Dwellings -- Design and construction The Principles and Practice of Modern House-Construction (6 volumes; London et a.: Blackie and Son, Ltd., ca. 1899), ed. by G. Lister Sutcliffe
Filed under: Earth houses -- Design and construction Handbook for Building Homes of Earth (prepared for US Agency for International Development; College Station, TX: Texas Transportation Institute, ca. 1962), by Lyle A. Wolfskill, Wayne A. Dunlap, and Bob M. Gallaway
Filed under: Educational tests and measurements -- United States -- Design and construction
Filed under: Electronic analog computers -- Design and construction
Filed under: Electronic digital computers -- Design and construction
Filed under: Embankments -- Louisiana -- Design and construction Investigation of the Performance of the New Orleans Flood Protection Systems in Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005 (final report; 2 volumes, with appendices; 2006), by Independent Levee Investigation Team, contrib. by Raymond Bolton Seed
Filed under: Exterior walls -- Design and construction
Filed under: Facades -- Design and constructionFiled under: Factories -- Design and constructionFiled under: Farm buildings -- Design and construction Rural Architecture: Being a Complete Description of Farm Houses, Cottages, and Out Buildings (New York: C.M. Saxton, 1852), by Lewis F. Allen, illust. by John William Orr Rudimentary Treatise on Agricultural Engineering (3 volumes; London: J. Weale, 1852-1853), by G. H. Andrews Filed under: Furniture, Mission -- Design and construction Mission Furniture: How to Make It (3 parts; Chicago: Popular Mechanics Co., c1909-1912), by H. H. Windsor Filed under: Guided missiles -- Design and constructionFiled under: Harbors -- Design and constructionFiled under: Huts -- Design and constructionFiled under: Hypodermic needles -- Design and constructionFiled under: Integrated circuits -- Design and constructionFiled under: Iron and steel bridges -- Design and constructionMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |