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Filed under: Panola County (Miss.) -- Newspapers
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Mississippi -- Antiquities
Filed under: Mississippi -- Encyclopedias
Filed under: Mississippi -- Fiction
Filed under: Mississippi -- Geneaology
Filed under: Mississippi -- History
Filed under: Mississippi -- Imprints
Filed under: Mississippi -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Mississippi -- Politics and government
Filed under: Mississippi -- Race relations A Chronology of Violence and Intimidation in Mississippi Since 1961 (Atlanta: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, ca. 1964), by Jack H. Minnis (page images at Preservica) Racial Facts (1964), by Citizens' Councils of America (page images at Preservica) Conflicting Views on Segregation: Reprints of a Series of Letters Between Dr. D.M. Nelson, President of Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss., and an Unnamed Alumnus (Winona, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils, ca. 1955), by Dotson McGinnis Nelson (page images at Preservica) M is for Mississippi and Murder (1955), by National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (page images at Preservica)
Filed under: Mississippi -- Social conditions
Filed under: Mississippi -- Social life and customs
Filed under: Natchez National Historical Park (Miss.)
Filed under: Vicksburg National Military Park (Miss.)
Filed under: African American families -- Mississippi
Filed under: African Americans -- Mississippi
Filed under: Authors, American -- Homes and haunts -- Mississippi
Filed under: Buildings -- Natural disaster effects -- Mississippi
Filed under: Civil rights movements -- Mississippi
Filed under: Communism -- MississippiFiled under: Constitutional conventions -- Mississippi Journal of the State Convention, and Ordinances and Resolutions Adopted in January, 1861; With an Appendix (Jackson, MS: E. Barksdale, 1861), by Mississippi Convention (1861) Journal of the State Convention, and Ordinances and Resolutions Adopted in March 1861 (1861), by Mississippi Convention (1861) Filed under: Constitutional law -- Mississippi Journal of the State Convention, and Ordinances and Resolutions Adopted in March 1861 (1861), by Mississippi Convention (1861) Filed under: Constitutions -- Mississippi Journal of the Proceedings and Debates in the Constitutional Convention of the State of Mississippi, August, 1865, by Mississippi Constitutional Convention (1865) (page images at Google) Journal of the Proceedings and Debates in the Constitutional Convention of the State of Mississippi, August, 1865, by Mississippi Constitutional Convention (page images at MOA) Journal of the Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention, of the State of Mississippi (1890), by Mississippi (page images at Google) Constitution of the State of Mississippi, As Amended, With the Ordinances and Resolutions Adopted by the Constitutional Convention, August, 1865 (Jackson, MS: E. M. Yerger, 1865), by Mississippi and Mississippi Constitutional Convention (1865) (multiple formats at Constitution of the United States, With Amendments, and the Constitution of the State of Mississippi: Adopted in Convention 15th day of May, A.D. 1868 and Ratified by the People 1st day of December, A.D. 1869 (Jackson, MS: Fisher and Kimball, 1870), by United States and Mississippi (multiple formats at Journal of the State Convention, and Ordinances and Resolutions Adopted in March 1861 (1861), by Mississippi Convention (1861) Filed under: Contested elections -- Mississippi Speech of Mr. Prentiss, on the Mississippi Contested Election, Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, January 17, 1838 (Washington: Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1838), by S. S. Prentiss Filed under: Elections -- Mississippi Mississippi: Testimony as to Denial of Elective Franchise in Mississippi at the Elections of 1875 and 1876, Taken Under the Resolution of the Senate of December 5, 1876 (Washington: GPO, 1877), by United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections Filed under: Enslaved Indians -- Mississippi A Sketch of the Life of Okah Tubbee, (Called) William Chubbee, Son of the Head Chief, Mosholeh Tubbee, of the Choctaw Nation of Indians (Toronto: Printed for O. Tubbee by H. Stephens, 1852), by Okah Tubbee and Laah Ceil Manatoi Elaah Tubbee (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) A Thrilling Sketch of the Life of The Distinguished Chief Okah Tubbee: Alias Wm. Chubbee, Son of the Head Chief, Mosholeh Tubbee, of the Choctaw Nation of Indians (1848), by Okah Tubbee and L. L. Allen Filed under: Enslaved persons' writings, American -- MississippiFiled under: Geology -- Mississippi Bulletin, by Mississippi Geological, Economic, and Topographical Survey (full serial archives) Bulletin, by Mississippi Geological Survey (full serial archives) Bulletin, by Mississippi State Geological Survey (full serial archives) Filed under: Indian allotments -- Law and legislation -- MississippiFiled under: Indian land transfers -- MississippiFiled under: Indians of North America -- MississippiFiled under: Indians, Treatment of -- Mississippi A Sketch of the Life of Okah Tubbee, (Called) William Chubbee, Son of the Head Chief, Mosholeh Tubbee, of the Choctaw Nation of Indians (Toronto: Printed for O. Tubbee by H. Stephens, 1852), by Okah Tubbee and Laah Ceil Manatoi Elaah Tubbee (HTML and TEI with commentary at UNC) A Thrilling Sketch of the Life of The Distinguished Chief Okah Tubbee: Alias Wm. Chubbee, Son of the Head Chief, Mosholeh Tubbee, of the Choctaw Nation of Indians (1848), by Okah Tubbee and L. L. Allen Filed under: Journalism -- MississippiFiled under: Law -- MississippiMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |