Papacy -- History -- SourcesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Papacy -- History -- Sources The Book of the Popes (Liber Pontificalis), I: To the Pontificate of Gregory I (no more volumes known to be published in this edition; New York: Columbia University Press, 1916), ed. by Louise Ropes Loomis (multiple formats at Le Liber Pontificalis: Texte, Introduction et Commentaire (2 volumes, in French and Latin; Paris: E. Thorin, 1886-1892), ed. by L. Duchesne (both volumes: page images at HathiTrust) Bullarum Diplomatum et Privilegiorum Sanctorum Romanorum Pontificum, Taurinensis Editio (25 volumes in Latin; 1857-1872), by Catholic Church, ed. by Luigi Tomassetti, contrib. by Francesco Gaude, Luigi Bilio, and Charles Cocquelines (multiple formats at HathiTrust and Codex Documentorum Sacratissimarum Indulgentiarum Neerlandicarum: Verzameling van Stukken Betreffende de Pauselijke Aflaten in de Nederlanden (1300-1600) (in Latin; The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1922), by Paul Frédéricq Regestum Clementis Papae V: Ex Vaticanis Archetypis Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Leonis XIII Pontificis Maximi Iussu et Munificentia (10 volumes in 8, in Latin; Rome: Typ. Vaticana, 1885-1892) Bullarium Patronatus Portugalliae Regum in Ecclesiis Africae, Asiae Atque Oceaniae: Bullas, Brevia, Epistolas, Decreta Actaque Sanctae Sedis ab Alexandro III ad hoc Usque Tempus Amplectens (5 volumes (3 main, 2 appendices), mainly in Latin; Lisbon: Ex Typographia Nationali, 1868-1879), by Catholic Church, ed. by Levy Maria Jordão (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Papacy -- History -- 17th century -- Sources
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Papacy -- History Pageant of the Popes (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1942), by John Farrow (HTML with commentary at The Popes Condemn Anti-Semitism (New York: Council Against Intolerance in America, ca. 1939), by Maurice S. Sheehy (multiple formats at Finance Capital in Papal Robes: A Challenge (New York: Friends of the Soviet Union, ca. 1930), by Nikolaĭ Bukharin, trans. by Moissaye J. Olgin (multiple formats at Popery, the Foe of the Church, and of the Republic (Philadelphia et al.: Peoples Pub. Co., 1871), by Joseph S. Van Dyke Popery, the Foe of the Church, and of the Republic (Philadelphia et al.: Peoples Pub. Co., 1872), by Joseph S. Van Dyke (page images at MOA) Sulla Soglia del Vaticano, 1870-1901 (2 volumes, in Italian; Bologna: N. Zanichelli, 1920), by Guiseppe Manfroni, ed. by Camillo Manfroni
Filed under: Papacy -- History -- 1447-1565 -- FictionFiled under: Papacy -- History -- To 1309Filed under: Roman question
Filed under: Archives
Filed under: Church history -- Sources
Filed under: Diplomatics
Filed under: History, Ancient -- Sources De l'Histoire Profane dans les Actes Grecs des Bollandistes: Extraits Grecs, Traduction Française, Notes, avec les Fragments Laissés Inédis par les Bollandistes (in French; Paris: F. Didot, 1874), ed. by A. Tougard (page images at HathiTrust) Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Ancient Monuments of Egypt and Western Asia (new series, 6 volumes; London: S. Bagster and Sons, ca. 1888-1892), ed. by A. H. Sayce Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments, Published Under the Sanction of the Society of Biblical Archaeology (12 volumes; London: S. Bagster and Sons, ca. 1873-1881), ed. by Samuel Birch
Filed under: World history -- Sources
Filed under: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes -- History -- Sources
Filed under: African Americans -- History -- Sources
Filed under: Angola -- History -- Revolution, 1961-1975 -- Sources
Filed under: Angouleme (France) -- History -- Sources
Filed under: Antisemitism -- History -- Sources
Filed under: Arab countries -- History -- Sources
Filed under: Argentina -- History -- 1535-1617 -- Sources
Filed under: Argentina -- History -- 1776-1810 -- Sources Archivo General de la República Argentina (second series, 14 volumes in Spanish: Buenos Aires: G. Kraft, 1894-1899), ed. by Adolfo P. Carranza
Filed under: Argentina -- History -- English Invasions, 1806-1807 -- Sources Archivo General de la República Argentina (second series, 14 volumes in Spanish: Buenos Aires: G. Kraft, 1894-1899), ed. by Adolfo P. Carranza
Filed under: Argentina -- History -- To 1810 -- Sources
Filed under: Argentina -- History -- War of Independence, 1810-1817 -- Sources
Filed under: Armenia -- History -- 1901- -- Sources
Filed under: Armenia -- History -- 428-640 -- Sources
Filed under: Asia -- History -- Sources Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Ancient Monuments of Egypt and Western Asia (new series, 6 volumes; London: S. Bagster and Sons, ca. 1888-1892), ed. by A. H. Sayce
Filed under: Asia, Central -- History -- Sources Alpamysh: Central Asian Identity Under Russian Rule, by H. B. Paksoy
Filed under: Assyria -- History -- Sources Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia (2 volumes: Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1926-1927), by Daniel David Luckenbill Assyrian Historiography: A Source Study (1916), by A. T. Olmstead (Gutenberg text) Annals of the Kings of Assyria, ed. by E. A. Wallis Budge and L. W. King (page images at Chicago) Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments, Published Under the Sanction of the Society of Biblical Archaeology (12 volumes; London: S. Bagster and Sons, ca. 1873-1881), ed. by Samuel Birch Une Relation de la Huitième Campagne de Sargon (714 av. J.-C.) (in French; Paris; P. Geuthner, 1912), ed. by F. Thureau-Dangin
Filed under: Athens (Greece) -- History -- Sources Marmor Sandvicense, Cum Commentario et Notis (in Latin and Greek; Cambridge, UK: I. Bentham, 1743), ed. by John Taylor
Filed under: Augusta County (Va.) -- History -- Sources
Filed under: Autodesk, Inc. -- History -- SourcesMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |