Paper moneySee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Bills (Paper money)
- Fiat money
- Paper currency
Filed under: Paper money A New Banking System: The Needful Capital for Rebuilding the Burnt District (Boston: A. Williams and Co., 1873), by Lysander Spooner (Gutenberg text) Paper Money, the Money of Civilization: An Issue by the State, and a Legal Tender in Payment of Taxes (London: Provost and co., 1877), by James Harvey (multiple formats at A New Monetary System: The Only Means of Securing the Respective Rights of Labor and Property, and of Protecting the Public From Financial Revulsions (fifth edition; Philadelphia: H. C. Baird and Co.; London: Sampson Low, Marston Low and Searle, 1875), by Edward Kellogg, ed. by Mary Kellogg Putnam (PDF at McMaster)
Filed under: Paper money -- ArgentinaFiled under: Paper money -- Confederate States of AmericaFiled under: Paper money -- Great Britain The High Price of Bullion, by David Ricardo (text at McMaster) A Letter to James William Gilbart, General Manager of the London and Westminister Bank, on the Regulation of the Currency by the Foreign Exchanges, and on the Appointment of the Bank of England to be the Sole Bank of Issue Throughout Great Britain (London: P. Richardson, 1840), by Robert Bell
Filed under: Bank notes -- Great Britain
Filed under: Paper money -- Law and legislation -- United States -- HistoryFiled under: Paper money -- North Carolina An Address to the Inhabitants of North-Carolina (Williamsburg, VA: Printed by W. Parks, 1746), by William Borden Filed under: Paper money -- United States
Filed under: Paper money design -- United StatesFiled under: Greenbacks Greenback Catechism: Important Questions Plainly and Honestly Answered: Just the Thing to Kill the Golden Calf (ca. 1877), by Mark M. Pomeroy (HTML at Yamaguchy) "Greenbacks": or, The Evils and the Remedy of Using "Promise to Pay to the Bearer on Demand" as a Measure of Value (New York: D. Thomas, 1864), by Observer (page images at MOA) A Resource of War: The Credit of the Government Made Immediately Available: History of the Legal Tender Paper Money Issued During the Great Rebellion, Being a Loan Without Interest and a National Currency (Buffalo: Express Printing Co., 1869), by E. G. Spaulding (page images at MOA) The Legal Tender Cases of 1871: Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, December Term, 1870, in the Cases of Knox vs. Lee. and Parker vs. Davis; With the Opinions of Justices Strong and Bradley; and the Dissenting Opinions of Justices Chase, Clifford, and Field; To Which are Added the Notes of Forty-Four Cases Quoted or Referred to in the Several Opinions Above Named (New York: Pub. at the office of the Bankers' Magazine and Statistical Register, 1872), by United States Supreme Court (page images at HathiTrust) The Money Question: The Legal Tender Paper Monetary System of the United States (Grand Rapids, MI: W. W. Hart, 1876), by William A. Berkey (page images at MOA) A Critical Examination of Our Financial Policy During the Southern Rebellion, by Simon Newcomb (page images at MOA)
Filed under: Greenbacks -- Miscellanea
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Money The Ecology of Money (1999), by R. J. Douthwaite (HTML and PDF at The Great Cookie Jar: Taking the Mysteries Out of the Money System (1978), by Edward E. Popp (HTML at Money: Bona Fide or Non-Bona Fide (1970), by Edward E. Popp (HTML at Financial Markets and Economic Activity (Cowles Foundation monograph #21; New York et al.: J. Wiley and Sons, c1967), ed. by Donald D. Hester and James Tobin (PDF at Yale) Honest Money: A Challenge to Banking (1993), by John Tomlinson (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) Private Enterprise Money: A Non-Political Money System (1944), by Edwin C. Riegel (HTML at From Bitcoin to Burning Man and Beyond: The Quest for Identity and Autonomy in a Digital Society (Amherst, MA: ID3 in cooperation with Off the Common Books, 2014), ed. by John H. Clippinger and David Bollier (multiple formats at Banking and Currency (London: Butterworth and Co., 1905), by Ernest Sykes (multiple formats at A Discourse Upon Coins, by Bernardo Davanzati, trans. by John Toland (text at McMaster) Discourses Upon Trade, by Dudley North (text at McMaster) Everybody's Guide to Money Matters (1898), by William Cotton (Gutenberg text) Geld und Gold: Ökonomische Theorie des Geldes (in German; Stuttgart and Berlin: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1916), by Robert Liefmann Money and the Mechanism of Exchange (New York: D. Appleton, 1876), by William Stanley Jevons (HTML at Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles, by Jesús Huerta de Soto, trans. by Melinda A. Stroup (PDF at Money, Method, and the Market Process, by Ludwig Von Mises, ed. by Margit Von Mises, contrib. by Richard M. Ebeling (multiple formats with commentary at The Money Problem (London: Grant Richards, 1903), by Arthur Kitson (multiple formats at The Natural Law of Money (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896), by William Brough (HTML at The New Approach to Freedom, Together With Essays on the Separation of Money and State, by Edwin C. Riegel, ed. by Spencer Heath McCallum (HTML at The Theory of Money and Credit, by Ludwig Von Mises, trans. by H. E. Batson (frame-dependent HTML at The Value of Money (New York: Macmillan, 1917), by Benjamin M. Anderson (page images at Google; US access only) The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936), by John Maynard Keynes (HTML in Australia; NO US ACCESS) The Remedy for Overproduction and Unemployment (New York: Vanguard Press; The Foundation for Financial Research, 1928), by Hugo Bilgram (page images at HathiTrust) A Fraudulent Standard: An Exposure of the Fraudulent Character of Our Monetary Standard, With Suggestions for the Establishment of an Invariable Unit of Value (London: P.S. King and Son, 1917), by Arthur Kitson (multiple formats at The Gold Standard Versus "A Managed Currency", With Some Observations on the Quantity Theory of Money (published as a number of the Chase Economic Bulletin, 1925), by Benjamin M. Anderson (page images at HathiTrust) Les Théories de Law (doctoral thesis, in French; Paris: V. Giard and E. Briere, 1909), by Paul Cayla (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Mystery of Banking, by Murray N. Rothbard (PDF at An Inquiry Into the Currency Principle, by Thomas Tooke (HTML at McMaster)
More items available under broader and related terms at left. |