Pastoral theology -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Pastoral theology -- Early works to 1800 Gildas Salvianus, the First Part, i.e. The Reformed Pastor: Shewing the Nature of the Pastoral Work, Especially the Private Instruction and Catechizing, With an Open Confession of Our Too Open Sins (London: Printed by R. White for N. Simmons, 1656), by Richard Baxter A Priest to the Temple: or, The Country Parson, His Character and Rule of Holy Life (1652), by George Herbert (HTML at Gildas Salvianus, the Reformed Pastor: Shewing the Nature of the Pastoral Work, Especially the Private Instruction and Catechising, With an Open Confession of Our Too Open Sins (London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1860), by Richard Baxter (multiple formats at The Reformed Pastor, by Richard Baxter (HTML at Christian fellowship, or, The church member's guide. (Lincoln and Edmands, 1831), by John Angell James and John Overton Choules (page images at HathiTrust) An earnest ministry the want of the times. (Presbyterian board of publication, 1868), by John Angell James and Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School) Board of Publication (page images at HathiTrust) The reformed pastor. (John Knox Press, 1956), by Richard Baxter (page images at HathiTrust) King Alfred's West Saxon Version of Gregory's pastoral care (Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press, 1909), by Pope Gregory I, Henry Sweet, and King of England Alfred (page images at HathiTrust) The pastor: his qualifications and duties. (American Baptist Publication Society, 1879), by H. Harvey and American Baptist Publication Society (page images at HathiTrust) The joy of the ministry. An endeavour to increase the efficiency and deepen the happiness of pastoral work. (J. Pott, in the 1890s), by Frederick Richards Wynne (page images at HathiTrust) The Preacher : a discourse, shewing, what are the particular offices and employments of those of that character in the church ; with a free censure of the most common failings and miscarriages of persons in that sacred employment ; to which is added a catalogue of some authors who may be beneficial to young preachers and students in divinity (London : Printed for J. Robinson, J. Lawrence, and J. Wyat, 1705., 1705), by John Edwards and Samuel Miller Library Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust) Vorlesungen aus der Pastoraltheologie : auf Befehl Sr Churf. Durchlaucht zu Trier, als Furstbischofs zu Augsburg (Joseph Lentner, 1793), by Johann Michael Sailer (page images at HathiTrust) Country parson (Printed by T. Roycroft, for Benj. Tooke, 1671), by George Herbert and Barnabas Oley (page images at HathiTrust) Pastor bonus, seu, Idea, officium, et praxis pastorum (Apud Antonium Veronese, 1769), by Jan Opstraet (page images at HathiTrust) Institvtio parochi, sev Specvlvm parochorvm (Eborae : Ex Typographia Academiae, anno Domini 1665., 1665), by Sebastião de Abreu and Oliveira Lima (page images at HathiTrust) The Principles and duties of the Christian religion. (London : [publisher not identified], 1710., 1710), by J. Mapletoft (page images at HathiTrust) Letters to a young clergyman, from the late Reverend Mr. Job Orton. (Boston : Printed by Manning & Loring for James White, 1794., 1794), by Job Orton (page images at HathiTrust) Of the pastoral care (London : Printed by R.R. for Ric. Chiswell, 1692., 1692), by Gilbert Burnet, Richard Chiswell, Thomas F. Torrance Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary), and Puritan Collection of English and American Literature (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust) A probe thologicall, or, The first part of the Christian pastors proofe of his learned parishioners faith : wherein is handled the doctrine of the law for the knowledge of it ... (London : Imprinted for William Leake, 1612., 1612), by Osmund Lakes and Puritan Collection of English and American Literature (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust) The Preacher, the third part : containing farther rules and advices, for the right discharging of the sacred-office of preaching ; with animadversions on some passages in the book entituled, The Whole duty of man, and in the late writings of Dr. Hickes, Dr. Nichols, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Dodwell ... (London : Printed for Jonathan Robinson, John Lawrence, and John Wyat, 1709., 1709), by John Edwards (page images at HathiTrust) The Preacher, the second part : a discourse ... with continued advice to students in divinity, and to young preachers : to which is annexed, the hearer ... (London : Printed for J. Robinson, J. Lawrence, and J. Wyat, 1706., 1706), by John Edwards (page images at HathiTrust) Gildas Salvianus, the reformed pastor shewing the nature of the pastoral work, especially in private instruction and catechizing : with an open confession of our too open sins : prepared for a day of humiliation kept at Worcester, Decemb. 4, 1655 by the ministers of that county, who subscribed the agreement for catechizing and personal instruction at their entrance upon that work / by their unworthy fellow-servant, Richard Baxter ... (London : Printed by Robert White, for Nevil Simmons ... and are to be sold by William Roybould ..., 1656), by Richard Baxter (HTML at EEBO TCP) Jus divinum ministerii evangelici. Or The divine right of the Gospel-ministry: divided into two parts. The first part containing a justification of the Gospel-ministry in general. The necessity of ordination thereunto by imposition of hands. The unlawfulnesse of private mens assuming to themselves either the office or work of the ministry without a lawfull call and ordination. The second part containing a justification of the present ministers of England, both such as were ordained during the prevalency of episcopacy from the foul aspersion of anti-christianism: and those who have been ordained since its abolition, from the unjust imputation of novelty: proving that a bishop and presbyter are all one in Scripture; and that ordination by presbyters is most agreeable to the Scripture-patern. Together with an appendix, wherein the judgement and practice of antiquity about the whole matter of episcopacy, and especially about the ordination of ministers, is briefly discussed. Published by the Provincial Assembly of London. (London : printed by John Legat and Abraham Miller, 1654), by London (England). Provincial Assembly and Edmund Calamy (HTML at EEBO TCP) Word to the saints from the watch tower (London : [s.n.], printed in the year 1668), by Francis Holcroft (HTML at EEBO TCP) Von dem predig ampt. English (Imprinted at London : By William Seris [and] Rycharde Kele, dwelling in Lombard ... at thee sygne of the Egle., M. D. L. [1550]), by Ulrich Zwingli and John Véron (HTML at EEBO TCP) The pastors charge and cure, or, A sermon first preached in Latine at Oxford and afterwards translated by the author the preaching of which created the author much trouble, and in the winding up of all, suspension from his ministery, and thereupon inforcement to leave his native countrey / by Nath. White, pastor of a congregation at summer islands. (London : Printed by Matth. Simmons ..., 1645), by Nathaniel White (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Agreement of divers ministers of Christ in the county of Worcester, and some adjacent parts, for catechizing or personal instructing all in their parishes, that will consent thereunto. Containing I. The articles of our agreement. II. An exhortation to the people to submit to this necessary work. III. The profession of faith, and catechism, which we desire them first to learn. (London, : Printed by R.W. for Nevil Simmons bookseller at Kidderminster, and are to be sold there by him, and at London by William Roybould, at the Vnicorn in Pauls Church-yard, 1656) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Cases considered and resolved. Wherein all the tender godly conscientious ministers in England (whether for a Congregationall, or a Presbyteriall way) are concerned. Or pills to purge malignants. And all prophane, ignorant, and scandalous persons. (But more particularly calculated for the meridian of Margarets Fishstreet-hill) from those grosse conceits that they have of their childrens right to baptisme; and of their owne right to the Supper of the Lord, &c. Also good councell to bad men. Or friendly advise (in severall particulars) to unfriendly neighbours. By Thomas Brooks, a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious Gospel of Christ, at Margarets Fishstreet-hill. (London : Printed by M. Simmons, for John Hancock and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-Head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1653), by Thomas Brooks (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Preaching -- Early works to 1800 Theodorus: : a dialogue concerning the art of preaching. (Printed for R. Dodsley ..., 1752), by David Fordyce and James Fordyce (page images at HathiTrust) The principles of eloquence : adapted to the pulpit and the bar (Printed for T. Cadell ... and C. Dilly, 1793), by Jean Siffrein Maury and John Neal Lake (page images at HathiTrust) An essay on the composition of a sermon (Printed for W. Lepard and sold by J. Buckland ... [et al.], 1782), by Jean Claude and Robert Robinson (page images at HathiTrust) Quatuor dissertationes theologicae (Desbordes, 1670), by Stephanus Gaussenus (page images at HathiTrust) Faithful shepherd ([California] : [publisher not identified], [1970?], 1970), by Richard Bernard (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Rhetorica christiana : ad concionandi et orandi vsvm accommodata, vtrivsq[ue] facvltatis exemplis svo loco insertis : qvae qvidem ex Indorvm maximè deprompta svnt historiis : vnde praeter doctrinam, svm̃a qvoqve delectatio comparabitvr (Apud Petrumiacobum Petrutium, 1579), by Diego Valadés (page images at HathiTrust) An act for providing maintenance for preaching-ministers, and other pious uses. (Printed for Edward Husband, printer to the Parliament of England, 1649), by England and Wales Parliament, Henry Scobell, Edward Husband, and John Field (page images at HathiTrust) Modo di comporre una predica (Appresso Giacomo Vincenti, 1603), by Francesco Panigarola and Giacomo Vincenti (page images at HathiTrust) De sacerdotii, origine & praestantia (Dilingae [Dillingen] : Typis & sumpt. Joannis Caspari Bencard, viduae & haeredum, MDCCXXIII [1723], 1723), by Tobias Lohner and Mass.) Boston College High School (Boston (page images at HathiTrust) Methodus evangelica, or, a modest essay upon the true scriptural-rational way of preaching the gospel : being some discourses upon the homiletical, textual, and occasional mehtod of preaching ... (London : Printed for N. Cliff and D. Jackson, 1712., 1712), by Thomas Blackwell (page images at HathiTrust) Letters to a young clergyman, from the late Reverend Mr. Job Orton. (Boston : Printed by Manning & Loring for James White, 1794., 1794), by Job Orton (page images at HathiTrust) Of the pastoral care (London : Printed by R.R. for Ric. Chiswell, 1692., 1692), by Gilbert Burnet, Richard Chiswell, Thomas F. Torrance Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary), and Puritan Collection of English and American Literature (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust) An essay on the composition of a sermon (Cambridge: Printed by Francis Hodson ; sold by J. Buckland and T. Fletcher, [publisher not identified], 1779., 1779), by Jean Claude and Robert Robinson (page images at HathiTrust) An essay on the composition of a sermon (London : T. Scollick ... and T. Wilson and R. Spence, York, 1788., 1788), by Jean Claude and Robert Robinson (page images at HathiTrust) Dialogues concerning eloquence : with a letter to the French Academy concerning rhetoric and poetry : to which is added, a discourse pronounced by the author at his admission into the Academy : with a new translation of his Dialogues between Demosthenes and Cicero, Virgil and Horace (Glasgow : Robert and Andrew Foulis, 1750., 1750), by François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon (page images at HathiTrust) The Preacher, the third part : containing farther rules and advices, for the right discharging of the sacred-office of preaching ; with animadversions on some passages in the book entituled, The Whole duty of man, and in the late writings of Dr. Hickes, Dr. Nichols, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Dodwell ... (London : Printed for Jonathan Robinson, John Lawrence, and John Wyat, 1709., 1709), by John Edwards (page images at HathiTrust) The Preacher, the second part : a discourse ... with continued advice to students in divinity, and to young preachers : to which is annexed, the hearer ... (London : Printed for J. Robinson, J. Lawrence, and J. Wyat, 1706., 1706), by John Edwards (page images at HathiTrust) Proceedings. 1645-04-26 (London : printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Bayley, 1645), by England and Wales Parliament (HTML at EEBO TCP) The preacher, or Methode of preachinge, vvrytten in Latine by Nich[olas] Hemminge, and translated into Englishe by I.H. Very necessarye for all those that by the true preaching of the Worde of God, labour to pull down the Synagoge of Sathair, and to buyide vp the Temple of God (Imprinted at London : By Thomas Marsh, Anno. 1574), by Niels Hemmingsen and John Horsfall (HTML at EEBO TCP) The preachers plea: or, A treatise in forme of a plain dialogue making known the worth and necessary vse of preaching: shewing also how a man may profit by it, both for the informing of his iudgement, and the reforming of his life. By Samuel Hieron minister of the gospell at Modbury in the countie of Deuon. (London : Printed [by R. Field] for Simon Waterson, 1604), by Samuel Hieron (HTML at EEBO TCP) Prophetica, sive, De sacra et vnica ratione concionandi tractatus. English (Imprinted at London : By Felix Kyngston for E.E. and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Swan, 1607), by William Perkins and Thomas Tuke (HTML at EEBO TCP) Prophetica, sive, De sacra et vnica ratione concionandi tractatus ([Cambridge, England] : Ex officina Johannis Legatt, celeberrimæ Academiæ Cantabrigiensis typographi, 1592), by William Perkins (HTML at EEBO TCP) Advice to a parson, or, The true art of preaching, in opposition to modern practice written by a person of honour to Dr. S---, his late chaplin ... ([S.l. : s.n.], 1691), by Person of honour (HTML at EEBO TCP) Foundation of true preaching asserted, &c. (London : printed, by Andrew Sowle, in the year, 1687), by R. S. (HTML at EEBO TCP) Against ostentation in preaching. ([Middelburg : R. Schilders], 1604), by Henry Jacob (HTML at EEBO TCP) Powerfull effects of the word truely preached, and rightly applyed. (London : Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for Nathaniel Butter, 1623), by John Traske (HTML at EEBO TCP) The art or skil, well and fruitfullie to heare the holy sermons of the church written first in Latin, by a godly minister named Gulielmus Zepperus ; and now truly translated into English by T.W. ... (Imprinted at London : By Felix Kingston, 1599), by Wilhelm Zepper and T. W. (HTML at EEBO TCP) De formandis concionibus sacris. (Imprinted at London : By Thomas East, 1577), by Andreas Hyperius, John Ludham, and Wigand Orth (HTML at EEBO TCP) Private-men no pulpit-men: or, A modest examination of lay-mens preaching. Discovering it to be neither warranted by the Word of God; nor allowed by the judgement, or practise, of the Churches of Christ in New-England. / Written by Giles Workman, M.A. and master of the Colledge School in Gloucester. In answer to a writing published by John Knowls. (London: : Printed by F: Neile for Tho: Vnderhill at the Bible in Woodstreet., 1646), by Giles Workman (HTML at EEBO TCP) The people's impartiall, and compassionate monitor; about hearing of sermons: or, The worlds preachers and proselites lively painted out, for a person of quality; upon occasion of hearing two famous divines, whose transcendent wit, oratorie, and elegancie, made many at their wits end with admiration! Being a rare discovery to vndeceive the deceiver. / By R. Younge of Roxwell in Essex. (London, : Printed by J.B. for James Crumpe in Little Bartholomews Well-yard, In the year, 1657), by Richard Younge (HTML at EEBO TCP) Methodus concionandi. English (London, : Printed for Edw. Farnham, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Palace neer Corn-hill, 1656), by William Chappell and W. Brough (HTML at EEBO TCP) To all the faithful servants of Jesus Christ, especially to such as labour in the word and doctrine, through England and Wales. (London, : Printed by T.R. and E.M. for Ralph Smith, at the Bible in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange., 1654), by England and Wales. Commissioners for Approbation of Public Preachers (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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