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Filed under: Persuasion (Psychology) Bending Opinion: Essays on Persuasion in the Public Domain (Leiden: Leiden University Press, c2011), ed. by Ton van Haaften, Henrike Jansen, Jaap de Jong, and Willem Koetsenruijter, contrib. by I. Sluiter, Manfred Kraus, Marie Formarier, Christian Kock, J. Anthony Blair, Daniel J. O'Keefe, Arnolda Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, Henrike Jansen, Marianne Dingemanse, Ingrid Persoon, B. A. Andeweg, Hilde van Belle, Joel Best, Peter Burger, Lotte Anemaet, Gabry Vanderveen, Susan Hogben, Cezar Ornatowski, Bart van Klink, Oliver Lembcke, Pablo Leandro Ciocchini, Janet Takens, Anita van Hoof, J. Kleinnijenhuis, Wouter van Atteveldt, Baldwin van Gorp, Mary Vander Goot, Anders Horsbøl, Lisa S. Villadsen, and E. T. Feteris (PDF files with commentary at Project MUSE)
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Filed under: Lobbying -- Corrupt practices -- United StatesFiled under: Lobbying -- United States
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Filed under: Lobbyists -- Indiana -- Correspondence
Filed under: Proselytizing -- Judaism -- BiographyFiled under: Evangelistic work The Discipling Dilemma (second edition, c1988), by Flavil Ray Yeakley, Howard W. Norton, Don E. Vinzant, and Gene Vinzant (HTML at Why Won't They Listen? The Power of Creation Evangelism (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2003), by Ken Ham (illustrated HTML with commentary at Drawing the Net: Suggestions on How to Give an Invitation, by Jarrette E. Aycock (PDF at Holy Zeal, by Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria Shanūdah III, trans. by Glynis Younan (illustrated HTML at Home Evangelization: A View of the Wants and Prospects of Our Country, Based on Facts and Relations of Colportage (page images at MOA) The Personal Touch, by J. Wilbur Chapman (Gutenberg text) Proclaim Good Tidings: Evangelism for the Faith Community, by Vernard Eller (HTML at The Soul-Winner's Secret (New York: Salvation Army Printing and Publishing House, ca. 1903), by Samuel Logan Brengle (multiple formats at A Mission Man in Michigan: His Experience (Frankfort, MI: Victor Press, 1935), by H. E. Cummins (page images at HathiTrust) A Brand Plucked From the Fire: An Autobiographical Sketch (Cleveland: Printed for the author by W. F. Schneider, 1879), by Julia A. J. Foote (multiple formats at Lectures on Revivals of Religion (New York et al.: Fleming Revell Co., c1868), by Charles G. Finney Lectures on Revivals of Religion (new edition; Oberlin, OH: E. J. Goodrich, 1868), by Charles G. Finney (page images at HathiTrust) Soul Winning Stories (New York: G. H. Doran Co., c1902), by Louis Albert Banks (multiple formats at In the Service of the King: The Story of My Life (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1927), by Aimee Semple McPherson (page images at HathiTrust) Pentecost: Its Scope, Power and Perpetuation, by Willis G. Bennett (PDF at The Old Fashioned Revival Hour and the Broadcasters (Boston: Fellowship Press, 1940), by J. Elwin Wright (PDF at Extracts From the Journal of the Annual Convention of the Diocese of Connecticut, Held at Middletown, From the 13th to the 15th of Oct. 1835, With an Appendix, Containing Documents Relating to Washington College, and the Church Scholarship Society (with a sermon by Jarvis; Middletown, CT: W. D. Starr, 1835), by Episcopal Church Diocese of Connecticut, contrib. by Samuel F. Jarvis (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Evangelistic work -- California -- Los AngelesFiled under: Evangelistic work -- California -- San Francisco Seven Years' Street Preaching in San Francisco, California (32nd thousand; New York: Pub. for the author, c1856), by William Taylor, ed. by W. P. Strickland Seven Years' Street Preaching in San Francisco, California (New York: Pub. for the author, 1857), by William Taylor, ed. by W. P. Strickland (page images at Seven Years' Street Preaching in San Francisco, California (6th thousand; New York: Pub. for the author, 1857), by William Taylor, ed. by W. P. Strickland (multiple formats at Filed under: Evangelistic work -- Catholic ChurchFiled under: Evangelistic work -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Evangelistic work -- PhilosophyFiled under: Evangelistic work -- RussiaFiled under: Camp meetingsFiled under: Church growthFiled under: Evangelistic invitationsFiled under: Great Commission (Bible)Filed under: Jesus Christ -- Evangelistic methodsFiled under: Revivals Lectures on Revivals of Religion (New York et al.: Fleming Revell Co., c1868), by Charles G. Finney Lectures on Revivals of Religion (new edition; Oberlin, OH: E. J. Goodrich, 1868), by Charles G. Finney (page images at HathiTrust) Surprising Accounts of the Revival of Religion, in the United States of America, in Different Parts of the World, and Among Different Denominations of Christians (Philadelphia: W. Woodward, 1802), ed. by William W. Woodward (multiple formats at Google) Helps to a Life of Holiness and Usefulness: or, Revival Miscellanies, by James Caughey, ed. by R. W. Allen and Daniel Wise (page images at MOA) Pentecost: Its Scope, Power and Perpetuation, by Willis G. Bennett (PDF at Filed under: Witness bearing (Christianity)
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