Pfiesteria piscicida -- Research -- United States -- FinanceSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Pfiesteria piscicida -- Research -- United States -- Finance
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Filed under: Research -- United States -- Finance- International Cooperation in Research and Development: An Inventory of U.S. Government Spending and a Framework for Measuring Benefits (1997), by Caroline S. Wagner (HTML and PDF with commentary at
- Science, Technology, and the Federal Government: National Goals for a New Era, by Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.) (HTML and page images at NAP)
- A price index for deflation of academic R & D expenditures : [report (National Science Foundation; [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1972), by Sidney A. Jaffe and National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- A guide for non-profit institutions : cost principles and procedures for establishing indirect cost and other rates for grants and contracts with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. (For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1974), by Education United States. Department of Health (page images at HathiTrust)
- Science policy in the Soviet Union (For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1980), by Nat C. Robertson and National Science Foundation (U.S.). Division of International Programs (page images at HathiTrust)
- An analysis of Federal R & D funding by function, fiscal years 1969-1974. (National Science Foundation : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1974), by National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Establishing cost allocation plans and indirect cost rates for grants and contracts with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; a guide for State government agencies. (For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969), by Education United States. Department of Health (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Establishing indirect cost rates for research grants and contracts with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1967), by Education United States. Department of Health (page images at HathiTrust)
- Support and research participation of young and senior academic staff, 1968. (For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968), by National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Geographic distribution of Federal funds for research and development, fiscal year 1965. ([Washington, 1965), by National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Introduction - 1987 program information, Minority Research Resources Branch (Dept. of Health & Human Services, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, National Institute of Mental Health, 1987), by National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.). Division of Biometry and Applied Sciences (page images at HathiTrust)
- Research and development funding in the proposed 1985 budget. ([Washington, D.C.] : Congress of the United States, Congressional Budget Office, [1984], 1984), by Louis Schorsch and United States Congressional Budget Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- Research and development in the Federal budget hearings before the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session, April 3, 4, 5, 1979. (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1979), by United States House Committee on Science and Technology (page images at HathiTrust)
- Small business and innovation joint hearings before the Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate and the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Consumers, and Employment and the Subcommittee on Energy, Environment, Safety, and Research of the Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, second session ... August 9 and 10, 1978. (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1979), by United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Small Business, Environment United States. Congress. House. Committee on Small Business. Subcommittee on Energy, and Consumers United States. Congress. House. Committee on Small Business. Subcommittee on Antitrust (page images at HathiTrust)
- Multi-year authorizations for federal research and development programs interim report (U.S. G.P.O., 1980), by United States House Committee on Science and Technology (page images at HathiTrust)
- Priorities and efficiency in Federal research and development : a compendium of papers submitted to the Subcommittee on Priorities and Economy in Government of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, with the assistance of the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress, October 29, 1976. (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976), by Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service and United States. Congress. Joint Economic Committee. Subcommittee on Priorities and Economy in Government (page images at HathiTrust)
- NASA's science programs : fiscal year 2009 budget request and issues : hearing before the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, March 13, 2008. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 2008), by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Technology (2007). Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Guide to NSF science/engineering resources data. (National Science Foundation, Directorate for Scientific, Technological and International Affairs, Division of Science Resources Studies, 1984), by National Science Foundation (U.S.). Division of Science Resources Studies (page images at HathiTrust)
- Academic science/engineering, 1972-83 : R&D funds, federal support, scientists and engineers, graduate enrollment and support : final report. (National Science Foundation, 1984), by National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Scientific activities of nonprofit institutions 1966; 1966 expenditures and January 1967 manpower. (For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969), by National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Investing in high risk, high reward research (U.S. G.P.O. :, 2010), by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Technology (2007). Subcommittee on Research and Science Education (page images at HathiTrust)
- Centralization of Federal science activities. Hearings, Ninety-first Congress, first session. (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969), by Research United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Astronautics. Subcommittee on Science (page images at HathiTrust)
- National Science Foundation authorization, 1970. Hearing, Ninety-first Congress, first session, on S. 1856 ... [and] S. 1857 ... May 7, 1969. (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969), by United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Special Subcommittee on the National Science Foundation (page images at HathiTrust)
- Stimulating investment in research and development : hearing before the Subcommittee on Science, Research, and Technology of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, first session, May 18, 1989. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 1989), by Space United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science (page images at HathiTrust)
- The condition of academic research facilities : hearing before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, first session, on examining proposed authorizations for fiscal year 1990 for modernization of academic research facilities, June 15, 1989. (Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1990., 1990), by United States Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources (page images at HathiTrust)
- The National Science Foundation : hearings before the Subcommittee on Science of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, February 25; March 3, 1992. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 1992), by Space United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science (page images at HathiTrust)
- Views and estimates of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on the fiscal year 1993 budget for civilian R&D : report (U.S. G.P.O. :, 1992), by Space United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science (page images at HathiTrust)
- H.R. 3476--National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act Amendments of 1993 : hearing and markups before the Subcommittee on Science of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, February 3, 1994. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 1994), by Space United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science (page images at HathiTrust)
- National Science Foundation FY 1997 authorization : hearing before the Subcommittee on Basic Research of the Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, March 22, 1996. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 1996), by United States House Subcommittee on Basic Research (page images at HathiTrust)
- Fiscal year 1999 budget authorization request : National Science Foundation : hearing before the Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session, April 22, 1998. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 1998), by United States House Subcommittee on Basic Research (page images at HathiTrust)
- Grant proposal guide (National Science Foundation, 1994), by National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- R&D funding : foreign sponsorship of U.S. university research : briefing report to the honorable Lloyd Bentsen, U.S. Senate (The Office, 1988), by United States. General Accounting Office. RCED. (page images at HathiTrust)
- Scientific activities at universities and colleges, 1964 : a final report on a survey of 1964 financing and January 1965 employment in the sciences and engineering. (National Science Foundation : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968), by National Science Foundation (U.S.). Office of Economic and Manpower Studies (page images at HathiTrust)
- University finances : research revenues and expenditures : briefing report to the Chairman, Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives (The Office, 1986), by United States General Accounting Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- R&D funding : the Department of Education in perspective : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Select Education, Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives (The Office, 1988), by United States General Accounting Office and United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor. Subcommittee on Select Education (page images at HathiTrust)
- National Science Foundation : exploring the endless frontier : hearing of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, second session ... July 12, 2000. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 2000), by United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (page images at HathiTrust)
- Proposed R & D budget for fiscal year 2002 (U.S. G.P.O. :, 2001), by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science (page images at HathiTrust)
- NSF FY02 budget request : research and related activities : hearing before the Subcommittee on Research of the Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, June 6, 2001. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 2001), by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science. Subcommittee on Research (page images at HathiTrust)
- National Science Foundation fiscal year 2000 budget request : hearing before the Subcommittee on Basic Research of the Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, first session, April 28, 1999. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 1999), by United States House Subcommittee on Basic Research (page images at HathiTrust)
- Indirect costs under federal research grants (U.S. G.P.O., 1964), by Research United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Astronautics. Subcommittee on Science (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Fiscal trends in federal research and development (U.S. G.P.O., 1964), by Research United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Astronautics. Subcommittee on Science (page images at HathiTrust)
- Driving innovation and job growth through the life sciences industry : hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, May 25, 2011. (U.S. G.P.O. :, 2011), by United States. Congress. Joint Economic Committee (page images at HathiTrust)
- Need for a Government-wide budget classification structure for Federal research and development information : report to the Congress (U.S. General Accounting Office, 1977), by United States General Accounting Office (page images at HathiTrust)
- A national program of institutional grants for science and science education; a study for the Subcommittee on Science, Research, and Development of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives . . . (U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968), by Library of Congress. Science Policy Research Division, Dorothy M. Bates, and Research United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Astronautics. Subcommittee on Science (page images at HathiTrust)
- 1984 science and technology posture hearing with the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy : hearing before the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session, February 1, 1984. (U.S. G.P.O., 1985), by United States House Committee on Science and Technology (page images at HathiTrust)
- An analysis of Federal R & D funding by budget function, 1960-1972. ([Washington, 1971), by National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Scientific activities of nonprofit institutions ; 1964 expenditures and January 1965 manpower ([For sale by the Supt. of Docs. , U.S. Govt. Print. Off], 1967), by National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust)
- Research and development in the Federal budget : hearings before the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session, April 3, 4, 5, 1979 (U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1979), by United States House Committee on Science and Technology (page images at HathiTrust)
- NSF FY02 budget request : research and related activities : hearing before the Subcommittee on Research of the Committee on Science, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, June 6, 2001 (U.S. G.P.O. :, 2001), by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science. Subcommittee on Research (page images at HathiTrust)
- Resources for grant writers. (California Dept. of Health, Treatment Services Division, Grants Unit, 1977), by California. Dept. of Health. Treatment Services Division. Grants Unit (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- NSF grant administration manual. (Washington, 1973), by National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Cost principles and procedures for developing cost allocation plans and indirect cost rates for agreements with the federal government (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services :, 1997), by United States Department of Health and Human Services (page images at HathiTrust)
- Establishing indirect cost rates for research grants and contracts with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare : a guide for non-profit institutions. (For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1967), by Education United States. Department of Health (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Federal agency perspectives: a five-year outlook (National Science Foundation :, 1981), by Social Science Research Council (U.S.), American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Research Council (U.S.), and National Science Foundation (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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