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Filed under: Pigments
Filed under: Pigments -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Dyes and dyeing -- Early works to 1800 Tratado Instructivo y Práctico Sobre el Arte de la Tintura: Reglas Experimentadas y Metódicas para Tintar Sedas, Lanas, Hilos de Todas Clases y Esparto en Rama (in Spanish; Madrid: Imp. de Blas Román, 1778), by Luis Fernández Filed under: Dyes and dyeing Natural Dyeing Notes (Preble, NY: 7 Valley Weavers Guild, ca. 1972), by Catherine Bailey Miranda (page images at HathiTrust) Natural Dyes (Boston: B. Humphries Inc., c1950), by Sallie Pease Kierstead (page images at HathiTrust) "Shall America Remain the Only Important Country at the Mercy of the German Chemists?" Address by Joseph H. Choate, Jr., Counsel, the Chemical Foundation, at 21st Annual Meeting of the National Civic Federation (New York: Chemical Foundation, 1921), by Joseph Hodges Choate (rotated page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Dyes and dyeing -- Chemistry
Filed under: Cochineal -- HistoryFiled under: Dyes and dyeing -- Textile fibers -- History
Filed under: Black, Leonard
Filed under: Calico-printing -- India -- Madras (Presidency) Cotton Painting and Printing in the Madras Presidency (Madras: Printed by the Superintendent, Government Press, 1917), by W. S. Hadaway Filed under: Coal-tar colors The History of Alizarin and Allied Colouring Matters, and Their Production From Coal Tar: Two Lectures Delivered Before the Chemical Section of the Society of Arts, May 8th and 22nd, 1879 (London: Printed by W. Trounce, 1879), by William Henry Perkin
Filed under: Alizarin The History of Alizarin and Allied Colouring Matters, and Their Production From Coal Tar: Two Lectures Delivered Before the Chemical Section of the Society of Arts, May 8th and 22nd, 1879 (London: Printed by W. Trounce, 1879), by William Henry Perkin Filed under: Dye plantsFiled under: Indigo
Filed under: Indigo -- India -- BengalFiled under: Madder The History of Alizarin and Allied Colouring Matters, and Their Production From Coal Tar: Two Lectures Delivered Before the Chemical Section of the Society of Arts, May 8th and 22nd, 1879 (London: Printed by W. Trounce, 1879), by William Henry Perkin
Filed under: Hemoglobin
Filed under: Xanthophylls
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Paint 739 Paint Questions Answered: A Reference Encyclopedia Answering Knotty Problems That Confront the Painter, Decorator, and Paint Manufacturer in Their Everyday Work, With Complete Topical Index (London: Trade Painters Pub. Co., c1904), by Painters Magazine
Filed under: Lacquer and lacquering Varnishes, Lacquers, Printing Inks and Sealing-Waxes: Their Raw Materials and Their Manufacture; To Which is Added, The Art of Varnishing and Lacquering, Including the Preparation of Putties and of Stains for Wood, Ivory, Bone, Horn, and Leather (Philadelphia: H.C. Baird and Co., 1893), by William T. Brannt (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Lacquer and lacquering -- Conservation and restoration -- East Asia -- Congresses
Filed under: Lacquer and lacquering -- East Asia -- CongressesFiled under: Lacquer and lacquering -- East Asia -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Lacquer and lacquering -- Japan -- Exhibitions
Filed under: Lacquer and lacquering -- Private collections -- New York (State) -- New York -- ExhibitionsFiled under: JapanningFiled under: Varnish and varnishing Varnishes, Lacquers, Printing Inks and Sealing-Waxes: Their Raw Materials and Their Manufacture; To Which is Added, The Art of Varnishing and Lacquering, Including the Preparation of Putties and of Stains for Wood, Ivory, Bone, Horn, and Leather (Philadelphia: H.C. Baird and Co., 1893), by William T. Brannt (page images at HathiTrust) French Polishing and Enamelling: A Practical Work of Instruction (fourth edition; London: Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1910), by Richard Bitmead (Gutenberg text)
Filed under: Polishes |