Plants -- Effect of atmospheric carbon dioxide onSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Used for:- Plants, Effect of atmospheric carbon dioxide on
Filed under: Plants -- Effect of atmospheric carbon dioxide on
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Plants Flowering Earth (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, c1939), by Donald Culross Peattie, illust. by Paul Landacre (page images at HathiTrust) Botany for Beginners: An Introduction to Mrs. Lincoln's Lectures on Botany, for the Use of Common Schools and the Younger Pupils of Higher Schools and Academies (stereotype edition; New York: Huntington and Savage, 1849), by Mrs. Lincoln Phelps (page images at HathiTrust) Botany for Beginners: An Introduction to Mrs. Lincoln's Lectures on Botany, for the Use of Common Schools and the Younger Pupils of Higher Schools and Academies (stereotype ed.; New York: F.J. Huntington, and Mason and Law, 1851), by Mrs. Lincoln Phelps (multiple formats at
Filed under: Plants -- American Samoa
Filed under: Plants -- Analysis
Filed under: Plants -- Arizona
Filed under: Plants -- Assimilation
Filed under: Plants -- California A Flora of the Economic Plants of California (Berkeley, CA: Associated Students Store, c1924), by Willis Linn Jepson A Flora of Western Middle California (1911), by Willis Linn Jepson (page images at Google; US access only)
Filed under: Plants -- California, Southern
Filed under: Plants -- Classification Fieldiana: Botany (partial serial archives) Methods of Descriptive Systematic Botany (book starts a few pages in; New York: J. Wiley and Sons; London: Chapman and Hall, 1925), by A. S. Hitchcock (page images at Gallica) Botanical Leaflets: A Series of Studies in the Systematic Botany of Miscellaneous Dicotyledonous Plants (9 leaflets; Chicago: The author, 1950-1954), by Earl Edward Sherff (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Botanical Series (Field Museum) (full serial archives) Botany for Ladies: or, A Popular Introduction to the Natural System of Plants, According to the Classification of De Candolle (London: J. Murray, 1842), by Mrs. Loudon Names in Current Use for Extant Plant Genera, ed. by Werner Greuter, Richard K. Brumitt, Ellen R. Farr, Norbert Kilian, Paul M. Kirk, and Paul C. Silva (searchable HTML in Germany) Philosophia Botanica (in Latin; Madrid: P. Marin, 1792), by Carl von Linné, ed. by Casimiro Gómez Ortega (multiple formats at Philosophia Botanica: In Qua Explicantur Fundamenta Botanica Cum Definitionibus Partium, Exemplis Terminorum, Observationibus Rariorum, Adjectis Figuris Aeneis (in Latin; Stockholm: G. Kiesewetter, 1751), by Carl von Linné
Filed under: Plants -- Color
Filed under: Plants -- Cyprus
Filed under: Plants -- Effect of acid precipitation on Sulfuric Acid Rain Effects on Crop Yield and Foliar Injury (Corvallis, OR: Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ca. 1980), by Jeffrey J. Lee, Grady E. Neely, and Shelton C. Perrigan
Filed under: Plants -- Effect of blue light on
Filed under: Plants -- Effect of electricity on
Filed under: Plants -- Effect of soil compaction on
Filed under: Plants -- Effect of soil moisture on
Filed under: Plants -- Evolution
Filed under: Plants -- Fiji
Filed under: Plants -- Folklore The Folk-Lore of Plants, by T. F. Thiselton-Dyer (Gutenberg text) Flowers and Their Associations (London: C. Knight, 1840), by Anne Pratt (page images at Google) The Mistletoe and its Philosophy: Shewing its History, The Origin of its Mystical and Religious Rites; Why This Weird Plant Was Preferably Chosen to Others; Its Legendary Connection with the Great World Reformer, Rama; Along With a Description of Several Rare Plants and Herbs That Possess Mystical Properties (Loudsville, GA: P. Davidson; Glasgow: B. Goodwin, 1898), by P. Davidson (page images at HathiTrust) In Gardens of Hawaii (Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication #40; Honolulu: The Museum, 1948), by Marie C. Neal (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Legends of Incense, Herb and Oil Magic (New York: Dorene Pub. Co., c1938), by Lewis De Claremont (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Filed under: Plants -- Hawaii
Filed under: Plants -- Irritability and movements
Filed under: Plants -- Juvenile literature About Plants, With Many Engravings (Worcester, MA: J. Grout, Jr., ca. 1840) (multiple formats at The Herb of the Field (revised and corrected; London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1887), by Charlotte M. Yonge The Out-Door World: or, Young Collector's Handbook (London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1893), by William S. Furneaux
Filed under: Plants -- Malay Archipelago
Filed under: Plants -- Metabolism
Filed under: Plants -- Nomenclature Index Nominum Genericorum (ING) (electronic edition), ed. by Ellen R. Farr and Gea Zijlstra (searchable HTML at Smithsonian) International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (St. Louis Code, 1999), by International Botanical Congress (HTML in Germany) International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Tokyo Code, 1993), by International Botanical Congress (HTML in Germany) Names in Current Use for Extant Plant Genera, ed. by Werner Greuter, Richard K. Brumitt, Ellen R. Farr, Norbert Kilian, Paul M. Kirk, and Paul C. Silva (searchable HTML in Germany)
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