Plurality of worlds -- Early works to 1800See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Plurality of worlds -- Early works to 1800- The Celestial Worlds Discover'd: or, Conjectures Concerning the Inhabitants, Plants and Productions of the Worlds in the planets (second edition, corrected and enlarged; London: Printed for J. Knapton, 1722), by Christiaan Huygens (multiple formats at
- Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (London: Printed for A. Bettesworth and E. Curll, 1715), by M. de Fontenelle, contrib. by William Gardiner
- Entretiens sur la Pluralité des Mondes, Augmentés des Dialogues des Morts (new edition, in French; Marseille: J. Mossy, 1780), by M. de Fontenelle
- A Plurality of Worlds (London: Printed for R. W. and sold by T. Osbourne, 1702), by M. de Fontenelle, trans. by John Glanvill
- A Week's Conversation on the Plurality of Worlds (sixth edition, with Addison's defense on the Newtonian philosophy; London: Printed for A. Bettesworth et al., 1737), by M. de Fontenelle, trans. by Aphra Behn, John Glanvill, John Hughes, and William Gardner, contrib. by Joseph Addison
- A Discourse Concerning a New World and Another Planet, in 2 Bookes (London: Printed for I. Maynard, 1640), by John Wilkins
- A Discovery of a New World: or, A Discourse Tending to Prove, that 'tis Probable There May be Another Habitable World in the Moon; With a Discourse Concerning the Probability of a Passage Thither; Unto Which is Added, A Discourse Concerning a New Planet, Tending to Prove, That 'tis Probable Our Earth is One of the Planets (fourth edition corrected and amended; London: Printed by T. M. and J. A. for J. Gillibrand, 1684), by John Wilkins
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Plurality of worlds- Other Tongues, Other Flesh (1953), by George Hunt Williamson (HTML with commentary at
- Conversaciones Sobre la Pluralidad de los Mundos (in Spanish; Madrid: Impr. de Villalpando, 1796), by M. de Fontenelle
- Man's Place in the Universe: A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds (New York: McClure, Phillips and Co., 1903), by Alfred Russel Wallace (illustrated HTML with commentary at
- More Worlds Than One: The Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian (New York: R. Carter and Bros., 1854), by David Brewster
- Plan of the Creation: or, Other Worlds, and Who Inhabit them (Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Co., 1859), by C. L. Hequembourg
- The Plurality of Worlds (Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 1854), by William Whewell, contrib. by Edward Hitchcock (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- The Plurality of Worlds (new edition; Boston: Gould and Lincoln; et al., 1858), by William Whewell, contrib. by Edward Hitchcock (page images at MOA)
- The Plurality of Worlds (new edition; Boston: D. Lathrop; Dover, NH: G. T. Day and Co., ca. 1860), by William Whewell, contrib. by Edward Hitchcock
- The Mathematical and Philosophical Works Of the Right Reverend John Wilkins (London: Printed for J. Nicholson, 1708), by John Wilkins (page images at Google)
- Lumen (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1897), by Camille Flammarion
Filed under: Astronomy -- Early works to 1800- Astro-Theology: or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, From a Survey of the Heavens (second edition, corrected; London: W. Innys, 1715), by W. Derham
- Astro-Theology: or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, From a Survey of the Heavens (9th edition; London: Printed for J. Richardson, 1758), by W. Derham (page images at HathiTrust)
- Cosmographia in Quatuor Libros Distributa, Summo Ordine, Miraque Facilitate, Ac Brevitate ad Magnam Ptolemaei Mathematicam Constructionem, ad Universamque Astrologiam Institutens (in Latin; Venice: G. Perchacini, 1585), by Francesco Barozzi
- A Discourse Concerning a New World and Another Planet, in 2 Bookes (London: Printed for I. Maynard, 1640), by John Wilkins
- A Discovery of a New World: or, A Discourse Tending to Prove, that 'tis Probable There May be Another Habitable World in the Moon; With a Discourse Concerning the Probability of a Passage Thither; Unto Which is Added, A Discourse Concerning a New Planet, Tending to Prove, That 'tis Probable Our Earth is One of the Planets (fourth edition corrected and amended; London: Printed by T. M. and J. A. for J. Gillibrand, 1684), by John Wilkins
- The Discovery of a World in the Moone: or, A Discourse Tending to Prove, That 'tis Probable There May be Another Habitable World in That Planet (London: Printed by E. G. for Michael Sparke and Edward Forrest, 1638), by John Wilkins
- The Sphere of Sacrobosco and its Commentators (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949), ed. by Lynn Thorndike, contrib. by Joannes de Sacro Bosco, Anglicus Robertus, Michael Scot, and Cecco d'Ascoli (page images at HathiTrust)
- Entretiens sur la Pluralité des Mondes, Augmentés des Dialogues des Morts (new edition, in French; Marseille: J. Mossy, 1780), by M. de Fontenelle
- The Soochow Astronomical Chart (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1945), by Will Carl Rufus and Hsing-Chih Tien (page images at HathiTrust)
- Vorstellung der Gestirne auf XXXIV Kupfertafeln Nach der Pariser Ausgabe des Flamsteadschen Himmelsatlas (in German; Berlin and Stralsund: G. A. Lange, 1782), by Johann Elert Bode
- On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres (3 volumes in 1; Annapolis: St. John's Bookstore, c1939), by Nicolaus Copernicus, trans. by Charles Glenn Wallis (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Sidereal Messenger of Galileo Galilei, and a Part of the Preface to Kepler's Dioptrics, Containing the Original Account of Galileo's Astronomical Discoveries (London et al: Rivingtons, 1880), by Galileo Galilei, ed. by Edward Stafford Carlos, contrib. by Johannes Kepler
- The Sidereal Messenger of Galileo Galilei, and a Part of the Preface to Kepler's Dioptrics, Containing the Original Account of Galileo's Astronomical Discoveries (photoreprint of 1880 edition; London: Dawsons of Pall Mall, n.d.), by Galileo Galilei, ed. by Edward Stafford Carlos, contrib. by Johannes Kepler (page images at HathiTrust)
- La Cosmographia de Pedro Apiano (with related works, in Spanish; Anuers: I. Withagio, 1575), by Peter Apian, ed. by Frisius Gemma, contrib. by Francisco López de Gómara and Gerónimo Girava (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Origin of All Religious Worship (with a description of the zodiac of Dandarah; New Orleans, 1872), by Dupuis (page images at HathiTrust)
- Tratado del Esphera y del Arte del Marear (facsimile reprint of the 1535 Seville edition, published as v4 of Histoire de la Science Nautique Portugaise à L'Époque des Grandes Découvertes; Munich: J. B. Obernetter, 1915), by Francisco Faleiro
- Tychonis Brahe Triangulorum Planorum et Sphaericorum Praxis Arithmetica, Qua Maximus Eorum Praesertim in Astronomicis Usus Compendiose Explicatur (facsimile of a 1591 manuscript attributed by Studnicka to Brahe, with notes, in Latin; Prague: Ex Officina Polygraphica Ios. Farsky, 1886), by Tycho Brahe, ed. by F. I. Studnicka (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Book of Enoch (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1917), trans. by R. H. Charles, contrib. by W. O. E. Oesterley (HTML at
- The Book of Enoch the Prophet (London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co., 1883), trans. by Richard Laurence (HTML with commentary at
- The Book of Enoch: Translated from the Ethiopic with Introduction and Notes (Andover: W. F. Draper, 1911), trans. by George H. Schodde (multiple formats at
- Harmonies of the World, by Johannes Kepler, trans. by Charles Glenn Wallis (HTML with commentary at
Filed under: Calendar -- Early works to 1800- De Die Natale; Life of the Emperor Hadrian (title of first book should be "De Die Natali"; New York: Cambridge Encyclopedia Co., 1900), trans. by William Maude, contrib. by Censorinus and Aelius Spartianus
- The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis, and Halieuticon of Ovid: Literally Translated Into English Prose, With Copious Notes (London: H. G. Bohn, 1851), by Ovid, trans. by Henry T. Riley (multiple formats at
- The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis, and Halieuticon of Ovid: Literally Translated Into English Prose, With Copious Notes (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1885), by Ovid, trans. by Henry T. Riley (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Cosmology -- Early works to 1800- Utriusque Cosmi Maioris Scilicet et Minoris Metaphysica, Physica atque Technica Historia (2 volumes, in Latin; ca. 1617), by Robert Fludd
- Mosaicall Philosophy: Grounded Upon the Essentiall Truth or Eternal Sapience (London: Printed for H. Moseley, 1659), by Robert Fludd
- Theologia Mystica: or, The Mystic Divinitie of the Aeternal Invisibles, viz., the Archetypous Globe, or the Original Globe, or World of All Globes, Worlds, Essences, Centers, Elements, Principles and Creations Whatsoever (1683), by John Pordage, ed. by Edward Hooker, contrib. by Jane Lead (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The Earths in the Universe (multiple translations), by Emanuel Swedenborg
- The Interaction of the Soul and the Body (multiple translations), by Emanuel Swedenborg
- A Review of The Theory of the Earth and of Its Proofs, Especially in Reference to Scripture (London: Printed by R. Norton for W. Kettilby, 1690), by Thomas Burnet (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The Signature of All Things, and Other Writings (London: J.M. Dent and Sons; New York: E.P. Dutton, 1912), by Jakob Böhme, contrib. by Clifford Bax (HTML at
Filed under: Accounting -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Acting -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Advaita -- Early works to 1800More items available under broader and related terms at left. |