Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- FictionSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Fiction
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Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Myths and Reality: The Mysterious Mr. Poe (Baltimore: Edgar Allan Poe Society, 1987), ed. by Benjamin Franklin Fisher (HTML at eapoe.org) Masques, Mysteries, and Mastodons: A Poe Miscellany (Baltimore: Edgar Allan Poe Society, 2006), ed. by Benjamin Franklin Fisher (HTML at eapoe.org) The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe, With Notices of His Life and Genius (2 volumes; New York: J. S. Redfield, 1850), by Edgar Allan Poe, contrib. by Nathaniel Parker Willis, James Russell Lowell, and Rufus W. Griswold (page images at HathiTrust) Mabbott as Poe Scholar: The Early Years (Baltimore: Edgar Allan Poe Society, 1980), by Maureen Cobb Mabbott (illustrated HTML at eapoe.org) Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography (New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1941), by Arthur Hobson Quinn (illustrated HTML with commentary at eapoe.org) Poe and the Southern Literary Messenger (Richmond, VA: Press of the Dietz Printing Co., 1934), by David Kelly Jackson, contrib. by J. H. Whitty (page images at HathiTrust) The Dreamer: A Romantic Rendering of the Life-Story of Edgar Allan Poe (Richmond, VA: Bell Book and Stationery Co., 1909), by Mary Newton Stanard (Gutenberg text) Edgar A. Poe: A Study (San Francisco: Printed by B. Brough, 1921), by John W. Robertson Poets of the South: A Series of Biographical and Critical Studies With Typical Poems, Annotated, by F. V. N. Painter (Gutenberg text) Poets of the South: A Series of Biographical and Critical Studies With Typical Poems, Annotated (New York et al.: American Book Co., c1903), by F. V. N. Painter Short Studies of American Authors (enlarged edition; Boston: Lee and Shepard; New York: C. T. Dillingham, 1888), by Thomas Wentworth Higginson Four Famous American Writers: Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor (1899), by Sherwin Cody (Gutenberg text) Four Famous American Writers: Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor (New York et al.: Werner School Book Co., c1899), by Sherwin Cody American Prose Masters: Cooper, Hawthorne, Emerson, Poe, Lowell, Henry James (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1909), by W. C. Brownell (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Appreciation
Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Appreciation -- Spanish-speaking countriesFiled under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Bibliography A Bibliography of First Printings of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Together With a Record of First and Later Printings of His Contributions to Annuals, Anthologies, Periodicals and Newspapers Issued During His Lifetime; Also Some Spurious Poeiana and Fakes (Hattiesburg, MS: The Book farm, 1940), by Charles F. Heartman and James R. Canny, contrib. by Kenneth Rede (page images at HathiTrust) A Guide to John Henry Ingram's Poe Collection, contrib. by John E. Reilly (HTML at Virginia) Material by and About Edgar Allan Poe to be Found in the Library of Columbia University (New York: Columbia Library, 1909), by Clara W. Bragg A Bibliography of First Printings of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Together With a Record of First and Contemporary Later Printings of His Contributions to Annuals, Anthologies, Periodicals and Newspapers Issued During His Lifetime; Also Some Spurious Poeana and Fakes (revised edition; Hattiesburg, MS: The Book farm, 1943), by Charles F. Heartman and James R. Canny (page images at HathiTrust) Edgar A. Poe: A Study (San Francisco: Printed by B. Brough, 1921), by John W. Robertson
Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- First editions -- Bibliography A Bibliography of First Printings of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Together With a Record of First and Contemporary Later Printings of His Contributions to Annuals, Anthologies, Periodicals and Newspapers Issued During His Lifetime; Also Some Spurious Poeana and Fakes (revised edition; Hattiesburg, MS: The Book farm, 1943), by Charles F. Heartman and James R. Canny (page images at HathiTrust) A Bibliographical Check-List of First Editions of Edgar Allan Poe (A Census of First Editions and Source Materials by Edgar Allan Poe in American Collections v1; 1932), by Charles F. Heartman and Kenneth Rede (page images at HathiTrust) A Bibliography of First Printings of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Together With a Record of First and Later Printings of His Contributions to Annuals, Anthologies, Periodicals and Newspapers Issued During His Lifetime; Also Some Spurious Poeiana and Fakes (Hattiesburg, MS: The Book farm, 1940), by Charles F. Heartman and James R. Canny, contrib. by Kenneth Rede (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- ChronologyFiled under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Correspondence The Collected Letters of Edgar Allan Poe (third edition, 2 volumes; New York: Gordian Press, 2008), by Edgar Allan Poe, ed. by John Ward Ostrom, Burton R. Pollin, and Jeffrey A. Savoye The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe (revised edition, 2 volumes; New York: Gordian Press, 1966), by Edgar Allan Poe, ed. by John Ward Ostrom Edgar Allan Poe Letters Till Now Unpublished, in the Valentine Museum, Richmond, Virginia (Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1925), by Edgar Allan Poe, ed. by Mary Newton Stanard (multiple formats at archive.org) Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Criticism and interpretation Masques, Mysteries, and Mastodons: A Poe Miscellany (Baltimore: Edgar Allan Poe Society, 2006), ed. by Benjamin Franklin Fisher (HTML at eapoe.org) On Poe: The Best From American Literature (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1993), ed. by Louis J. Budd and Edwin Harrison Cady (page images at HathiTrust) Poe and His Times: The Artist and His Milieu (Baltimore: Edgar Allan Poe Society, 1990), ed. by Benjamin Franklin Fisher (HTML at eapoe.org) Poe and Our Times: Influences and Affinities (Baltimore: Edgar Allan Poe Society, 1986), ed. by Benjamin Franklin Fisher (HTML at eapoe.org) Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Criticism, TextualFiled under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Friends and associatesFiled under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Influence
Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Knowledge -- CryptographyFiled under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Knowledge and learning
Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Manuscripts -- FacsimilesFiled under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc. Writings in The Broadway Journal: Nonfictional Prose (Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe v3 and 4; New York: Gordian Press, 1986), by Edgar Allan Poe, ed. by Burton R. Pollin Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Portraits
Filed under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 -- Translations into Spanish -- History and criticismFiled under: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Valley of unrest
Filed under: Fiction Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2006), by Lisa Zunshine (PDF at Ohio State) The Fiction Factory: Being the Experience of a Writer Who, for Twenty-Two Years, Has Kept a Story-Mill Grinding Successfully (published under "John Milton Edwards" pen name; Ridgewood, NJ: The Editor Company, c1912), by William Wallace Cook Last Lectures by Wilfrid Ward: Being the Lowell Lectures, 1914, and Three Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution, 1915 (London et al.: Longmans, Green, and co., 1918), by Wilfrid Ward, ed. by Mrs. Wilfrid Ward and Maisie Ward (multiple formats at archive.org) Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama: A Revised American Ed. of the Readers' Handbook (4 volumes; New York: S. Hess, 1892), by Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, ed. by Marion Harland (page images at Wisconsin) Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction, and the Drama: A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook (8 volumes; New York: S. Hess, 1892-1896), by Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, ed. by Marion Harland
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