Political prisoners -- Korea (North)See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Political prisoners -- Korea (North)
Filed under: Political prisoners -- Korea (North) -- History
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Filed under: Political prisoners
Filed under: Political prisoners -- Abuse of -- Moral and ethical aspects -- United StatesFiled under: Political prisoners -- Abuse of -- United States Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program, Together With Foreword by Chairman Feinstein, and Additional and Minority Views (redacted declassified summary version released 2014), by United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, contrib. by Dianne Feinstein, John D. Rockefeller, Ron Wyden, Mark Udall, Martin Heinrich, Angus King, Susan Collins, Saxby Chambliss, Richard M. Burr, James E. Risch, Daniel R. Coats, Marco Rubio, and Tom A. Coburn (PDF at senate.gov) The Report of the Constitution Project's Report on Detainee Treatment (Washington: Constitution Project, c2013), by Constitution Project Task Force on Detainee Treatment (PDF with commentary at detaineetaskforce.org) Filed under: Political prisoners -- AustriaFiled under: Political prisoners -- ChinaFiled under: Political prisoners -- Cuba
Filed under: Political prisoners -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Cuba -- Guantánamo Bay Naval Base
Filed under: Political prisoners -- England -- BiographyFiled under: O'Donovan Rossa, Jeremiah, 1831-1915
Filed under: Political prisoners -- France -- BiographyFiled under: Political prisoners -- Germany
Filed under: Political prisoners -- Germany -- Braunschweig
Filed under: Women political prisoners -- Great Britain -- BiographyFiled under: Political prisoners -- Great Britain -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Women political prisoners -- Great Britain -- CorrespondenceFiled under: Political prisoners -- IndonesiaFiled under: Political prisoners -- IranFiled under: Political prisoners -- Israel
Filed under: Political prisoners -- Italy -- BiographyFiled under: Political prisoners -- Lebanon
Filed under: Political prisoners -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- SyriaFiled under: Political prisoners -- LibyaFiled under: Political prisoners -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Political prisoners -- Poland
Filed under: Political prisoners -- Russia -- Biography The Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution: Reminiscences and Letters of Catherine Breshkovsky (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1917), by Ekaterina Konstantinovna Breshko-Breshkovskaia, ed. by Alice Stone Blackwell Filed under: Breshko-Breshkovskaia, Ekaterina Konstantinovna, 1844-1934 The Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution: Reminiscences and Letters of Catherine Breshkovsky (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1917), by Ekaterina Konstantinovna Breshko-Breshkovskaia, ed. by Alice Stone Blackwell
Filed under: Political prisoners -- South Africa -- Biography Escape from Pretoria, by Tim Jenkin Filed under: Jenkin, Tim Escape from Pretoria, by Tim Jenkin Filed under: Political prisoners -- Syria Deadly Detention: Deaths in Custody Amid Popular Protest in Syria (2011), by Amnesty International (PDF at amnesty.org) Syria, Smothering Freedom of Expression: The Detention of Peaceful Critics (2002), by Amnesty International (PDF at amnesty.org) Syria, Double Injustice: Prisoners of Conscience Detained Beyond Expiry of Their Sentences (1999), by Amnesty International (PDF at amnesty.org) Syria, Repression and Impunity: The Forgotten Victims (1995), by Amnesty International (PDF at amnesty.org) Syria: Long-Term Detention and Torture of Political Prisoners (1992), by Amnesty International (PDF at amnesty.org) Syria: An Amnesty International Briefing (1983), by Amnesty International (PDF at amnesty.org) Syria (AI briefing #16; 1979), by Amnesty International (PDF at amnesty.org) Syria, Caught in a Regional Conflict: Lebanese, Palestinian, and Jordanian Political Detainees in Syria (1999), by Amnesty International (PDF at amnesty.org) Filed under: Political prisoners -- United States Inquiry Into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody (redacted unclassified version; 2008), by United States Senate Committee on Armed Services An Open Letter to President Harding, by Industrial Workers of the World (PDF page images at MSU) Filed under: Political prisoners -- VenezualaMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |