Politics and governmentUse as a topical subdivision under names of countries, cities, etc. Also use under ethnic groups for the internal or self-government of the groups and/or the political activity of the group or its individual members. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Narrower terms:- Politics and government -- 18th century
- Politics and government -- 19th century
- Politics and government -- 20th century
- Politics and government -- 21st century
- Politics and government -- Philosophy
- Aboriginal Australians -- Politics and government
- Acholi (African people) -- Politics and government
- Acre (Israel) -- Politics and government
- Adelaide (S.A.) -- Politics and government
- Afghanistan -- Politics and government
- Africa -- Politics and government
- Africa, Central -- Politics and government
- Africa, East -- Politics and government
- Africa, Eastern -- Politics and government
- Africa, French-speaking Equatorial -- Politics and government
- Africa, French-speaking West -- Politics and government
- Africa, North -- Politics and government
- Africa, Northeast -- Politics and government
- Africa, Southern -- Politics and government
- Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Politics and government
- Africa, West -- Politics and government
- African Americans -- Politics and government
- Alabama -- Politics and government
- Alaska -- Politics and government
- Albania -- Politics and government
- Alberta -- Politics and government
- Algeria -- Politics and government
- America -- Politics and government
- Andes Region -- Politics and government
- Angola -- Politics and government
- Arab countries -- Politics and government
- Arabian Peninsula -- Politics and government
- Arabs -- Politics and government
- Arctic regions -- Politics and government
- Argentina -- Politics and government
- Arizona -- Politics and government
- Arkansas -- Politics and government
- Armenia (Republic) -- Politics and government
- Asia -- Politics and government
- Asia, Central -- Politics and government
- Athens (Greece) -- Politics and government
- Atlanta (Ga.) -- Politics and government
- Australia -- Politics and government
- Australian Capital Territory -- Politics and government
- Austria -- Politics and government
- Azerbaijan -- Politics and government
- Babylon (Extinct city) -- Politics and government
- Babylonia -- Politics and government
- Baden (Germany) -- Politics and government
- Balkan Peninsula -- Politics and government
- Baltimore (Md.) -- Politics and government
- Bavaria (Germany) -- Politics and government
- Belarus -- Politics and government
- Belgium -- Politics and government
- Bengal (India) -- Politics and government
- Bennington (Vt.) -- Politics and government
- Berlin (Germany) -- Politics and government
- Bhopal (Princely State) -- Politics and government
- Black Sea Coast (Turkey) -- Politics and government
- Black people -- Politics and government
- Bobigny (France) -- Politics and government
- Bohemia (Czech Republic) -- Politics and government
- Bolivia -- Politics and government
- Bophuthatswana (South Africa) -- Politics and government
- Boston (Mass.) -- Politics and government
- Botswana -- Politics and government
- Bougainville Island (Papua New Guinea) -- Politics and government
- Brandenburg (Germany : State) -- Politics and government
- Brazil -- Politics and government
- British Columbia -- Politics and government
- Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Politics and government
- Buguias (Philippines) -- Politics and government
- Bulgaria -- Politics and government
- Burgundy (France) -- Politics and government
- Burma -- Politics and government
- Byzantine Empire -- Politics and government
- Calgary (Alta.) -- Politics and government
- California -- Politics and government
- Cambodia -- Politics and government
- Canada -- Politics and government
- Canadian-American Border Region -- Politics and government
- Castilla y León (Spain) -- Politics and government
- Catalonia (Spain) -- Politics and government
- Ceará (Brazil : State) -- Politics and government
- Central America -- Politics and government
- Chicago (Ill.) -- Politics and government
- Chicago Metropolitan Area (Ill.) -- Politics and government
- Chile -- Politics and government
- China -- Politics and government
- Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government
- Coahuila and Texas (Mexico) -- Politics and government
- Colombia -- Politics and government
- Colorado -- Politics and government
- Columbus (Ohio) -- Politics and government
- Commonwealth countries -- Politics and government
- Communist countries -- Politics and government
- Confederate States of America -- Politics and government
- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Politics and government
- Connecticut -- Politics and government
- Cotabato City Region (Philippines) -- Politics and government
- Crespo (Venezuela) -- Politics and government
- Croatia -- Politics and government
- Cuba -- Politics and government
- Czech Republic -- Politics and government
- Czechoslovakia -- Politics and government
- Dallas (Tex.) -- Politics and government
- Dalmatia (Croatia) -- Politics and government
- Danube River Valley -- Politics and government
- Darfur (Sudan) -- Politics and government
- Delaware -- Politics and government
- Denmark -- Politics and government
- Dominican Republic -- Politics and government
- Duaca (Venezuela) -- Politics and government
- East Asia -- Politics and government
- Ecuador -- Politics and government
- Egypt -- Politics and government
- El Salvador -- Politics and government
- Eritrea -- Politics and government
- Essex County (N.Y.) -- Politics and government
- Eswatini -- Politics and government
- Europe -- Politics and government
- Europe, Central -- Politics and government
- Europe, Eastern -- Politics and government
- European Union countries -- Politics and government
- Falkland Islands -- Politics and government
- Fiji -- Politics and government
- Finland -- Politics and government
- Firozpur (India) -- Politics and government
- Florence (Italy) -- Politics and government
- Florida -- Politics and government
- Former Soviet republics -- Politics and government
- Former Yugoslav republics -- Politics and government
- France -- Politics and government
- Galveston (Tex.) -- Politics and government
- Gambia -- Politics and government
- Gaza Strip -- Politics and government
- Georgia (Republic) -- Politics and government
- Georgia -- Politics and government
- German Americans -- Politics and government
- Germany (East) -- Politics and government
- Germany (West) -- Politics and government
- Germany -- Politics and government
- Ghana -- Politics and government
- Great Britain -- Politics and government
- Greece -- Politics and government
- Greenland -- Politics and government
- Grenada -- Politics and government
- Guatemala -- Politics and government
- Guinea (Region) -- Politics and government
- Gulu District (Uganda) -- Politics and government
- Guyana -- Politics and government
- Haiti -- Politics and government
- Hannover (Germany : Province) -- Politics and government
- Hawaii -- Politics and government
- Hejaz (Saudi Arabia) -- Politics and government
- Hispanic Americans -- Politics and government
- Homelands (South Africa) -- Politics and government
- Hong Kong (China) -- Politics and government
- Hopi Indians -- Politics and government
- Hungary -- Politics and government
- Idaho -- Politics and government
- Illinois -- Politics and government
- India -- Politics and government
- Indian Territory -- Politics and government
- Indiana -- Politics and government
- Indians -- Politics and government
- Indians of Central America -- Politics and government
- Indians of Mexico -- Politics and government
- Indians of North America -- Politics and government
- Indigenous peoples -- Politics and government
- Indochina -- Politics and government
- Indonesia -- Politics and government
- Iowa -- Politics and government
- Iran -- Politics and government
- Iraq -- Politics and government
- Ireland -- Politics and government
- Iroquois Indians -- Politics and government
- Islamic Empire -- Politics and government
- Islamic countries -- Politics and government
- Islands -- Politics and government
- Israel -- Politics and government
- Italy -- Politics and government
- Japan -- Politics and government
- Java (Indonesia) -- Politics and government
- Jerusalem -- Politics and government
- Jews -- Politics and government
- Jordan -- Politics and government
- Kansas -- Politics and government
- Kazakhstan -- Politics and government
- Kentucky -- Politics and government
- Kenya -- Politics and government
- Kiribati -- Politics and government
- Kitgum District (Uganda) -- Politics and government
- Kolkata (India) -- Politics and government
- Korea (North) -- Politics and government
- Korea (South) -- Politics and government
- Korea -- Politics and government
- Korean Americans -- Politics and government
- Kurds -- Politics and government
- Kwazulu (South Africa) -- Politics and government
- Kyrgyzstan -- Politics and government
- Latin America -- Politics and government
- Latvia -- Politics and government
- Lebanon -- Politics and government
- Lesotho -- Politics and government
- Liberia -- Politics and government
- Libya -- Politics and government
- Lithuania -- Politics and government
- Livorno (Italy) -- Politics and government
- London (England) -- Politics and government
- Los Angeles (Calif.) -- Politics and government
- Louisiana -- Politics and government
- Lourmarin (France) -- Politics and government
- Maine -- Politics and government
- Manitoba -- Politics and government
- Martinique -- Politics and government
- Maryland -- Politics and government
- Massachusetts -- Politics and government
- Mayas -- Politics and government
- Mexican Americans -- Politics and government
- Mexico -- Politics and government
- Miami (Fla.) -- Politics and government
- Michigan -- Politics and government
- Micronesia (Federated States) -- Politics and government
- Micronesia -- Politics and government
- Middle East -- Politics and government
- Milwaukee (Wis.) -- Politics and government
- Minnesota -- Politics and government
- Mississippi -- Politics and government
- Missouri -- Politics and government
- Montana -- Politics and government
- Morocco -- Politics and government
- Multiracial people -- Politics and government
- Munich (Germany) -- Politics and government
- Nablus Region -- Politics and government
- Naples (Kingdom) -- Politics and government
- Nebraska -- Politics and government
- Nepal -- Politics and government
- Netherlands -- Politics and government
- Nevada -- Politics and government
- New Brunswick -- Politics and government
- New England -- Politics and government
- New Hampshire -- Politics and government
- New Jersey -- Politics and government
- New Mexico -- Politics and government
- New Orleans (La.) -- Politics and government
- New South Wales -- Politics and government
- New York (N.Y.) -- Politics and government
- New York (State) -- Politics and government
- New Zealand -- Politics and government
- Newfoundland and Labrador -- Politics and government
- Newly independent states -- Politics and government
- Nicaragua -- Politics and government
- Nigeria -- Politics and government
- Norfolk Island -- Politics and government
- Normandy (France) -- Politics and government
- North Carolina -- Politics and government
- Northern Ireland -- Politics and government
- Northern Mariana Islands -- Politics and government
- Northern Territory -- Politics and government
- Northwest Territories -- Politics and government
- Norway -- Politics and government
- Nova Scotia -- Politics and government
- Nunavut -- Politics and government
- Nyoro (African people) -- Politics and government
- Oceania -- Politics and government
- Ohio -- Politics and government
- Oklahoma -- Politics and government
- Ontario -- Politics and government
- Oregon -- Politics and government
- Oregon Territory -- Politics and government
- Pacific Area -- Politics and government
- Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) -- Politics and government
- Pakistan -- Politics and government
- Palestine -- Politics and government
- Palestinian Arabs -- Politics and government
- Papua (Indonesia) -- Politics and government
- Papua New Guinea -- Politics and government
- Paris Suburban Area (France) -- Politics and government
- Pennsylvania -- Politics and government
- Persian Gulf Region -- Politics and government
- Peru -- Politics and government
- Philadelphia (Pa.) -- Politics and government
- Philippines -- Politics and government
- Poland -- Politics and government
- Pompeii (Extinct city) -- Politics and government
- Portugal -- Politics and government
- Prince Edward Island -- Politics and government
- Prussia (Germany) -- Politics and government
- Puerto Rico -- Politics and government
- Punjab (India) -- Politics and government
- Qatar -- Politics and government
- Québec (Province) -- Politics and government
- Queensland -- Politics and government
- Rhode Island -- Politics and government
- Romania -- Politics and government
- Rome -- Politics and government
- Russia (Federation) -- Politics and government
- Russia -- Politics and government
- Russians -- Foreign countries -- Politics and government
- Rwanda -- Politics and government
- San Francisco (Calif.) -- Politics and government
- Saskatchewan -- Politics and government
- Saudi Arabia -- Politics and government
- Saxony (Germany) -- Politics and government
- Scotland -- Politics and government
- Seattle (Wash.) -- Politics and government
- Serbia -- Politics and government
- Shanghai (China) -- Politics and government
- Siberia (Russia) -- Politics and government
- Slovakia -- Politics and government
- Somalia -- Politics and government
- South Africa -- Politics and government
- South America -- Politics and government
- South Asia -- Politics and government
- South Australia -- Politics and government
- South Carolina -- Politics and government
- South Sudan -- Politics and government
- Southeast Asia -- Politics and government
- Southern States -- Politics and government
- Soviet Union -- Politics and government
- Spain -- Politics and government
- Sri Lanka -- Politics and government
- Sudan -- Politics and government
- Sumatra (Indonesia) -- Politics and government
- Surat (India) -- Politics and government
- Sweden -- Politics and government
- Syracuse (Italy) -- Politics and government
- Syria -- Politics and government
- Taiwan -- Politics and government
- Tajikistan -- Politics and government
- Tamil Nadu (India) -- Politics and government
- Tanzania -- Politics and government
- Tennessee -- Politics and government
- Tennessee, East -- Politics and government
- Texas -- Politics and government
- Thailand -- Politics and government
- Timor-Leste -- Politics and government
- Togo -- Politics and government
- Transkei (South Africa) -- Politics and government
- Transvaal (South Africa) -- Politics and government
- Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy) -- Politics and government
- Trinidad and Tobago -- Politics and government
- Tunisia -- Politics and government
- Turkey -- Politics and government
- Uganda -- Politics and government
- Ukraine -- Politics and government
- United States -- Politics and government
- Utah -- Politics and government
- Uzbekistan -- Politics and government
- Venezuela -- Politics and government
- Venice (Italy) -- Politics and government
- Vermont -- Politics and government
- Victoria -- Politics and government
- Vietnam (Republic) -- Politics and government
- Vietnam -- Politics and government
- Virginia -- Politics and government
- Washington (D.C.) -- Politics and government
- Washington (State) -- Politics and government
- West Bank -- Politics and government
- West Virginia -- Politics and government
- Western Australia -- Politics and government
- Western Sahara -- Politics and government
- Westphalia (Kingdom) -- Politics and government
- Wisconsin -- Politics and government
- Wyoming -- Politics and government
- Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China) -- Politics and government
- Yap (Micronesia) -- Politics and government
- Yugoslavia -- Politics and government
- Yukon -- Politics and government
- Zakarpatska oblast (Ukraine) -- Politics and government
- Zimbabwe -- Politics and government
- Zuni (N.M.) -- Politics and government
Used for:- Government and politics
- Political history
- Politics and suffrage
- Politics
Filed under: Aboriginal Australians -- Politics and government
Filed under: Acholi (African people) -- Politics and government
Filed under: Acre (Israel) -- Politics and government
Filed under: Adelaide (S.A.) -- Politics and government
Filed under: Afghanistan -- Politics and government
Filed under: Africa -- Politics and government- Africa, Soviet Imperialism and the Retreat of American Power (SD Papers #2, reprinted from Commentary; c1977), by Bayard Rustin and Carl Gershman (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Scarcity, Choice and Public Policy in Middle Africa (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), by Donald S. Rothchild and Robert L. Curry (HTML at UC Press)
- Britain, France and the Decolonization of Africa: Future Imperfect? (London: UCL Press, 2017), ed. by Andrew W. M. Smith and Chris Jeppesen (PDF with commentary at UCL Press)
- Africa: New Crises in the Making (Headline series #91; New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1952), by Harold R. Isaacs and Emory Ross (page images at HathiTrust)
- The New Map of Africa (1900-1916): A History of European Colonial Expansion and Colonial Diplomacy (New York: The Century Co., 1916), by Herbert Adams Gibbons
- Acte Général de la Conférence de Berlin (with its protocols, in French; ca. 1885), by Berlin West Africa Conference (1884-1885 : Berlin, Germany)
- African Anarchism: The History of a Movement, by Sam Mbah and I. E. Igariwey (HTML at theanarchistlibrary.org)
- King Leopold II: His Rule in Belgium and the Congo (London et al.: Cassell and Co., 1905), by John de Courcy MacDonnell
Filed under: Africa, North -- Politics and government
Filed under: Africa, Southern -- Politics and government
Filed under: African Americans -- Politics and government- Knocking the Hustle: Against the Neoliberal Turn in Black Politics (Brooklyn: Punctum Books, c2015), by Lester K. Spence (PDF with commentary at OAPEN)
- The Republic of New Africa Short Official Basic Documents (ca. 1968), by Republic of New Africa (Organization) (page images with commentary at Brown)
- The Color of Representation: Congressional Behavior and Black Interests (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c1997), by Kenny J. Whitby (page images at HathiTrust)
- Let Us Build a National Negro Congress (Washington: National Negro Congress, 1935), by John P. Davis (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Modern Philanthropy Illustrated: How They Tried to Make a White Man of a Negro Twenty-Five Hundred Years Ago; Will the Experiment Succeed Any Better Now? (1868) (multiple formats at archive.org)
- The Negro and Politics: Campaign of Nineteen Hundred and Ten, by Hannibal Democratic Club of Brooklyn
- The Negro as a Political Problem: Oration by the Hon. George W. Williams of Massachusetts at the Asbury Church, Washington, D.C., April 16, 1884 (Boston: A. Mudge and Son, printers, 1884), by George Washington Williams (multiple formats at archive.org)
- The Republican Party and the Afro-American: A Book of Facts and Figures (Washington: Republican National Committee, 1912), by Cyrus Field Adams
- Back to Barbarism (New York: American Defense Society, ca. 1923), by R. M. Whitney (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Colored American Republican Text Book: A Book of Facts and Figures, Showing What the Republican Party has Done for the Afro-American (Washington: Colored American Pub. Co., ca. 1900)
- Negroes Menaced by Red Plot (third edition; Charleston, SC: Grass Roots League, 1955) (page images at Preservica)
- The Case Against Taft and Roosevelt, From the Standpoint of the Colored Voters (Pamphlet #8; 1912), by National Independent Political League, Washington, D.C.
- A Common Destiny: Blacks and American Society, ed. by Gerald David Jaynes and Robin M. Williams (page images and partial HTML at NAP)
- The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1874), by James Shepherd Pike
- Zuid-Carolina Onder Negerbestuur: Eene Bijdrage tot de Kennis van Amerika (in Dutch; Doesborgh: R. v. Hinloopen Labberton, 1875), by James Shepherd Pike, trans. by B. Scholten (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Alabama -- Politics and government
Filed under: Algeria -- Politics and government
Filed under: America -- Politics and government- Affective Intellectuals and the Space of Catastrophe in the Americas (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2018), by Judith Sierra-Rivera (PDF at Ohio State)
- The Progress and Prospects of America: or, The Model Republic, Its Glory, Its Fall; With a Review of the Causes of the Decline and Failure of the Republics of South America, Mexico, and of the Old world; Applied to the Present Crisis in the United States (new edition; New York: E. Walker, ca. 1855), by Frederick Saunders and Thomas Bangs Thorpe (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Arabian Peninsula -- Politics and government- British Imperialism in Southern Arabia (Information paper #6; New York: Arab Information Center, 1958), by Arab Information Center Research Section
Filed under: Arctic regions -- Politics and government
Filed under: Argentina -- Politics and government
Filed under: Arizona -- Politics and government
Filed under: Armenia (Republic) -- Politics and government- Conditions in the Near East: Report of the American Military Mission to Armenia (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1920), by United States American Military Mission to Armenia, contrib. by James G. Harbord
Filed under: Asia -- Politics and government
Filed under: Asia, Central -- Politics and government
Filed under: Athens (Greece) -- Politics and government
Filed under: Atlanta (Ga.) -- Politics and government
Filed under: Australia -- Politics and government
More items available under narrower terms. |