Popes -- Teaching officeSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower term:Used for:- Magisterium Summi Pontificis
- Teaching office of the Popes
Filed under: Popes -- Infallibility- Acta et Decreta Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani, in Quatuor Prioribus Sessionibus (in Latin; Rome: Typ. Vaticana, 1872), by Vatican Council (1st : 1869-1870 : Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano), contrib. by Pope Pius IX (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Decrees of the Vatican Council (New York et al.: Benziger Bros., 1907), by Vatican Council (1st : 1869-1870 : Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano), ed. by Vincent McNabb (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Die Unfehlbarkeit des Papstes als Lehrer der Kirche und Dessen Beziehung zu Einem Allgemeinen Concilium (in German; Cincinnati and New York: Benziger Bros., 1869), by F. X. Weninger
- The Vatican Decrees in Their Bearing on Civil Allegiance (New York: Catholic Pub. Society, 1875), by Henry Edward Manning
- The Vatican Decrees in Their Bearing on Civil Allegiance: A Political Expostulation (London: J. Murray, 1874), by W. E. Gladstone (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Letter Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk on Occasion of Mr. Gladston's Recent Expostulation, by John Henry Newman (HTML at newmanreader.org)
- The Papacy and the Civil Power (New York: Harper, 1876), by Richard W. Thompson
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Popes- Our Glorious Popes (c1955), by Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- The History of Italy (1549) (abridged from Thomas's original; Ithaca, NY: Pub. for the Folger Shakespeare Library by Cornell University Press, 1963), by William Thomas, ed. by George Bruner Parks (page images at HathiTrust)
- A Discourse Preached Before the Synod of Montreal and Ottawa, May 9th, 1876 (Montreal: Printed by direction of Synod, 1876), by William Taylor (multiple formats at archive.org)
- The Mysteries of Popery Unveiled in the Unparalleled Sufferings of John Coustos at the Inquisition of Lisbon; To Which is Added The Origin of the Inquisition, and its Establishment in Various Countries, and The Master Key to Popery (Enfield, CT: P. Reynolds and E. Thompson, 1821), by John Coustos and Antonio Gavin
Filed under: Popes -- Biography- The Lives of the Popes, From the Accession of Gregory VII to the Death of Paul II (London: Griffin, Farran, Okeden and Welsh, n.d.), by Platina, ed. by William Benham (multiple formats at archive.org)
- The Lives of the Popes, From the Time of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the Accession of Gregory VII (London: Griffin and Farran, n.d.), by Platina, ed. by William Benham (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Pageant of the Popes (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1942), by John Farrow (HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com)
Filed under: Popes -- Biography -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Popes -- Chronology- Regesten der Kaiser und Päpste für die Jahre 311 bis 476 n. Chr. (in German; Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1919), by Otto Seeck
Filed under: Palace of the Popes (Avignon, France) -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Popes -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Popes -- FictionFiled under: Popes -- LegendsFiled under: Popes -- Primacy- The Primacy of the Apostolic See, and the Authority of General Councils, Vindicated in a Series of Letters Addresses to the Right Rev. J. H. Hopkins, D.D. (Philadelphia: J. Kay, et al., 1838), by Francis Patrick Kenrick (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Die Unfehlbarkeit des Papstes als Lehrer der Kirche und Dessen Beziehung zu Einem Allgemeinen Concilium (in German; Cincinnati and New York: Benziger Bros., 1869), by F. X. Weninger
- Du Pape, et de Ses Droits Religieux à l'Occasion du Concordat (2 volumes in 1, in French; Paris: Crapart, Caille et Ravier, 1803), by Abbé Barruel (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Roma Ruit: The Pillars of Rome Broken (new edition, revised by Hardwick; Cambridge: J. and J. Deighton; London: J. W. Parker, 1847), by Francis Fullwood and Charles Hardwick (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Popes -- Primacy -- Controversial literatureFiled under: Popes -- Primacy -- History of doctrinesFiled under: Popes -- Temporal power- Impero e Papato Nella Tradizione Giuridica Bolognese e Nel Diritto Pubblico Italiano del Rinascimento (Sec. XIV-XV) (in Italian, as issued in Atti e memorie della R. Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Romagna; Bologna: Presso la R. Deputazione de Storia Patria, 1911), by Francesco Ercole
- American Catholics and the Roman Question (New York et al.: Benziger Brothers, 1892), by Joseph Schroeder
- The Roman Question (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1859), by Edmond About, trans. by Henry C. Coape
- The Papacy and the Civil Power (New York: Harper, 1876), by Richard W. Thompson
- Roma Ruit: The Pillars of Rome Broken (new edition, revised by Hardwick; Cambridge: J. and J. Deighton; London: J. W. Parker, 1847), by Francis Fullwood and Charles Hardwick (multiple formats at archive.org)
Filed under: Popes -- Temporal power -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Bulls, Papal- Bullarium Patronatus Portugalliae Regum in Ecclesiis Africae, Asiae Atque Oceaniae: Bullas, Brevia, Epistolas, Decreta Actaque Sanctae Sedis ab Alexandro III ad hoc Usque Tempus Amplectens (5 volumes (3 main, 2 appendices), mainly in Latin; Lisbon: Ex Typographia Nationali, 1868-1879), by Catholic Church, ed. by Levy Maria Jordão (page images at HathiTrust)
- Die Älteren Papsturkunden des Erzbistums Hamburg: Eine Diplomatische Untersuchung (in German; Hamburg and Leipzig: L. Voss, 1909), by F. Curschmann
Filed under: Papacy -- History- Pageant of the Popes (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1942), by John Farrow (HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com)
- The Popes Condemn Anti-Semitism (New York: Council Against Intolerance in America, ca. 1939), by Maurice S. Sheehy (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Finance Capital in Papal Robes: A Challenge (New York: Friends of the Soviet Union, ca. 1930), by Nikolaĭ Bukharin, trans. by Moissaye J. Olgin (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Popery, the Foe of the Church, and of the Republic (Philadelphia et al.: Peoples Pub. Co., 1871), by Joseph S. Van Dyke
- Popery, the Foe of the Church, and of the Republic (Philadelphia et al.: Peoples Pub. Co., 1872), by Joseph S. Van Dyke (page images at MOA)
- Sulla Soglia del Vaticano, 1870-1901 (2 volumes, in Italian; Bologna: N. Zanichelli, 1920), by Guiseppe Manfroni, ed. by Camillo Manfroni
Filed under: Papacy -- History -- Sources- The Book of the Popes (Liber Pontificalis), I: To the Pontificate of Gregory I (no more volumes known to be published in this edition; New York: Columbia University Press, 1916), ed. by Louise Ropes Loomis (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Le Liber Pontificalis: Texte, Introduction et Commentaire (2 volumes, in French and Latin; Paris: E. Thorin, 1886-1892), ed. by L. Duchesne
- Bullarum Diplomatum et Privilegiorum Sanctorum Romanorum Pontificum, Taurinensis Editio (25 volumes in Latin; 1857-1872), by Catholic Church, ed. by Luigi Tomassetti, contrib. by Francesco Gaude, Luigi Bilio, and Charles Cocquelines (multiple formats at HathiTrust and archive.org)
- Codex Documentorum Sacratissimarum Indulgentiarum Neerlandicarum: Verzameling van Stukken Betreffende de Pauselijke Aflaten in de Nederlanden (1300-1600) (in Latin; The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1922), by Paul Frédéricq
- Regestum Clementis Papae V: Ex Vaticanis Archetypis Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Leonis XIII Pontificis Maximi Iussu et Munificentia (10 volumes in 8, in Latin; Rome: Typ. Vaticana, 1885-1892)
- Bullarium Patronatus Portugalliae Regum in Ecclesiis Africae, Asiae Atque Oceaniae: Bullas, Brevia, Epistolas, Decreta Actaque Sanctae Sedis ab Alexandro III ad hoc Usque Tempus Amplectens (5 volumes (3 main, 2 appendices), mainly in Latin; Lisbon: Ex Typographia Nationali, 1868-1879), by Catholic Church, ed. by Levy Maria Jordão (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Papal courts- Diarium Sive Rerum Urbanarum Commentarii (1483-1506) (in Latin with notes in French; 3 volumes; Paris: E. Leroux, 1883-1885), by Johann Burchard, ed. by Louis Thuasne
- The Diary of John Burchard of Strasburg, Bishop of Orta and Civita Castellana, Pontificial Master of Ceremonies to Their Holinesses, Sixtus P.P. IV., Innocent P.P. VIII., Alexander, P.P. VI.; Pius, P.P. III., and Julius P.P. II., A.D. 1483-1506 (only volume 1 of this edition (covering 1483-1492) was published; London: F. Griffiths, 1910), by Johann Burchard, ed. by Arnold Harris Mathew (multiple formats at archive.org)
- Liber Notarum, ab Anno MCCCCLXXXIII Usque ad Annum MDVI (in Latin and Italian; 14 parts bound in 3 volumes; 1906-1914), by Johann Burchard, ed. by Enrico Celani (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Liber Notarum, ab Anno MCCCCLXXXIII Usque ad Annum MDVI (in Latin and Italian; 2 volumes in Rerum Italicarum Scriptores series, 1906-ca. 1914), by Johann Burchard, ed. by Enrico Celani
- Pope Alexander VI and His Court: Extracts From the Latin Diary of Johannes Burchardus (New York: Nicholas L. Brown, 1921), by Johann Burchard, ed. by F. L. Glaser
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