Postal service -- SwedenSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Postal service -- Sweden -- Fiction
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Postal service -- United States -- Automation
Filed under: Postal service -- Censorship -- United States
Filed under: Railway mail service -- Confederate States of America Correspondence Between the President of the Virginia Central Rail Road Company and the Postmaster General, in Relation to Postal Services (Richmond, VA: Printed by Ritchie and Dunnavant, 1864), by Virginia Central Railroad Company
Filed under: Postal service -- Employees -- Fiction Mike Flannery On Duty and Off (New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1909), by Ellis Parker Butler, illust. by G. C. Widney (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Mike Flannery On Duty and Off (New York: A. L. Burt Co., 1909), by Ellis Parker Butler, illust. by G. C. Widney (page images at HathiTrust) Mike Flannery On Duty and Off (Toronto: Musson Book Co., 1909), by Ellis Parker Butler, illust. by G. C. Widney (multiple formats at
Filed under: Postal service -- England -- History -- 19th century -- Fiction
Filed under: Postal service -- France -- DirectoriesFiled under: Postal service -- Great Britain
Filed under: Postal service -- Great Britain -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Postal service -- Russia -- History
Filed under: Postal service -- Law and legislation -- United StatesFiled under: Postal service -- Rome Das Nachrichtenwesen des Altertums, mit Besonderer Rücksicht auf die Römer (in German; Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1913), by Wolfgang Riepl Filed under: Postal service -- United States List of Post Offices in the United States (1859), by United States Post Office Department (page images at MOA) Report to Hon. A. V. Brown, Postmaster-General, on the Opening and Present Condition of the United States Overland Mail Route Between San Antonio, Texas, and San Diego, California, by Isaiah Churchill Woods (page images at MOA) Ten Years Among the Mail Bags (Philadelphia: H. Cowperthwait and Co., 1855), by James Holbrook (page images at MOA) The Panama Route, 1848-1869 (University of California Publications in History v29; Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1943), by John Haskell Kemble (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Filed under: Mail steamers -- United States Report of the Naval Committee to the House of Representatives, August, 1850, In Favor of the Establishment of a Line of Mail Steamships to the Western Coast of Africa, and Thence Via the Mediterranean to London (Washington: Gideon and Co., 1850), by United States House Committee on Naval Affairs Filed under: Parcel post -- United States The Express Companies of the United States: A Study of a Public Utility (New York: Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 1919), by Bertram Benedict, contrib. by Harry W. Laidler Filed under: Postal service -- West (U.S.)Filed under: Pony express
Filed under: Sweden A General View of Sweden (London: Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1790), by J.-P. Catteau-Calleville
Filed under: Sweden -- Description and travel
Filed under: Sweden -- Emigration and immigration
Filed under: Sweden -- Fiction The Holy City: Jerusalem II (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1918), by Selma Lagerlöf, trans. by Velma Swanston Howard (multiple formats at Jerusalem: A Novel (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1916), by Selma Lagerlöf, trans. by Velma Swanston Howard, contrib. by Henry Goddard Leach (multiple formats at Married, by August Strindberg (Gutenberg text) The Emperor of Portugallia, by Selma Lagerlöf, trans. by Velma Swanston Howard (Gutenberg text) Gösta Berling's Saga (2 volumes; New York: American-Scandinavian Foundation, et al., 1918), by Selma Lagerlöf, trans. by Lillie Tudeer and Velma Swanston Howard
Filed under: Sweden -- History A Journey Through Sweden, Containing a Detailed Account of its Population, Agriculture, Commerce, and Finances; To Which is Added an Abridged History of the Kingdom, and of the Different Forms of Government (London: Printed for G. Kearsley, ca. 1790), by I. F. Henry Drevon, trans. by William Radcliffe A Journey Through Sweden, Containing a Detailed Account of its Population, Agriculture, Commerce, and Finances; To Which is Added an Abridged History of the Kingdom, and of the Different Forms of Government (Dublin: Printed for Graisberry and Campbell for P. Byrne et al., 1790), by I. F. Henry Drevon, trans. by William Radcliffe
Filed under: Sweden -- History, Military
Filed under: Sweden -- Juvenile fiction
Filed under: Sweden -- Social life and customs
Filed under: Sweden -- Statistics, Vital
Filed under: Birka Site (Sweden)
Filed under: Africa -- Commerce -- SwedenFiled under: Africa, Southern -- Foreign relations -- SwedenFiled under: Baptists -- Sweden The Baptists in Sweden (Philadelphia: American Baptist publication society, ca. 1860), by Maria Frances Anderson Filed under: Bee culture -- SwedenFiled under: Botany -- Sweden Sveriges Flora (Fanerogamerna) (in Swedish; Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1901), by Leopold Martin Neuman and Fredrik Elias Ahlfvengren Filed under: Children of immigrants -- SwedenFiled under: Education -- SwedenFiled under: Fairy tales -- Sweden Fairy Tales From the Swedish of Baron G. Djurklou (London: W. Heinemann, 1901), by Nils Gabriel Djurklou, trans. by H. L. Braekstad, illust. by Theodor Kittelsen, Erik Theodor Werenskiold, and Carl Larsson (multiple formats at Sagor och Äfventyr, Berättade på Svenska Landsmål (in Swedish; Stockholm: C. E. Fritze, 1883), by Nils Gabriel Djurklou, illust. by Carl Larsson Pictures of Sweden (London: R. Bentley, 1851), by H. C. Andersen
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