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Filed under: Predestination -- Early works to 1800 The Treasure of Trueth Touching the Grounde Worke of Man His Salvation, and Chiefest Pointes of Christian Religion, With a Briefe Summe of the Comfortable Doctrine of God His Providence, Comprised in 38 Short Aphorismes (with added treatises by Foxe and Gilby; London: J. Charlewood, 1576), by Théodore de Bèze, trans. by John Stockwood, contrib. by John Foxe and Anthony Gilby (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination Stated and Asserted (New York: G. Linsday, 1811), by Girolamo Zanchi, ed. by Augustus Toplady (multiple formats at The Tractatus de Praedestinatione et de Praescientia Dei et de Futuris Contingentibus of William Ockham, Edited With a Study on the Mediaeval Problem of a Three-Valued Logic (Franciscan Institute Publications #2; Tractatus in Latin and commentary in English; St. Bonaventure, NY: St. Bonaventure College, 1945), by William of Ockham, ed. by Philotheus Boehner (page images at HathiTrust) Tractatus theologicus de gratia Christi salvatoris ac de praedestinatione sanctorum. : In sex libros distributus. ([Place of publication not identified], 1781), by Pierre Sébastien Gourlin and Bon François Rivière (page images at HathiTrust) Censures de plusieurs théologiens de Rome, contre l'extrait d'un sermon prêché dans l'église cathédrale d'Auxerre, pendant le carême de 1757 ([Place of publication not identified], 1758) (page images at HathiTrust) A collection of tracts concerning predestination and providence, and the other points depending on them. (Printed at the University press, 1719), by Laurence Womock, Christopher Potter, John Plaifere, and Thomas Goad (page images at HathiTrust) A discourse concerning : I. The true import of the words election and reprobation ... II. The extent of Christ's redemption. III. The grace of God ... IV. The liberty of the will ... V. The perseverance or defectibility of the saints ... (Printed for John Wyat ..., 1710), by Daniel Whitby (page images at HathiTrust) Zodiacus Christianus locupletatus (Apud Cornel. ab Egmond [i.e. Amsterdam : Blaeu], 1632), by Jeremias Drexel and Raphael Sadeler (page images at HathiTrust) Gods love to man-kinde : manifested by dis-proving His absolute decree for their damnation. (Printed for John Clark, 1658), by Samuel Hoard (page images at HathiTrust) Christians zodiake (Printed for William Willson, 1647), by Jeremias Drexel (page images at HathiTrust) Zodiacvs Christianvs, das ist Christelicher Himmelcirckel (Bey Raphaël Sadeler, 1624), by Jeremias Drexel, Raphael Sadeler, and Thomas Kern (page images at HathiTrust) Œuvres complètes de Blaise Pascal. (Hachette, 1880), by Blaise Pascal and Madame Perier (page images at HathiTrust) Commentaria ac disputationes in primam partem Diui Thomae, de Deo vno et trino (Ex officina typographica Balthasari Lippij :, 1607), by Francisco Suárez, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Hermann Mylius, Balthasar Lipp, and Jesuit Residence of Enghien (Belgium) (page images at HathiTrust) Calvin's Calvinism ... (Wertheim and Macintosh, 1856), by Jean Calvin, Calumniator, and Henry P. Cole (page images at HathiTrust) Zodiacvs Christianvs locupletatus, seu, Signa XII. divinae praedestinationis (Apud Cornel. ab Egmond, 1634), by Jeremias Drexel and Raphael Sadeler (page images at HathiTrust) Vander verworpelinghen, of Godes predestinatie door sijn verlatinghe ende noodtdrang, ende nyet door der menschen zonden, oorsake is van yemants eeuwighe verdoemenisse. Derde ghesprake tusschen ghereformeerde Calvinist, ende D. Demostenes. ([publisher not identified], 1611), by D. V. Coornhert (page images at HathiTrust) Een corte ende eenvoudige antwoorde op vier poincten, by Doctor Iacob Arminius in syn leven tegen ghesproken ... aengaende de predestinatie Godts. met een kordt ondersoeck, van vier poincten by Doctor Iacob Arminius hier tegen ghestelt, handelende vande predestinatie Godts na syn verstant ... maer hier teghens wort bewesen dat de oprechte leere vande eeuwighe predestinatie Godts zulcx is die altydts inde Ghereformeerde Kercke hier te landen ghe-leert is ... (voor Jan Wolfferssz, 1611), by Jacobus Arminius (page images at HathiTrust) Vande oorsaken der sonden, ende dat de mensch niet tot der zonde ghedwonghen en is, oock noch niet ghedwonghen en wordt, &c. (Matthijs Bastiaenssen, 1611), by Philip Melanchthon (page images at HathiTrust) Tractaet van de alghemeyne, ofte allen menschen salighe ghenade (Matthys Bastiaenssz, 1611), by Niels Hemmingsen (page images at HathiTrust) An essay on the origin of evil (Cambridge : Printed for W. Thurlbourn & J. Woodyer, 1758., 1758), by William King and Edmund Law (page images at HathiTrust) An essay on the origin of evil (Cambridge : Printed for William Thurlbourn, 1739., 1739), by William King and Edmund Law (page images at HathiTrust) Vindication of the Divine decrees of election and reprobation : being the substance of several sermons on Rom. ix. 6-24 ; preached at Pulham-Margaret in Norfolk. (London : Printed for John. Marshall and Joseph Marshall, 1720., 1720), by John Rutland, Thomas Ridgley, and Henry Haggar (page images at HathiTrust) An Answere to a great number of blasphemous cavillations written by an Anabaptist, and adversarie to God's eternall predestination. (London : Imprinted for Thomas Charde, 1591., 1591), by John Knox (page images at HathiTrust) Concerning the election of Grace, or of Gods will towards man : commonly called predestination ... (London : Printed by John Streater for Giles Calvert [etc.], 1655., 1655), by Jakob Böhme and Puritan Collection of English and American Literature (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust) The doctrine of absolute predestination stated and asserted : translated, in great measure, from the Latin of Jerom Zanchius ; with some account of his life prefixed ; and an appendix concerning the fathe of the ancients ; also a caveat against unsound doctrines (Perth : Printed by R. Morison, 1793., 1793), by Girolamo Zanchi and Augustus Toplady (page images at HathiTrust) A careful and strict enquiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of will : which is supposed to be essential to moral agency, vertue and vice, reward and punishment, praise and blame (Boston, N.E. : Printed and sold by S. Kneeland ..., 1754., 1754), by Jonathan Edwards and James R. Tanis Collection (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust) A Vindication of gospel-truth, and refutation of some dangerous errors, in relation to that important question, whether there be promises of the bestowment of special grace, made in Scripture to the unregenerate, on condition of any endeavours, strivings, or doings of theirs whatsoever? (Boston : Rogers and Fowle, 1747., 1747), by Jedidiah Mills and Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets (Princeton Theological Seminary) (page images at HathiTrust) Brief traité de la predestination : avec l'Eschantillon de la doctrine de Calvin sur le mesme suiet ; et La response a M. de la Grace et autres questions de theologie. (Saumur : Isaac Desbordes, 1658., 1658), by Moïse Amyraut (page images at HathiTrust) Istoria teologica delle dottrine e delle opinioni : corse ne'cinque primi secoli della chiesa in proposito della divina grazia, del libero arbitrio, e della predestinazione : nella quale con particolar diligenza si raccolgono i sentimenti in queste materie de Sant' Agostino : e per la quale vien' ad apparire quanto opposte alla cattlica tradizione sien le proposizioni dalla Bolla Unigenitus condannate, e quanto vane le difese in lor favore addotte : si aggiungono alcuni opuscoli ecclesiastici dell'autor medisimo con importanti anecdoti in membrane antichissime rinvenuti. (Per Gianbattista Parone, stampatore episcopale ;, 1742), by Scipione Maffei, Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, Francesco Zucchi, and Pope Clement XI (page images at HathiTrust) A sermon of predestination preached at Saint Maries in Oxford: by Ri: Crakanthorp. (London : Printed [by George Purslowe] for Iohn Teage, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard, at the signe of the Golden Ball, 1620), by Richard Crakanthorpe (HTML at EEBO TCP) An apologie, or defence, of those Englishe writers [and] preachers which Cerberus the three headed dog of hell, chargeth wyth false doctrine, vnder the name of predestination. Written by Robert Crowley clerke, and vicare of Sainct Giles without Creple-gate in London (Imprinted at London : In Paternoster Rowe, at the signe of the blacke boy, by [H. Denham for] Henry Binneman, Anno 1566. Octobris. 14), by Robert Crowley (HTML at EEBO TCP) The opening of heauen gates, or The ready way to euerlasting life Deliuered in a most familier dialogue, betweene reason and religion, touching predestination, Gods word, and mans free-will, to the vnderstanding of the weakest capacitie, and the confirming of the more strong. By Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God, at South-Shoobery in Essex. (Imprinted at London : [By G. Eld] for Iohn Wright, and are to bee sold at his shoppe at Christ-Church gate, 1610), by Arthur Dent (HTML at EEBO TCP) A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the sixt of February. 1596 In which are discussed these three conclusions. 1 It is not the will of God that all men should be saued. 2 The absolute will of God, and his secret decree from all eternitie is the cause why some are predestined to saluation, others to destruction, and not any foresight of faith, or good workes in the one, or infidelitie, neglect, or contempt in the other. 3 Christ died not effectually for all. By Iohn Doue, Doctor of Diuinitie. ([London] : Printed by T. C[reede] for R. Dexter, 1597), by John Dove (HTML at EEBO TCP) The paraselene dismantled of her cloud, or, Baxterianism barefac'd drawn from a literal transcript of Mr. Baxter's, and the judgment of others, in the most radical doctrines of faith, compar'd with those of the Orthodox, both conformist and nonconformist, and transferr'd over by way of test, unto the Papist and Quaker / by Thomas Edwards ... (London : Printed, and sold by Will. Marshal ... and John Marshal ..., 1699), by Thomas Edwards (HTML at EEBO TCP) An answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cauillations written by an Anabaptist, and aduersarie to Gods eternal predestination. And confuted by Iohn Knox, minister of Gods worde in Scotland. Wherein the author so discouereth the craft and falshode of that sect, that the godly knowing that error, may be confirmed in the trueth by the euident Worde of God ([Geneva] : Printed by Iohn Crespin, M.D.LX. [1560]), by John Knox (HTML at EEBO TCP) A treatise of Mr. Cottons clearing certaine doubts concerning predestination together with an examination thereof / written by William Twisse ... (London : Printed by J.D. for Andrew Crook, and are to be sold at his shop ..., 1646), by William Twisse (HTML at EEBO TCP) Free will. ([London: s.n., ca. 1540]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) The middle way of predetermination asserted. Between the Dominicans and Jesuites, Calvinists and Arminians, or, A scriptural enquiry into the influence and causation of God in and unto humane actions; expecially such as are sinfull. (London, : Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, at the Bible and three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside., 1679), by John Humfrey, Richard Baxter, and W. M. (HTML at EEBO TCP) A discourse concerning the period of humane life, whether mutable or immutable by the author of The duty of man laid down in express words of Scripture. (London : Printed by H.C. for Enoch Wyer ..., 1677), by Richard Allestree and R. E. (HTML at EEBO TCP) A defence and continuation of the Discourse concerning the period of humane life being a reply to a late answer, entituled A letter to a gentleman, &c. : to which is added, an appendix wherein several objections urged in private are considered, and Mr. Gales severe, but groundless charge is examined. (London : Printed, and are to be sold by Enoch Wyer, 1678), by Richard Allestree (HTML at EEBO TCP) Zweyte Schutz-Schrift wieder Balthasar Tilken. English (London : Printed by M.S. for Giles Calvert ..., 1661), by Jakob Böhme and John Sparrow (HTML at EEBO TCP) Summa totius Christianismi. English (At London : Printed for Tho: Man, 1613), by Théodore de Bèze and William Whittingham (HTML at EEBO TCP) Certayne sermons of the ryghte famous and excellente clerk master Barnardine Ochine, borne within the famous vniuersitie of Siena in Italy, now also an exyle in this lyfe, for the faithful testimony of Iesus Christe. Faythfully translated into Englyshe (Imprinted at London : By Jhon Day: dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneth S. Martins. These bookes are to bee solde at hys shop in Chepesyde, by the Litle Counduit at the sygne of the Resurrection. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Per septenium, [1551?]), by Bernardino Ochino, Anne Cooke Bacon, and Richard Argentine (HTML at EEBO TCP) A case of conscience the greatest taht [sic] euer was, how a man may know, whether he be the son of God or no. Resolued by the vvord of God. Whereunto is added a briefe discourse, taken out of Hier. Zanchius. (Edinburgh : Printed by Robert VValde-graue, printer to the K. Majestie, 1592), by William Perkins and Girolamo Zanchi (HTML at EEBO TCP) Selections ([Cambridge] : Printed by Iohn Legat, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, 1600), by William Perkins and Théodore de Bèze (HTML at EEBO TCP) Heautontimoroumenos, or, The self-revenger exemplified in Mr. William Barlee. By way of rejoynder to the first part of his reply, viz. the unparallel'd variety of discourse in the two first chapters of his pretended vindication. (The second part of the rejoynder to the second part of his reply being purposely designed to follow after by it self, for reasons shortly to be alledged.) Wherein are briefly exhibited, amongst many other things, the rigidly-Presbyterian both principles and practice. A vindication of Grotius from Mr. Baxter. of Mr. Baxter from Mr. Barlee. of Episcopal divines from both together. To which is added an appendage touching the judgement of the right Honourable and right Reverend Father in God, Iames Lord primate of Armagh, and metropolitan of Ireland, irrefragably attested by the certificates of Dr. Walton, Mr. Thorndike, and Mr. Gunning, sent in a letter to Doctor Bernard. By Thomas Pierce Rector of Brington. (London : printed by R. Daniel, for Richard Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-Lane, M DC LVIII. [1658]), by Thomas Pierce, Peter Gunning, Herbert Thorndike, and Brian Walton (HTML at EEBO TCP) A centurie of divine meditations upon predestination and its adjuncts wherein are shewed the comfortable uses of this doctrine : to which are annexed sixteen meditations upon Gods justice and mercy / Alexander Ross. (London : Printed by James Young, 1646), by Alexander Ross (HTML at EEBO TCP) Testis veritatis the doctrine [brace] of King Iames our late soueraigne of famous memory, of the Church of England, of the Catholicke Church : [brace] plainely shewed to bee one in the points of [brace] pradestination, free-will, certaintie of saluation [brace] : with a discouery of the grounds [brace] naturall, politicke [brace] of Arminianisme / by F. Rous. (Printed at London : By W.I., 1626), by Francis Rous (HTML at EEBO TCP) A sober letter, touching predestination and obduration. Sent to a minister in the city of Bristol. (London : printed for Jonathan Robinson, at the Golden Lyon, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1679) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Fouretene sermons of Barnardine Ochyne, concernyng the predestinacion and eleccion of god: very expediente to the settynge forth of hys glorye among hys creatures. Translated out of Italian in to oure natyve younge by A.C. ([Imprinted at London : By John Day dwellynge ouer Aldersgate, [and] Wylliam Seres, dwellyng in Peter Colledge. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, [1551?]]), by Bernardino Ochino and Anne Cooke Bacon (HTML at EEBO TCP) Evident display of Popish practises, or patched Pelagianisme. (At London : Imprinted by Ralph Newberie, and Henry Bynnyman, Anno. 1578), by Théodore de Bèze and William Hopkinson (HTML at EEBO TCP) The middle-way in one paper of election & redemption, with indifferency between the Arminian & Calvinist / by Jo. H. (London : Printed for L. Parkhurst ..., 1673), by John Humfrey (HTML at EEBO TCP) De redemptione generis humani. (At London : Imprinted by Felix Kingston for Humfrey Lovvnes, 1598), by Jacobus Kimedoncius and Hugh Ince (HTML at EEBO TCP) A treatise of particular predestination vvherein ar[e] answered three letters. 1. Tending to disprove particular predestination. 2. To shew the contradiction betwixt Christ dying for all, and Gods election of some. 3. To prove that the soule doth not come from the parent, and consequently that there is no originall sinne. By Thomas Lamb. (London : s.n.], printed in the yeare, 1642), by Thomas Lamb (HTML at EEBO TCP) Of predestination [and] election made by Joh[a]n Lamberd minister of the church of Elham. Anno M.D.L. ([Prynted at Ca[n]torbury : In saynt Paules parysh by J. Mychell, [1550?]]), by John Lambert (HTML at EEBO TCP) Truths in a true light, or, A pastoral letter to the reformed Protestants in Barbados vindicating the Non-Conformists from the misrepresentations commonly made of them, in that island and other places : and demonstrating that they are indeed the truest and soundest part of the Church of England / from Francis Mackemie. (Edinbvrgh : Printed by the successors of Andrew Anderson, 1699), by Francis Mackemie (HTML at EEBO TCP) Manasseh ben-Israel, of the term of life. (London : printed for W. Whitwood at the Rose and Crown in Little-Brittain, 1700), by Manasseh ben Israel (HTML at EEBO TCP) Fruteful treatise of predestination, and of the devyne providence of god. ([Imprynted at London : By Ihon Tisdale dwelling in knighte Riders streate, neare to the Quenes Wardroppe, [1561]]), by John Véron (HTML at EEBO TCP) Against fre wil men. ([Imprinted at London : By John Tisdale, and are to be sold at his shop in Lombard streate, [1561]]), by John Véron (HTML at EEBO TCP) The result of false principles, or, Error convicted by its own evidence managed in several dialogues / by the author of the Examination of Tylenus before the tryers ; whereunto is added a learned disputation of Dr. Goades, sent by King James to the Synod at Dort. (London : Printed for William Leake ..., 1661), by Laurence Womock and Thomas Goad (HTML at EEBO TCP) Gods arraignement of hypocrites with an inlargement concerning Gods decree in ordering sinne. As likewise a defence of Mr. Calvine against Bellarmine; and of Mr. Perkins against Arminius. ([Cambridge] : Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, 1615), by John Yates (HTML at EEBO TCP) An Antidote against some principal errors of the predestinarians a work designed for the information of the common people. (London : Printed for Richard Cumberland ..., 1696) (HTML at EEBO TCP) A practicall discourse concerning Gods decrees. In two parts. The first concerning mans unfitnesse to dispute against the decrees of God: out of Rom. 9.20. The second tending to assert and cleare Gods absolute election of a limited and certaine number unto eternall life: out of Acts 13:48. By Edvvard Bagshavve st. of Ch. Ch. (Oxford : printed by Hen. Hall printer to the University for Tho. Robinson, 1659), by Edward Bagshaw (HTML at EEBO TCP) A necessary vindication of the doctrine of predestination, formerly asserted together with a full abstersion of all calumnies, cast upon the late correptory correction ... / by William Barlee ... (London : Printed for George Sawbridge ..., 1658), by William Barlee (HTML at EEBO TCP) A commentarie vpon the first chapter of the epistle of Saint Paul, written to the Ephesians Wherein, besides the text fruitfully explained: some principall controuersies about predestination are handled, and diuers arguments of Arminius are examined. By Mr. Paul Bayne, sometimes preacher of Gods word at Saint Andrevves in Cambridge. (London : Printed by Thomas Snodham, for Robert Milbourne, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Beare, 1618), by Paul Baynes (HTML at EEBO TCP) A whip for the lecturers of Lewis, and for all those Presbyterians, and others of the clergy which maintain that damnable opinion of absolute reprobation, according to the sense of the within written paper. With an exact copy of two several letters sent unto the the said lecturers, wherein the author desires satisfaction concerning the said opinion, with an answer to one of the said letters, being a true copy also. / By Edward Choune ... (London, : Printed for the Author, and are to be sold at Mr. Richard Dodsons shop, a Goldsmith at Lewis, near the Market-house in Sussex., 1657), by Edward Choune (HTML at EEBO TCP) The Doctrine of the Presbyterians reduced into practise. Whereby it is demonstratively proved, that it can neither convert an infidel, amend a profane person, nor comfort an a[ffli]cted. That it overturneth the profitable preaching of the Word, the use of the sacraments, and exercise of prayers. (London : [s.n.], [Pri]nted in the Year, 1647) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Truths vindication of election, and reprobation Wherein is shewed, Christ the cause of election; sin the cause of reprobation. The iustice of God is likewise cleared from that which is layd upon him by many; (namely) that some shall one day be damned for unbelief, and yet he never gave a Christ for them to beleeve in. Most of the strongest objections that scriptures or reason can make, answered. By William Fouler minister of the gospel at Ingworth in Norffolk. (London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by Thomas Mathews at the Cock in Pauls Church-yard, 1652), by William Fowler (HTML at EEBO TCP) Prædestination, as before privately, so now at last openly defended against post-destination. In a correptorie correction, given in by way of answer to, a (so called) correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees, especially of reprobation; published the last summer, by Mr. T.P. in which correct copy of his, he left so much of pelagianisme, massilianisme, arminianisme uncorrected, as Scripture, antiquity, the Church of England, schoolmen, and all orthodox neotericks will exclaime against to his shame, as is manifestly evinced, / by William Barlee, rector of Brock-hole in Northamptonshire. To which are prefixed the epistles of Dr. Edward Reynolds, and Mr. Daniel Cawdrey. (London, : Printed by W.H. for George Sawbridge, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate Hill, neer Fleet Bridge, 1656. [i.e. 1657]), by William Barlee, Edward Reynolds, and Daniel Cawdrey (HTML at EEBO TCP) De causa Dei, or, A vindication of the common doctrine of Protestant divines concerning predetermination i.e., the interest of God as the first cause, in all the actions, as such, of all rational creatures, from the invidious consequences with which it is burdened by Mr. John Howe in a late letter and postscript of God's prescience / by T.D. (London : Printed for R. Roberts and are to be sold by Walter Davis ..., 1678), by Thomas Danson (HTML at EEBO TCP) Animadversions upon a treatise intitled, Gods love to mankind written by ... Iohn, Lord Bishop of Sarisbvry. (Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : Printed by Roger Daniel ..., and are to be sold by Andrew Crooke ..., 1641), by John Davenant (HTML at EEBO TCP) Zodiacus Christianus locupletatus. English (London : Printed for William Willson, 1647), by Jeremias Drexel (HTML at EEBO TCP) A spiritual repository containing Godly meditations demonstrated by 12 signs of our adoption to eternal glory / by H. Drexelius ; and now translated into English by R.W. of Trinity College Cambridge. (London : Printed by R.B. to be sold by most booksellers, 1676), by Jeremias Drexel (HTML at EEBO TCP) The foundation of the faythfull In a sermon deliuered at Paules Crosse the 17. of Ianuarie. 1610. By Samuel Gardiner, Doctor of Diuinitie. (Imprinted at London : By W.W[hite] for T. Manne, 1611), by Samuel Gardiner (HTML at EEBO TCP) Stimluus [sic] orthodoxus, sive Goadus redivivus A disputation partly thological, partly metaphysical, concerning the necessity and contingency of events in the world, in respect of Gods eternal decree. Written above twenty years since by that reverend and learned divine, Thomas Goad, doctor of divinity, and rector of Hadleigh in Suffolk. (London : printed for William Leak, at the Crown in Fleet-street, between tvvo Temple Gates, 1661), by Thomas Goad (HTML at EEBO TCP) Milk for babes in Christ: or Meditations, observations, and experiences. Divers cases of consceince resolved. The glorious priviledges of them that are Christs, with the way to know whether we are of that blessed number. Also, election before the foundation of the world asserted, and the faith of Gods elect, what it is: together with Christs compassions to sinners. / By Martin Fynch, a weak labourer in the Lords harvest, in Lincolnshire. (London, : Printed for Tho. Brewster, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the three Bibles, at the west-end of Pauls., 1653), by Martin Finch (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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